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Silver Age Appearance List |
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RABIN, DR. Red-haired female medical doctor and ally of the Night Force. ===================================================================== Night Force (first series) #1 [August 1982] Night Force (first series) #4 [November 1982] Night Force (first series) #5 [December 1982] Night Force (first series) #7 [February 1983] Night Force (first series) #8 (first story) [March 1983] RACER (Arthur Arthurson) Member of Professor Amos Fortune's Luck League. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #151 [February 1978] the RACCOON KIDS ===================================================================== Movietown's Animal Antics #28 (first story) [September/October 1950] RADIATION ROY Bald-headed radiation-generating member of the 30th century Legion of Super-Villains. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #372 [September 1968] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #1 [August 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #2 [September 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #3 [October 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #4 [November 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #5 [December 1984] RADIATOR Energy-generating villain of the Dial "H" for Hero kids. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #487 (first story) [November 1981] RAG DOLL (Peter Merkel) of EARTH-2 A triple-jointed Earth-2 criminal and foe of that world's Flash. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #26 [October 1983] All-Star Squadron Annual #2 [1983] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Justice League of America #195 [October 1981] Justice League of America #196 [November 1981] Justice League of America #197 [December 1981] Swamp Thing (second series) #46 [March 1986] RAGMAN (Rory Regan) Junkyard owner turned vigilante after the death of his father. ===================================================================== Brave and the Bold (first series) #196 [March 1983] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Infinity, Inc. #22 [January 1986] Ragman (first series) #1 [August/September 1976] Ragman (first series) #2 [October/November 1976] Ragman (first series) #3 [December/January 1977] Ragman (first series) #4 (first story) [February/March 1977] Ragman (first series) #4 (second story) [February/March 1977] Ragman (first series) #5 [June/July 1977] Red Tornado #3 [September 1985] Swamp Thing (second series) #46 [March 1986] RAHANI Wise alien from the planet Saturn. ===================================================================== Jemm, Son of Saturn #3 [November 1984] RAINBOW RAIDER I (Doc Quin) Multi-colored villain of H-Dialer Robby Reed. ===================================================================== House of Mystery #167 (first story) [June 1967] RAINBOW RAIDER II One-time alias of JONATHAN KENT used to aid Superboy. RAINBOW RAIDER III One-time alias of MARTHA KENT, mother to Superboy. RAINBOW RAIDER IV (Vic Munster) Small-time jewel thief that took advantage of the Rainbow Raider persona to commit crimes. ===================================================================== Superboy (first series) #164 (second story) [April 1970] RAINBOW RAIDER V (Roy G. Bivolo) Color blind artist-turned-criminal capable of manipulating the spectrum. ===================================================================== Brave and the Bold (first series) #194 [January 1983] Flash (first series) #286 [June 1980] Flash (first series) #298 (first story) [June 1981] Flash (first series) #299 (first story) [July 1981] Flash (first series) #300 [August 1981] Flash (first series) #332 [April 1984] Flash (first series) #348 [August 1985] Flash (first series) #349 [September 1985] Flash (first series) #350 [October 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #175 [April 1984] World's Finest Comics (first series) #244 (second story) [April/May 1977] RALSA Kryptonian criminal that pretended to be Superboy's real mother. ===================================================================== New Adventures of Superboy #27 (first story) [March 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #28 (first story) [April 1982] RAMIREZ, JAKE ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #173 (first story) [February 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #174 [March 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #175 [April 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #178 (first story) [July 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #180 (first story) [September 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #185 (first story) [February 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #186 [March 1985] RAMONE, ROSA Sister to the Justice Leaguer Vibe who dated her brother's teammmate Steel. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #234 [January 1985] Justice League of America #241 [August 1985] Justice League of America #244 [November 1985] Justice League of America Annual #2 [1984] RAMULUS of EARTH-2 Master of plants and member of the Monster Society of Evil. Also used the alias Nightshade. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #51 [November 1985] All-Star Squadron #53 [January 1986] All-Star Squadron #54 [February 1986] Wanted: The World's Most Dangerous Villains #9 (second story) [August/September 1973][reprint] RANZZ, GRAYM Son of 30th century Legionnaires Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl. ===================================================================== Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) Annual #3 [1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #3 [October 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #10 [May 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #11 (first story) [June 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #12 (first story) [July 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #12 (second story) [July 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #14 [September 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #16 [November 1985] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #321 [March 1985] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #325 [July 1985] RANZZ, MR. and MRS. Parents of the 30th century Legionnaires Lightning Lad and Lightning Lass as well as the villainous Lightning Lord. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #356 (first story) [May 1967] Secret Origins (first series) #6 (first story) [January/February 1974][reprint] RA'S AL GHUL The "Demons' Head," Ra's is an eternal, shadowy man trying to subjugate the world with his League of Assassins. ===================================================================== Brave and the Bold (first series) #159 [February 1980] DC Special Series #15 (second story) [Summer 1978][reprint] Detective Comics #448 [June 1975] RATH Alongside his brothers Abnegazar and Ghast, one of the Demons Three. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #10 [March 1962] Justice League of America #11 [May 1962] Justice League of America #35 [May 1965] Justice League of America #85 (first story) [November/December 1970][reprint] Justice League of America #85 (second story) [November/December 1970][reprint] Justice League of America #146 [September 1977] Justice League of America #147 [October 1977] Justice League of America #206 [September 1982] RAVAGER (Grant Wilson) Son of and agent for Deathstroke the Terminator. ===================================================================== New Teen Titans (first series) #1 [November 1980] New Teen Titans (first series) #2 [December 1980][death] the RAVAGERS Blue, furry, savage aliens that repeatedly challenged Green Lantern Hal Jordan. ===================================================================== Flash (first series) #242 (second story) [June 1976] Flash (first series) #243 (second story) [August 1976] RAVEN I (Joey Makk) Criminal inspired by a raven a la Batman. ===================================================================== Hawkman (first series) #17 (first story) [December/January 1967] RAVEN II Empathic female member of the New Teen Titans. ===================================================================== Action Comics #536 (first story) [October 1982] Action Comics #546 [August 1983] Batman and the Outsiders #5 [December 1983] DC Challenge #9 [July 1986] DC Challenge #10 [August 1986] New Teen Titans (first series) insert [October 1980] New Teen Titans (first series) #1 [November 1980] New Teen Titans (first series) #2 [December 1980] New Teen Titans (first series) #3 [January 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #4 [February 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #5 [March 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #6 [April 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #7 [May 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #8 [June 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #9 [July 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #10 [August 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #11 [September 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #12 [October 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #13 [November 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #14 [December 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #15 [January 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #16 [February 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #17 [March 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #18 [April 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #19 [May 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #20 (first story) [June 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #20 (second story) [June 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #21 [July 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #22 [August 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #23 [September 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #24 [October 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #25 [November 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #26 [December 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #27 [January 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #28 [February 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #29 [March 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #30 [April 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #31 [May 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #32 [June 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #33 [July 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #34 [August 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #35 [October 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #36 [November 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #37 [December 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #39 [February 1984] New Teen Titans (first series) #40 [March 1984] New Teen Titans (first series) Annual #1 [1982] New Teen Titans (first series) Annual #2 [1983] New Teen Titans (second series) #1 [August 1984] New Teen Titans (second series) #2 [October 1984] New Teen Titans (second series) #3 [November 1984] New Teen Titans (second series) #4 [January 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #5 [February 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #14 [Novemer 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) Annual #1 [1985] New Teen Titans Drug Awareness giveaway #1 [1983] New Teen Titans Drug Awareness giveaway #2 [1983] New Teen Titans Drug Awareness giveaway #3 [1983] Tales of the New Teen Titans #1 [June 1982] Tales of the New Teen Titans #2 [July 1982] Tales of the New Teen Titans #3 [August 1982] Tales of the New Teen Titans #4 [September 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #41 [April 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #42 [May 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #43 [June 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #45 [August 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #46 [September 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #47 [October 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #48 [November 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #50 [February 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #56 [August 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans Annual #3 [1984] Wonder Woman (first series) #287 (first story) [January 1982] Wonder Woman (first series) #293 [July 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #300 [February 1984] RAWLINS, RICK Corpsmember of Jeb Stuart's Haunted Tank. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 [June 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 [July 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] G.I. Combat #105 (first story) [April/May 1964] G.I. Combat #107 (first story) [August/September 1964] G.I. Combat #111 (first story) [April/May 1965] G.I. Combat #124 (first story) [June/July 1967] G.I. Combat #129 (first story) [April/May 1968] G.I. Combat #131 (first story) [August/September 1968] G.I. Combat #132 (first story) [October/November 1968] G.I. Combat #134 (first story) [February/March 1969] G.I. Combat #141 (first story) [April/May 1970] G.I. Combat #142 (first story) [June/July 1970] G.I. Combat #143 (first story) [August/September 1970] G.I. Combat #155 (first story) [August/September 1972] G.I. Combat #156 (first story) [October/November 1972] G.I. Combat #160 (first story) [April 1973] G.I. Combat #163 (first story) [August 1973] G.I. Combat #164 (first story) [September 1973] G.I. Combat #166 (first story) [November 1973] G.I. Combat #175 (first story) [January/February 1975] G.I. Combat #181 (first story) [August 1975] G.I. Combat #182 (first story) [September 1975] G.I. Combat #183 (first story) [October 1975] G.I. Combat #190 (first story) [May 1976] G.I. Combat #193 (first story) [August 1976] G.I. Combat #195 (first story) [October 1976] G.I. Combat #201 (first story) [April/May 1977] G.I. Combat #201 (sixth story) [April/May 1977] G.I. Combat #201 (eighth story) [April/May 1977] G.I. Combat #202 (first story) [June/July 1977] G.I. Combat #202 (fourth story) [June/July 1977] G.I. Combat #202 (sixth story) [June/July 1977] G.I. Combat #202 (seventh story) [June/July 1977] G.I. Combat #223 (first story) [November 1980] G.I. Combat #223 (fourth story) [November 1980] G.I. Combat #223 (sixth story) [November 1980] G.I. Combat #241 (first story) [May 1982] G.I. Combat #241 (sixth story) [May 1982] G.I. Combat #242 (first story) [June 1982] G.I. Combat #242 (sixth story) [June 1982] G.I. Combat #245 (first story) [September 1982] G.I. Combat #245 (fifth story) [September 1982] G.I. Combat #246 [October 1982] G.I. Combat #249 (first story) [January 1983] G.I. Combat #249 (fifth story) [January 1983] G.I. Combat #250 (first story) [February 1983] G.I. Combat #250 (fifth story) [February 1983] G.I. Combat #251 (first story) [March 1983] G.I. Combat #251 (fifth story) [March 1983] G.I. Combat #255 (first story) [July 1983] G.I. Combat #257 (first story) [September 1983] G.I. Combat #257 (fifth story) [September 1983] G.I. Combat #258 (first story) [October 1983] G.I. Combat #258 (fifth story) [October 1983] G.I. Combat #267 (first story) [July 1984] G.I. Combat #270 (first story) [October 1984] G.I. Combat #271 (first story) [November 1984] G.I. Combat #273 (first story) [January 1985] G.I. Combat #274 (first story) [February 1985] G.I. Combat #279 (first story) [September 1985] G.I. Combat #279 (fourth story) [September 1985] G.I. Combat #280 (first story) [November 1985] G.I. Combat #280 (fifth story) [November 1985] RAY (Lanfor "Happy" Terrill) of EARTH-2/EARTH-X Born on Earth-2, the Ray, a master of light and heat, was a member of the All-Star Squadron before moving to Earth-X with the Freedom Fighters. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #501 (fifth story) [July 1983][reprint] All-Star Squadron #31 [March 1984] All-Star Squadron #32 [April 1984] All-Star Squadron #33 [May 1984] All-Star Squadron #34 [June 1984] All-Star Squadron #35 [July 1984] All-Star Squadron #50 [October 1985] Black Lightning (first series) #11 (second story) [September/October 1978] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #6 [September 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 [October 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] DC Comics Presents #62 [October 1983] Freedom Fighters #1 [March/April 1976] Freedom Fighters #2 [May/June 1976] Freedom Fighters #3 [July/August 1976] Freedom Fighters #4 [September/October 1976] Freedom Fighters #6 [January/February 1977] Freedom Fighters #7 [March/April 1977] Freedom Fighters #8 [May/June 1977] Freedom Fighters #9 [July/August 1977] Freedom Fighters #10 [September/October 1977] Freedom Fighters #11 [November/December 1977] Freedom Fighters #12 [January/February 1978] Freedom Fighters #13 [March/April 1978] Freedom Fighters #14 [May/June 1978] Freedom Fighters #15 [July/August 1978] Justice League of America #107 [September/October 1973] Justice League of America #108 [November/December 1973] New Teen Titans (second series) #13 [October 1985] RAYMOND, EDWARD Father of Ronnie Raymond, half of the composite hero known as Firestorm. ===================================================================== Firestorm the Nuclear Man #2 [April 1978] Firestorm the Nuclear Man #4 [August/September 1978] Firestorm the Nuclear Man #5 [October/November 1978] Fury of Firestorm #1 [June 1982] Fury of Firestorm #3 [August 1982] Fury of Firestorm #7 [December 1982] Fury of Firestorm #13 [June 1983] Fury of Firestorm #15 [August 1983] Fury of Firestorm #16 [September 1983] Fury of Firestorm #20 [February 1984] Fury of Firestorm #29 [November 1984] Fury of Firestorm #30 [December 1984] Fury of Firestorm #32 [February 1985] Fury of Firestorm #33 [March 1985] Fury of Firestorm #34 [April 1985] Fury of Firestorm #35 [May 1985] Fury of Firestorm #38 [August 1985] Fury of Firestorm #40 [October 1985] Fury of Firestorm Annual #1 [1983] Fury of Firestorm Annual #2 [1984] Fury of Firestorm Annual #3 [1985] RAYMOND, JOAN Friend to Linda Danvers (aka Supergirl). ===================================================================== Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #1 (first story) [November 1982] Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #2 (first story) [December 1982] Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #3 (first story) [January 1983] Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #6 (first story) [April 1983] Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #8 (first story) [June 1983] Supergirl (second series) #14 [December 1983] Supergirl (second series) #16 [February 1984] Supergirl (second series) #17 [March 1984] Supergirl (second series) #19 [May 1984] Supergirl (second series) #20 [June 1984] Supergirl (second series) #22 [August 1984] Supergirl (second series) #23 [September 1984] RAYMOND, ROY TV Detective and host of the television show "Impossible-- But True." ===================================================================== Action Comics #448 (first story) [June 1975] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] DC Comics Presents #32 (second story) [April 1981] Detective Comics #255 (second story) [November 1955] Justice League of America #144 [July 1977] World's Finest Comics (first series) #158 (second story) [June 1966][reprint] REACTRON (Ben Krullen) Former US Army sergeant transformed into a human nuclear reactor and enemy of Tempest II and Supergirl. ===================================================================== Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #8 (first story) [June 1983] Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #9 (first story) [July 1983] REAGAN, RONALD Former actor and president of the United States. ===================================================================== Action Comics #514 (first story) [December 1980] Action Comics #526 (first story) [December 1981] Batman and the Outsiders #14 [October 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #15 [November 1984] DC Comics Presents #62 [October 1983] Justice League of America #228 [July 1984] Justice League of America #229 [August 1984] Justice League of America #230 [September 1984] Superman (first series) #387 [September 1983] REAL AMERICAN of EARTH-2 Hate-spewing robot who served to incite riots in Detroit during Earth-2's World War II. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #38 [October 1984] All-Star Squadron #39 [November 1984] All-Star Squadron #40 [December 1984] RED ("Red" Dugan) of EARTH-2 One third of American agents Red, White and Blue. ===================================================================== All-Star Comics #1 (eighth story) [Summer 1940] All-Star Comics #2 (fifth story) [Fall 1940] RED BEE (Richard "Rick" Raleigh) of EARTH-2/EARTH-X Assistant district attorney who used trained bees to combat crime and eventually joined the ill-fated Freedom Fighters. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #31 [March 1984] All-Star Squadron #32 [April 1984] All-Star Squadron #33 [May 1984] All-Star Squadron #34 [June 1984] All-Star Squadron #35 [July 1984][death] Hit Comics #1 (fourth story) [July 1940] RED DART (John "Midas" Mallory) Green Arrow foe armed with trick darts. ===================================================================== Action Comics #513 (second story) [November 1980] RED DEATH (Hal Kramer) Lame student-turned-villain of the "H"-Dialers Chris King and Vicki Grant. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #479 (second story) [March 1981] RED HOOD Alias for the JOKER in his first appearance. RED PANZER (Helmut Strucker) of EARTH-2 Nazi general and enemy to the Earth-2 Wonder Woman. ===================================================================== DC Special #29 [August/September 1977] RED STAR (Leonid Kovar) Formerly the first Starfire, the Red Star is a hero for the Soviet Union. ===================================================================== Action Comics #551 [January 1981] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] New Teen Titans (first series) #18 [April 1982] Teen Titans (first series) #18 [November/December 1968] RED TORNADO I ("Ma" Hunkle) of EARTH-2 ===================================================================== All-Star Comics #3 [Winter 1940] RED TORNADO II ("John Smith") of EARTH-2/EARTH-1 Robotic hero created by the evil T.O. Morrow and member of both the Justice Society and the Justice League. ===================================================================== Action Comics #480 [February 1978] Action Comics #546 [August 1983] All-Star Squadron #53 [January 1986] Best of DC Digest #31 (second story) [December 1982][reprint] Best of DC Digest #31 (third story) [December 1982][reprint] Best of DC Digest #31 (fourth story) [December 1982][reprint] Brave and the Bold (first series) #153 [August 1979] Brave and the Bold (first series) #172 (first story) [March 1981] Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 [July 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 [November 1985] DC Comics Presents #7 [March 1979] DC Comics Presents #42 (first story) [February 1982] DC Comics Presents #43 [March 1982] DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest #11 (first story) [July 1981][reprint] DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest #11 (third story) [July 1981][reprint] Fury of Firestorm #4 [September 1982] Justice League of America #64 [August 1968] Justice League of America #65 [September 1968] Justice League of America #72 [June 1969] Justice League of America #73 [August 1969] Justice League of America #74 [September 1969] Justice League of America #82 [August 1970] Justice League of America #83 [September 1970] Justice League of America #100 [August 1972] Justice League of America #102 [October 1972] Justice League of America #105 [May 1973] Justice League of America #106 [July/August 1973] Justice League of America #107 [September/October 1973] Justice League of America #108 [November/December 1973] Justice League of America #109 [January/February 1974] Justice League of America #110 (first story) [March/April 1974] Justice League of America #112 (first story) [July/August 1974] Justice League of America #114 (first story) [November/December 1974] Justice League of America #117 [April 1975] Justice League of America #118 [May 1975] Justice League of America #119 [June 1975] Justice League of America #121 [August 1975] Justice League of America #127 [February 1976] Justice League of America #129 [April 1976] Justice League of America #145 [August 1977] Justice League of America #146 [September 1977] Justice League of America #149 [December 1977] Justice League of America #150 [January 1978] Justice League of America #151 [February 1978] Justice League of America #152 [March 1978] Justice League of America #153 [April 1978] Justice League of America #155 [June 1978] Justice League of America #156 [July 1978] Justice League of America #157 [August 1978] Justice League of America #158 [September 1978] Justice League of America #159 [October 1978] Justice League of America #160 [November 1978] Justice League of America #161 [December 1978] Justice League of America #162 [January 1979] Justice League of America #163 [February 1979] Justice League of America #164 [March 1979] Justice League of America #165 [April 1979] Justice League of America #166 [May 1979] Justice League of America #167 [June 1979] Justice League of America #168 [July 1979] Justice League of America #169 [August 1979] Justice League of America #170 [September 1979] Justice League of America #171 [October 1979] Justice League of America #172 [November 1979] Justice League of America #174 [January 1980] Justice League of America #175 [February 1980] Justice League of America #176 [March 1980] Justice League of America #179 [June 1980] Justice League of America #180 [July 1980] Justice League of America #189 [April 1981] Justice League of America #190 [May 1981] Justice League of America #192 [July 1981] Justice League of America #193 [August 1981] Justice League of America #195 [October 1981] Justice League of America #200 [March 1982] Justice League of America #202 [May 1982] Justice League of America #209 [December 1982] Justice League of America #210 [January 1983] Justice League of America #211 [February 1983] Justice League of America #212 [March 1983] Justice League of America #213 [April 1983] Justice League of America #214 [May 1983] Justice League of America #215 [June 1983] Justice League of America #216 [July 1983] Justice League of America #217 [August 1983] Justice League of America #218 [September 1983] Justice League of America #219 [October 1983] Justice League of America #220 [November 1983] Justice League of America #224 [March 1984] Justice League of America #226 [May 1984] Justice League of America #227 [June 1984] Justice League of America #228 [July 1984] Justice League of America #229 [August 1984] Justice League of America #230 [September 1984] Justice League of America Annual #1 [1983] Justice League of America Annual #2 [1984] Justice League of America Annual #3 [1985][destroyed] Limited Collector's Edition #C-41 (first story) [December/January 1976] Red Tornado #1 [July 1985] Red Tornado #2 [August 1985] Red Tornado #3 [September 1985] Red Tornado #4 [October 1985] Super Powers (second series) #1 [September 1985] Super Powers (second series) #2 [October 1985] Super Powers (second series) #6 [February 1986] Supergirl (second series) #20 [June 1984] Superman (first series) #387 [September 1983] Wonder Woman (first series) #300 [February 1983] World's Finest Comics (first series) #262 (fourth story) [April/May 1980] World's Finest Comics (first series) #264 (third story) [August/September 1980] World's Finest Comics (first series) #265 (fourth story) [October/November 1980] World's Finest Comics (first series) #266 (third story) [December/January 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #267 (third story) [February/March 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #268 (third story) [April/May 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #269 (fourth story) [June/July 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #270 (fourth story) [August 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #272 (fourth story) [October 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #300 [February 1984] World's Finest Comics (first series) #302 (second story) [April 1984] RED TORPEDO of EARTH-2/EARTH-X ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #31 [March 1984] All-Star Squadron #32 [April 1984][death] REED, GREGORY Star of stage and screen, the lead actor in the Superman movies, and a pal of Big Blue. ===================================================================== Action Comics #414 (first story) [July 1972] Action Comics #468 (first story) [February 1977] Action Comics #469 (first story) [March 1977] Action Comics #470 [April 1977] Action Comics #474 (first story) [August 1977] DC Comics Presents Annual #4 [1985] Secret Society of Super-Villains #7 [May/June 1977] REED, ROBBY Discoverer of a mysterious artifact that gave him super powers when he dialed "H" for hero. ===================================================================== House of Mystery #167 (first story) [June 1967] New Adventures of Superboy #49 (second story) [January 1984] REENA (Irina) Mistress to Rex Rogan who was transformed into a cat creature. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #221 [December 1983] Justice League of America #222 [January 1984] Justice League of America #223 [February 1984] REFLECTO Temporary 30th century alias for SUPERBOY. REGULATOR (Barnabas Boulton) Embittered and deranged scientist with the power to control rats that fought Black Lightning and the Justice League. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #173 [December 1979] Justice League of America #174 [January 1980][death] REILLY, EDWARD "ED" of EARTH-2 Irish Earth-2 senator and father to the second Firebrand. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #44 [April 1985][death] Police Comics #1 (first story) [August 1941] REILLY, WALTER Senator and father of Firehawk Lorraine Reilly. ===================================================================== Fury of Firestorm #1 [June 1982] Fury of Firestorm #2 [July 1982] Fury of Firestorm #5 [October 1982] Fury of Firestorm #6 [November 1982] Fury of Firestorm #14 [July 1983] Fury of Firestorm #15 [August 1983] Fury of Firestorm #16 [September 1983] Fury of Firestorm #17 [October 1983] Fury of Firestorm #18 [November 1983] Fury of Firestorm #20 [February 1984] Fury of Firestorm #21 [March 1984] Fury of Firestorm #25 [July 1984] Fury of Firestorm #26 [August 1984] Fury of Firestorm #27 [September 1984] Fury of Firestorm #31 [January 1985] Fury of Firestorm #36 [June 1985] Fury of Firestorm Annual #1 [1983] RE-IS-HAZZ Captain of the 9th century sailing ship Karama and ally of Arak and his band of travellers. ===================================================================== Arak, Son of Thunder #44 [May 1985] Arak, Son of Thunder #45 [June 1985] Arak, Son of Thunder #46 [July 1985] Arak, Son of Thunder #47 [August 1985] Arak, Son of Thunder #48 [September 1985] Arak, Son of Thunder #49 [October 1985] Arak, Son of Thunder #50 [November 1985] REM the DREAM MERCHANT Elfin villain with the power to control dreams. ===================================================================== World's Finest Comics (first series) #319 [September 1985] World's Finest Comics (first series) #320 [October 1985] RENNA Black-haired beauty who fought alongside, and sometimes against Jinal Ne'Comarr on the Barren Earth. ===================================================================== Conqueror of the Barren Earth #1 [February 1985] Conqueror of the Barren Earth #2 [March 1985] Conqueror of the Barren Earth #3 [April 1985] Conqueror of the Barren Earth #4 [May 1985] Warlord (first series) #68 (second story) [April 1983] Warlord (first series) #70 (second story) [June 1983] Warlord (first series) #72 (second story) [August 1983] Warlord (first series) #73 (second story) [September 1983] Warlord (first series) #76 (second story) [December 1983] Warlord (first series) #78 (second story) [February 1984] Warlord (first series) #80 (second story) [April 1984] Warlord (first series) #81 (second story) [May 1984] Warlord (first series) #82 (second story) [June 1984] Warlord (first series) #83 (second story) [July 1984] Warlord (first series) #84 (second story) [August 1984] Warlord (first series) #86 (second story) [October 1984] RENWARD, CORY Young kid adopted by the Kent family for a while who eventually grew up to be a government agent. ===================================================================== New Adventures of Superboy #19 (first story) [July 1981] Superman (first series) #369 [March 1982] Superman (first series) #389 [November 1983] REPLICON ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #108 (first story) [September 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #192 [September 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #193 [October 1985] RETROROCKET Airborne thief defeated by the Dynamic Duo and Hawkman. ===================================================================== Super Powers (first series) #1 [July 1984] REVENGER (Norman Grimes) ===================================================================== Karate Kid #3 [July/August 1976][death] REVERE, TOM of EARTH-2 Guardsman of the Liberty Bell in Earth-2's Philadelphia who rings the bell when Liberty Belle needs her power boost. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #1 [September 1981] All-Star Squadron #2 [October 1981] All-Star Squadron #33 [May 1984] All-Star Squadron #42 [February 1985] All-Star Squadron #45 [May 1985] REVERSE-FLASH (Eobard Thawne) Also known as Professor Zoom, Thawne came from the 25th century to use his keen mind and super-speed against the Flash. ===================================================================== DC Comics Presents #1 [July/August 1978] DC Comics Presents #2 [September/October 1978] Flash (first series) #186 [March 1969] Flash (first series) #233 (first story) [May 1975] Flash (first series) #281 [January 1980] Flash (first series) #282 [February 1980] Flash (first series) #283 [March 1980] Flash (first series) #284 [April 1980] Flash (first series) #300 [August 1981] Flash (first series) #321 (first story) [March 1983] Flash (first series) #322 (first story) [June 1983] Flash (first series) #323 (first story) [July 1983] Flash (first series) #324 (first story) [August 1983] Flash (first series) #325 (first story) [September 1983][death] Justice League of America #166 [May 1979] Justice League of America #167 [June 1979] Justice League of America #168 [July 1979] Secret Society of Super-Villains #11 [December 1977] Secret Society of Super-Villains #12 [January 1978] Secret Society of Super-Villains #15 [June/July 1978] REX the WONDER DOG ===================================================================== DC Comics Presents #35 (second story) [July 1981] Justice League of America #144 [July 1977] REX MAXIMUS (Rex Rogan) Chairman of Repli-Tech Industries who technologically transformed himself into a lion creature. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #221 [December 1983] Justice League of America #222 [January 1984] Justice League of America #223 [February 1984] REYNOLDS, MARCY Victor Stone's first girlfriend before he became Cyborg. ===================================================================== New Teen Titans (first series) #8 [June 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #21 [July 1982][death] Tales of the New Teen Titans #1 [June 1982] RHEA Queen of the titans of Greek Mythology and wife to Cronos. ===================================================================== New Teen Titans (first series) #11 [September 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #12 [October 1981] New Teen Titans (second series) #8 [May 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #9 [June 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #10 [July 1985] RHO Light blue-armored female member of Zeta's Pantheon. ===================================================================== World's Finest Comics (first series) #296 [October 1983] World's Finest Comics (first series) #297 [November 1983] World's Finest Comics (first series) #298 [December 1983] World's Finest Comics (first series) #299 [January 1983] World's Finest Comics (first series) #300 [February 1983] RHOARK ===================================================================== Omega Men #4 [July 1983] Omega Men #8 [November 1983] Omega Men #12 [March 1984] Omega Men #15 [June 1984] Omega Men #17 [August 1984] Omega Men #18 [September 1984] Omega Men #19 [October 1984] Omega Men #25 [April 1985] Omega Men Annual #1 [1984] RICE, JIM of EARTH-2 Drunken adoptive father of Obsidian Todd Rice. ===================================================================== Infinity, Inc. #12 [March 1985] RICHELIEU, CARDINAL Evil ruler and bane to the Three Musketeers. ===================================================================== DC Special #24 (first story) [October/November 1976] DC Special #25 (first story) [December/January 1977] RIDDLER (Edward Nigma) Psychotic Batman villain with the obsession of leaving perplexing riddles at the scene of his crimes. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] DC Challenge #1 [November 1985] DC Challenge #2 [December 1985] RIGG, DAVID One of the survivors of World War III who joined Hercules and his crew. ===================================================================== Hercules Unbound #2 [December/January 1976] Hercules Unbound #3 [February/March 1976] Hercules Unbound #5 [June/July 1976] Hercules Unbound #6 [August/September 1976] Hercules Unbound #7 [October/November 1976] Hercules Unbound #8 [December/January 1977] Hercules Unbound #9 [February/March 1977][death] Hercules Unbound #10 [April/May 1977][dead body] RIKANE, JEDIAH I Head of security for Throneworld and friend to Starman Prince Gavyn. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #467 (second story) [January 1980] Adventure Comics #471 (second story) [May 1980] Adventure Comics #472 (first story) [June 1980] Adventure Comics #473 (second story) [July 1980] Adventure Comics #474 (first story) [August 1980] Adventure Comics #475 (second story) [September 1980] Adventure Comics #476 (second story) [October 1980] Adventure Comics #477 (second story) [November 1980] Adventure Comics #478 (second story) [December 1980] DC Comics Presents #36 [August 1981] RIKANE, JEDIAH II Thirtieth century superhero and applicant to the Legion Academy under the later code-name Power Boy. ===================================================================== Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #303 [September 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #4 [November 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #9 [April 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #12 (second story) [July 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #14 [August 1985] RIMA the JUNGLE GIRL Young woman born in the hidden jungle city of Rio Lama with the ability to talk to animals. ===================================================================== Rima, the Jungle Girl #1 (first story) [April/May 1974] Rima, the Jungle Girl #2 (first story) [June/July 1974] Rima, the Jungle Girl #3 (first story) [August/September 1974] Rima, the Jungle Girl #4 (first story) [October/November 1974] Rima, the Jungle Girl #5 (first story) [December/January 1975] Rima, the Jungle Girl #6 (first story) [February/March 1975] Rima, the Jungle Girl #7 (first story) [April/May 1975] RINGMASTER (Beau Baer) Hollywood star turned ring-gimmicked super-hero while under the spell of the evil Golden Glider. ===================================================================== Flash (first series) #261 [May 1978] Flash (first series) #262 [June 1978] Flash (first series) #263 [July 1978] Flash (first series) #264 [August 1978] RISHI Asian love of the prince caliph Alsind. ===================================================================== Arak, Son of Thunder #48 [September 1985] Arak, Son of Thunder #49 [October 1985] Arak, Son of Thunder #50 [November 1985] RISING SUN (Izumi Yasunari) Japanese hero and member of the Global Guardians with the power of a solar battery. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] DC Challenge #10 [August 1986] DC Comics Presents #46 [June 1982] ROBBINS, JUNE Female adventurer and fifth member of the Challengers of the Unknown. ===================================================================== Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #78 (first story) [February 1973][reprint] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #78 (second story) [February 1973][reprint] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #81 [June/July 1977] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #82 [August/September 1977] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #83 [October/November 1977] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #84 [December/January 1978] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #85 February/March 1978] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #87 [June/July 1978] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 [November 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #11 [February 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] Showcase #100 [May 1978] Super DC Giant #S-25 (first story) [July/August 1971][reprint] Super-Team Family #8 (first story) [December/January 1977] Super-Team Family #10 (first story) [April/May 1977] ROBERTS, MARTHA Similar to her Earth-2 counterpart, Doll Girl, who fell in love with Doll Man when he moved to Earth-1. ===================================================================== Freedom Fighters #6 [January/February 1977] Freedom Fighters #7 [March/April 1977] Freedom Fighters #8 [May/June 1977] Freedom Fighters #9 [July/August 1977] Freedom Fighters #10 [September/October 1977] Freedom Fighters #11 [November/December 1977] Freedom Fighters #12 [January/February 1978] Freedom Fighters #13 [March/April 1978] Fury of Firestorm #3 [August 1982] Teen Titans (first series) #47 [April 1977] Teen Titans (first series) #51 [November 1977] ROBERTS, MARTHA of EARTH-2 Used the costumed alias DOLL GIRL. ===================================================================== Freedom Fighters #10 [September/October 1977] ROBIN I (Dick Grayson) Batman's Boy Wonder and leader of the Teen Titans. Known later on as the third NIGHTWING. ===================================================================== Action Comics #309 (first story) [February 1964] Action Comics #341 (second story) [September 1966] Action Comics #409 (second story) [February 1972][reprint] Action Comics #410 (second story) [March 1972][reprint] Action Comics #532 (first story) [June 1982] Action Comics #536 (first story) [October 1982] Action Comics #546 [August 1983] Adventure Comics #383 (first story) [August 1969] Adventure Comics #446 (first story) [July/August 1976] Aquaman (first series) #18 [November/December 1964] Batman #168 (first story) [December 1964] Batman #168 (second story) [December 1964] Batman #204 [August 1968] Batman #241 (second story) [May 1972] Batman #247 (second story) [February 1973] Batman #248 (second story) [April 1973] Batman #327 (second story) [September 1980] Batman #331 (first story) [January 1981] Batman #337 (second story) [July 1981] Batman #342 (second story) [December 1981] Batman #346 (first story) [April 1982] Batman #358 [April 1983] Batman Annual #1 (fifth story) [1961][reprint] Batman and the Outsiders #5 [December 1983] Batman Family #16 (first story) [February/March 1978] Best of DC Digest #18 (first story) [November 1981] Best of DC Digest #18 (second story) [November 1981][reprint] Best of DC Digest #18 (third story) [November 1981][reprint] Best of DC Digest #18 (fourth story) [November 1981][reprint] Best of DC Digest #18 (fifth story) [November 1981][reprint] Brave and the Bold (first series) #54 [June/July 1964] Brave and the Bold (first series) #60 [June/July 1965] Brave and the Bold (first series) #94 [February/March 1971] DC Comics Presents #31 (first story) [March 1981] DC Comics Presents #41 [January 1981] DC Comics Presents #58 [June 1983] DC Comics Presents Annual #2 [1983] DC 80-Page Giant #8 (fourth story) [1965][reprint] DC Super-Stars #1 (first story) [March 1976][reprint] DC Super-Stars #1 (second story) [March 1976][reprint] Detective Comics #225 (first story) [November 1955] Detective Comics #327 (first story) [May 1964] Detective Comics #348 (first story) [February 1966] Detective Comics #350 (first story) [April 1966] Detective Comics #354 (first story) [August 1966] Detective Comics #359 (first story) [January 1967] Detective Comics #390 (second story) [January 1970] Detective Comics #451 (second story) [September 1975] Detective Comics #511 [February 1982] Detective Comics #514 (first story) [May 1982] Detective Comics #519 (first story) [October 1982] Detective Comics #523 [February 1983] Doom Patrol (first series) #104 [June 1966] Flash (first series) #192 [November 1969] Flash (first series) #300 [August 1981] Hawk and the Dove (first series) #5 [April/May 1969] Justice League of America #27 [May 1964] Justice League of America #41 [December 1965] Justice League of America #50 [December 1966] Justice League of America #51 [February 1967] Justice League of America #91 (first story) [August 1971] Justice League of America #92 (first story) [September 1971] Justice League of America #144 [July 1977] Justice League of America #240 [July 1985] Karate Kid #14 [May/June 1978] Karate Kid #15 [July/August 1978] Limited Collectors' Edition #C-34 (fourth story) [February/March 1975][reprint] Limited Collector's Edition #C-41 (first story) [December/January 1976] New Teen Titans (first series) insert [October 1980] New Teen Titans (first series) #1 [November 1980] New Teen Titans (first series) #2 [December 1980] New Teen Titans (first series) #3 [January 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #4 [February 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #5 [March 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #6 [April 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #7 [May 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #8 [June 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #9 [July 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #10 [August 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #11 [September 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #13 [November 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #14 [December 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #15 [January 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #16 [February 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #17 [March 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #18 [April 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #19 [May 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #20 (first story) [June 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #20 (second story) [June 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #21 [July 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #22 [August 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #23 [September 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #24 [October 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #25 [November 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #26 [December 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #27 [January 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #28 [February 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #29 [March 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #30 [April 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #31 [May 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #32 [June 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #33 [July 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #34 [August 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #36 [November 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #37 [December 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #38 [January 1984] New Teen Titans (first series) #39 [February 1984] New Teen Titans (first series) #40 [March 1984] New Teen Titans (first series) Annual #1 [1982] New Teen Titans (first series) Annual #2 [1983] Plop! #5 [May/June 1974] Secret Origins (first series) Special #1 (first story) [1961][reprint] Secret Society of Super-Villains #12 [January 1978] Showcase #59 [November/December 1965] Showcase #100 [May 1978] Super Friends #1 [November 1976] Super Friends #2 [December 1976] Super Friends #3 [February 1977] Super Friends #5 [June 1977] Super Friends #11 [April/May 1978] Super Friends #14 (first story) [October/November 1978] Super Friends #14 (second story) [October/November 1978] Super Friends #24 [September 1979] Super Friends #31 [April 1980] Super Friends #33 [June 1980] Super Friends #35 [August 1980] Super Friends #38 (first story) [November 1980] Super Friends #40 (first story) [January 1981] Super Friends #41 (first story) [February 1981] Super Friends #42 (first story) [March 1981] Super Friends #43 (first story) [April 1981] Super Friends #44 (first story) [May 1981] Super Friends #47 [August 1981] Super Powers (first series) #1 [July 1984] Super Powers (first series) #2 [August 1984] Super Powers (first series) #3 [September 1984] Super Powers (first series) #5 [November 1984] Super Powers (second series) #1 [September 1985] Super Powers (second series) #4 [December 1985] Super Powers (second series) #5 [January 1986] Super Powers (second series) #6 [February 1986] Superman Family #171 (third story) [June/July 1975][reprint] Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #111 (first story) [June 1968] Super-Team Family #3 (fourth story) [February/March 1976][reprint] Super-Team Family #4 (second story) [April/May 1976][reprint] Super-Team Family #6 (first story) [August/September 1976][reprint] Tales of the New Teen Titans #1 [June 1982] Tales of the New Teen Titans #2 [July 1982] Tales of the New Teen Titans #3 [August 1982] Tales of the New Teen Titans #4 [September 1982] Tales of the Teen Titans #41 [May 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #42 [June 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #43 [July 1984] Teen Titans (first series) #1 [January/February 1966] Teen Titans (first series) #2 [March/April 1966] Teen Titans (first series) #3 [May/June 1966] Teen Titans (first series) #4 [July/August 1966] Teen Titans (first series) #5 [September/October 1966] Teen Titans (first series) #6 [November/December 1966] Teen Titans (first series) #7 [January/February 1967] Teen Titans (first series) #8 [March/April 1967] Teen Titans (first series) #9 [May/June 1967] Teen Titans (first series) #10 [July/August 1967] Teen Titans (first series) #11 [September/October 1967] Teen Titans (first series) #12 [November/December 1967] Teen Titans (first series) #13 [January/February 1968] Teen Titans (first series) #14 [March/April 1968] Teen Titans (first series) #15 [May/June 1968] Teen Titans (first series) #16 [July/August 1968] Teen Titans (first series) #17 [September/October 1968] Teen Titans (first series) #18 [November/December 1968] Teen Titans (first series) #19 [January/February 1969] Teen Titans (first series) #20 [March/April 1969] Teen Titans (first series) #21 [May/June 1969] Teen Titans (first series) #22 (first story) [July/August 1969] Teen Titans (first series) #22 (second story) [July/August 1969] Teen Titans (first series) #23 [July/August 1969] Teen Titans (first series) #24 [September/October 1969] Teen Titans (first series) #25 [November/December 1969] Teen Titans (first series) #28 [July/August 1970] Teen Titans (first series) #33 [May/June 1971] Teen Titans (first series) #34 [July/August 1971] Teen Titans (first series) #39 (first story) [May/June 1972] Teen Titans (first series) #40 [July/August 1972] Teen Titans (first series) #41 (first story) [September/October 1972] Teen Titans (first series) #42 [November/December 1972] Teen Titans (first series) #43 [January/February 1973] Teen Titans (first series) #44 [November 1976] Teen Titans (first series) #45 [December 1976] Teen Titans (first series) #46 [February 1977] Teen Titans (first series) #47 [April 1977] Teen Titans (first series) #48 [June 1977] Teen Titans (first series) #49 [August 1977] Teen Titans (first series) #50 [September 1977] Teen Titans (first series) #51 [November 1977] Teen Titans (first series) #52 [December 1977] Teen Titans (first series) #53 [February 1978] Untold Legend of the Batman #1 [July 1980] Untold Legend of the Batman #2 [August 1980] Untold Legend of the Batman #3 [September 1980] Vigilante #1 [November 1983] Vigilante #3 [February 1984] Wanted: The World's Most Dangerous Villains #1 (first story) [July/August 1972][reprint] Wonder Woman (first series) #287 (first story) [January 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #71 (first story) [July/August 1954] World's Finest Comics (first series) #105 (first story) [November 1959] World's Finest Comics (first series) #134 (first story) [June 1963] World's Finest Comics (first series) #144 (first story) [September 1964] World's Finest Comics (first series) #154 (first story) [December 1965] World's Finest Comics (first series) #158 (first story) [June 1966] World's Finest Comics (first series) #160 (first story) [September 1966] World's Finest Comics (first series) #175 (first story) [May 1968] World's Finest Comics (first series) #176 (first story) [June 1968] World's Finest Comics (first series) #178 (first story) [September 1968] World's Finest Comics (first series) #190 (first story) [March 1970] World's Finest Comics (first series) #196 [September 1970] World's Finest Comics (first series) #228 (first story) [March/April 1975] World's Finest Comics (first series) #243 [February 1977] World's Finest Comics (first series) #255 (second story) [March 1979] World's Finest Comics (first series) #265 (first story) [October/November 1980] World's Finest Comics (first series) #269 (first story) [June/July 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #271 [September 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #286 [December 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #287 [January 1983] World's Finest Comics (first series) #294 [August 1983] World's Finest Comics (first series) #300 [February 1984] World's Finest Comics (first series) #302 (first story) [April 1984][reprint] ROBIN II (Jason Todd) Orphaned on the streets of Gotham City, Bruce Wayne took Jason Todd under his wing to become the second Robin. ===================================================================== Action Comics #556 [June 1984] Batman #360 [June 1983] Batman #371 [May 1984] Batman #376 [October 1984] Batman #377 [November 1984] Batman #378 [December 1984] Batman #379 [January 1985] Batman #388 [October 1985] Batman and the Outsiders Annual #1 [1984] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #11 [February 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] Detective Comics #538 (first story) [May 1984] Detective Comics #543 (first story) [October 1984] Detective Comics #548 (first story) [March 1985] New Teen Titans (first series) #33 [July 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #37 [December 1983] Superman (first series) Annual #11 [1985] Tales of the Teen Titans Annual #3 [1984] World's Finest Comics (first series) #308 [October 1984] ROBIN (Dick Grayson) of EARTH-2 The partner of Earth-2's Batman and later a senator and JSA member on that world. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #461 (third story) [January/February 1979] Adventure Comics #462 (first story) [March/April 1979] Adventure Comics #463 (third story) [June 1979] Adventure Comics #464 (third story) [August 1979] Adventure Comics #466 (third story) [December 1979] All-Star Comics #58 [January/February 1976] All-Star Comics #59 [March/April 1976] All-Star Comics #66 [May/June 1977] All-Star Comics #67 [July/August 1977] All-Star Comics #69 [November/December 1977] All-Star Comics #74 [September/October 1978] All-Star Squadron insert [August 1981] All-Star Squadron #1 [September 1981] All-Star Squadron #3 [November 1981] All-Star Squadron #4 [December 1981] All-Star Squadron #20 [April 1983] All-Star Squadron #24 [August 1983] All-Star Squadron #25 [September 1983] All-Star Squadron #26 [October 1983] All-Star Squadron #27 [November 1983] All-Star Squadron #31 [March 1984] All-Star Squadron #35 [July 1984] All-Star Squadron #41 [January 1985] All-Star Squadron #54 [February 1986] All-Star Squadron Annual #2 [1983] All-Star Squadron Annual #3 [1984] America vs. The Justice Society #1 [January 1985] America vs. The Justice Society #2 [February 1985] America vs. the Justice Society #3 [March 1985] America vs. the Justice Society #4 [April 1985] Batman #1 (second story) [Spring 1940][reprint] Batman #1 (fifth story) [Spring 1940][reprint] Batman #1 (eighth story) [Spring 1940][reprint] Batman #233 (first story) [July/August 1971][reprint] Batman #233 (second story) [July/August 1971][reprint] Batman #233 (third story) [July/August 1971][reprint] Batman #233 (fourth story) [July/August 1971][reprint] Batman #233 (fifth story) [July/August 1971][reprint] Batman #241 (third story) [May 1972][reprint] Batman Annual #1 (first story) [1961][reprint] Batman Annual #1 (second story) [1961][reprint] Batman Annual #1 (third story) [1961][reprint] Batman Annual #1 (fourth story) [1961][reprint] Batman Annual #1 (sixth story) [1961][reprint] Batman Annual #1 (seventh story) [1961][reprint] Brave and the Bold (first series) #167 (first story) [October 1980] Brave and the Bold (first series) #200 (first story) [July 1983] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #11 [February 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986][death] DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest #11 (second story) [July 1981][reprint] DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest #11 (third story) [July 1981][reprint] DC Super-Stars #17 (third story) [November/December 1977] Infinity, Inc. #1 [March 1984] Infinity, Inc. #2 [April 1984] Infinity, Inc. #3 [May 1984] Infinity, Inc. #4 [June 1984] Infinity, Inc. #5 [July 1984] Infinity, Inc. #6 [September 1984] Infinity, Inc. #7 [October 1984] Infinity, Inc. #8 [November 1984] Infinity, Inc. #9 [December 1984] Infinity, Inc. #21 [December 1985] Infinity, Inc. Annual #1 [1985] Justice League of America #55 [August 1967] Justice League of America #56 [September 1967] Justice League of America #91 (first story) [August 1971] Justice League of America #92 (first story) [September 1971] Justice League of America #101 [September 1972] Justice League of America #102 [October 1972] Justice League of America #123 [October 1975] Justice League of America #124 [November 1975] Justice League of America #135 [October 1976] Justice League of America #136 [November 1976] Justice League of America #137 [December 1976] Justice League of America #183 [October 1980] Justice League of America #195 [October 1981] Secret Origins (first series) #7 (first story) [October/November 1974][reprint] World's Finest Comics (first series) #190 (second story) [December 1969][reprint] World's Finest Comics (first series) #192 (second story) [March 1970][reprint] World's Finest Comics (first series) #193 (second story) [May 1970][reprint] World's Finest Comics (first series) #209 (second story) [February 1972][reprint] World's Finest Comics (first series) #271 [September 1981] ROBIN HOOD Legendary rogue from Sherwood Forest. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #323 (second story) [August 1964] DC Special #22 (second story) [June/July 1976][reprint] DC Special #22 (third story) [June/July 1976][reprint] DC Special #24 (second story) [October/November 1976][reprint] DC Special #25 (second story) [December/January 1977][reprint] DC Special #25 (third story) [December/January 1977][reprint] ROBOT KILLER Archenemy of the Red Tornado out to dismantle his robotic body. ===================================================================== World's Finest Comics (first series) #270 (fourth story) [August 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #272 (fourth story) [October 1981] ROBOT Z-1 Uncontrollable renegade alien robot that heads the Missile Men and has a thing for the metal woman Platinum. ===================================================================== Metal Men (first series) #54 [October/November 1977] Metal Men (first series) #55 [December/January 1978] ROBOTMAN (Clifford "Cliff" Steele) Former racing car driver who, after a crushing accident, had his brain transferred into a robotic body by Doom Patrol leader Niles Caulder. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #8 (first story) [June 1983] Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #9 (first story) [July 1983] DC Challenge #12 [October 1986] DC Comics Presents #52 [December 1982] Doom Patrol (first series) #86 (first story) [March 1964] Doom Patrol (first series) #87 (first story) [May 1964] Doom Patrol (first series) #87 (second story) [May 1964] Doom Patrol (first series) #88 [June 1964] Doom Patrol (first series) #89 (first story) [August 1964] Doom Patrol (first series) #89 (second story) [August 1964] Doom Patrol (first series) #90 [September 1964] Doom Patrol (first series) #91 [November 1964] Doom Patrol (first series) #92 [December 1964] Doom Patrol (first series) #93 [February 1965] Doom Patrol (first series) #94 (first story) [March 1965] Doom Patrol (first series) #94 (second story) [March 1965] Doom Patrol (first series) #95 [May 1965] Doom Patrol (first series) #96 [June 1965] Doom Patrol (first series) #97 [August 1965] Doom Patrol (first series) #98 (first story) [September 1965] Doom Patrol (first series) #98 (second story) [September 1965] Doom Patrol (first series) #99 (first story) [November 1965] Doom Patrol (first series) #99 (second story) [November 1965] Doom Patrol (first series) #100 (first story) [December 1965] Doom Patrol (first series) #100 (second story) [December 1965] Doom Patrol (first series) #101 (first story) [February 1966] Doom Patrol (first series) #101 (second story) [February 1966] Doom Patrol (first series) #102 [March 1966] Doom Patrol (first series) #103 (first story) [May 1966] Doom Patrol (first series) #103 (second story) [May 1966] Doom Patrol (first series) #104 [June 1966] Doom Patrol (first series) #105 (first story) [August 1966] Doom Patrol (first series) #105 (second story) [August 1966] Doom Patrol (first series) #106 (first story) [September 1966] Doom Patrol (first series) #107 (first story) [November 1966] Doom Patrol (first series) #108 [December 1966] Doom Patrol (first series) #109 (first story) [February 1967] Doom Patrol (first series) #110 [March 1967] Doom Patrol (first series) #111 (first story) [May 1967] Doom Patrol (first series) #111 (second story) [May 1967] Doom Patrol (first series) #112 (first story) [June 1967] Doom Patrol (first series) #113 (first story) [August 1967] Doom Patrol (first series) #114 (first story) [September 1967] Doom Patrol (first series) #115 (first story) [November 1967] Doom Patrol (first series) #116 [December 1967] Doom Patrol (first series) #117 (first story) [February 1968] Doom Patrol (first series) #118 [March/April 1968] Doom Patrol (first series) #119 [May/June 1968] Doom Patrol (first series) #120 [July/August 1968] Doom Patrol (first series) #121 [September/October 1968] Doom Patrol (first series) #122 (first story) [February 1973][reprint] Doom Patrol (first series) #123 [March/April 1973][reprint] Doom Patrol (first series) #124 [June/July 1973][reprint] My Greatest Adventure #80 [June 1963] My Greatest Adventure #81 (first story) [August 1963] My Greatest Adventure #82 (first story) [September 1963] My Greatest Adventure #83 (first story) [November 1963] My Greatest Adventure #84 (first story) [December 1963] My Greatest Adventure #85 (first story) [January 1964] New Teen Titans (first series) #10 [August 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #13 [November 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #14 [December 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #15 [January 1982] Showcase #94 [August/September 1977] Showcase #95 [October/November 1977] Showcase #96 [December/January 1978] Super-Team Family #7 (second story) [October/November 1977][reprint] Super-Team Family #8 (second story) [December/January 1977][reprint] Super-Team Family #9 (second story) [February/March 1977][reprint] Super-Team Family #10 (second story) [April/May 1977][reprint] Teen Titans (first series) #6 [November/December 1966] ROBOTMAN (Robert Crane) of EARTH-2 The brain of a brilliant scientist placed in a robotic body who was a member of Earth-2's WWII All-Star Squadron. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron insert [August 1981] All-Star Squadron #1 [September 1981] All-Star Squadron #2 [October 1981] All-Star Squadron #3 [November 1981] All-Star Squadron #4 [December 1981] All-Star Squadron #5 [January 1982] All-Star Squadron #6 [February 1982] All-Star Squadron #7 [March 1982] All-Star Squadron #8 [April 1982] All-Star Squadron #9 [May 1982] All-Star Squadron #10 [June 1982] All-Star Squadron #11 [July 1982] All-Star Squadron #12 [August 1982] All-Star Squadron #13 [September 1982] All-Star Squadron #14 [October 1982] All-Star Squadron #15 [November 1982] All-Star Squadron #16 [December 1982] All-Star Squadron #17 [January 1983] All-Star Squadron #18 [February 1983] All-Star Squadron #19 [March 1983] All-Star Squadron #20 [April 1983] All-Star Squadron #21 [May 1983] All-Star Squadron #22 [June 1983] All-Star Squadron #24 [August 1983] All-Star Squadron #25 [September 1983] All-Star Squadron #26 [October 1983] All-Star Squadron #31 [March 1984] All-Star Squadron #32 [April 1984] All-Star Squadron #38 [September 1984] All-Star Squadron #39 [November 1984] All-Star Squadron #40 [December 1984] All-Star Squadron #41 [January 1985] All-Star Squadron #42 [February 1985] All-Star Squadron #43 [March 1985] All-Star Squadron #44 [April 1985] All-Star Squadron #46 [June 1985] All-Star Squadron #47 [July 1985] All-Star Squadron #48 [August 1985] All-Star Squadron #49 [September 1985] All-Star Squadron #50 [October 1985] All-Star Squadron #53 [January 1986] All-Star Squadron #54 [February 1986] All-Star Squadron Annual #1 [1982] All-Star Squadron Annual #2 [1983] America vs. The Justice Society #2 [February 1985] DC Comics Presents #31 (second story) [March 1981] Justice League of America #144 [July 1977] Justice League of America #207 [October 1982] Justice League of America #208 [November 1982] Justice League of America #209 [December 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #208 (second story) [December 1971][reprint] ROCK, FRANK Sergeant of the heroic Easy Company during World War II ===================================================================== Batman and the Outsiders #2 [September 1983] Brave and the Bold (first series) #124 [January 1976] Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 [June 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 [July 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] DC Comics Presents #10 [June 1979] DC Special #5 (second story) [October/November 1969][reprint] DC Special Series #8 [1978] G.I. Combat #105 (first story) [April/May 1964] G.I. Combat #111 (first story) [April/May 1965] G.I. Combat #141 (first story) [April/May 1970] G.I. Combat #181 (first story) [August 1975] G.I. Combat #246 [October 1982] G.I. Combat #271 (first story) [November 1984] Men of War #26 [March 1980] Our Army at Wat #81 (first story) [April 1959] Our Army at War #204 [March 1969] Sgt. Rock (first series) #381 (first story) [October 1983] Showcase #100 [May 1978] World's Finest Comics (first series) #249 (fourth story) [February/March 1978] World's Finest Comics (first series) #300 [February 1984] ROE, RICHARD ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #459 (fourth story) [September/October 1978] Adventure Comics #460 (third story) [November/December 1978] Return of the New Gods #15 [December 1977] Return of the New Gods #18 [June 1978] Return of the New Gods #19 [July/August 1978] ROG A robot designed for lunar exploration by the Doom Patrol's Chief stolen by the Brotherhood of Evil for destruction. ===================================================================== Doom Patrol (first series) #86 (first story) [March 1964] Doom Patrol (first series) #93 [February 1965] Super-Team Family #7 (second story) [October/November 1977][reprint] ROL-NAC ===================================================================== Action Comics #378 (first story) [July 1969] World of Krypton (first series) #2 [August 1979] ROME, JOANNA Assistant to Doctor Will Magnus. ===================================================================== Metal Men (first series) #55 [December/January 1978] RONAL Finned Atlantean from Tritonis who doubles as a scientist and a husband to Lori Lemaris. ===================================================================== Action Comics #341 (second story) [September 1966] Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 [July 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #11 [February 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] DC Comics Presents #5 [January 1979] Superman (first series) #408 (first story) [June 1985] Superman Family #164 (sixth story) [April/May 1974][reprint] World's Finest Comics (first series) #268 (first story) [April/May 1981] RON-KARR ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #372 [September 1968] Adventure Comics #501 (second story) [July 1983][reprint] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #1 [August 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #2 [September 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #3 [October 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #4 [November 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #5 [December 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #18 [January 1986] ROOSEVELT, FRANKLIN DELANO of EARTH-2 President of Earth-2's United States of America during WWII and impetus for the creation of the All-Star Squadron. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron insert [August 1981] All-Star Squadron #1 [September 1981] All-Star Squadron #7 [March 1982] All-Star Squadron #9 [May 1982] All-Star Squadron #10 [June 1982] All-Star Squadron #11 [July 1982] All-Star Squadron #12 [August 1982] All-Star Squadron #15 [November 1985] All-Star Squadron #31 [March 1984] All-Star Squadron #36 [August 1984] All-Star Squadron #39 [November 1984] All-Star Squadron Annual #2 [1983] All-Star Squadron Annual #3 [1984] DC Special #29 [August/September 1977] Justice League of America #208 [November 1982] Justice League of America #209 [December 1982] ROPER (Steve Bogardus) of EARTH-2 Really lame rope-gimmicked villain of the Golden Age Green Arrow. ===================================================================== World's Finest Comics (first series) #204 (third story) [August 1971][reprint] ROSA, MASTER SPY Spanish swordsmanand master spy of the late 19th century. ===================================================================== Men of War #17 (second story) [June 1979] Men of War #18 (second story) [July 1979] Men of War #24 (second story) [January 1980] Men of War #25 (second story) [February 1980] ROSIE the RIVETER Rivet-gun wielding leader of the criminal Demolition Team. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (first series) #176 [May 1984] Green Lantern (first series) #178 (first story) [July 1984] Green Lantern (first series) #179 (first story) [August 1984] Green Lantern (first series) #180 (first story) [September 1984] ROSS, JON Pete Ross' son who was destined to become a galactic hero. ===================================================================== Action Comics #457 (first story) [March 1976] Action Comics #460 (second story) [June 1975] Action Comics #572 (third story) [October 1985] DC Comics Presents #13 [September 1979] DC Comics Presents #25 (first story) [September 1980] Superman Family #182 (fourth story) [March/April 1977] ROSS, MRS. Mother of Smallville's Pete Ross. ===================================================================== Superboy (first series) #193 (first story) [February 1973] ROSS, PETE Smallville pal of Clark Kent who knew Clark's secret identity and was an honorary member of the Legion of Super-Heroes. ===================================================================== Action Comics #309 (first story) [February 1964] Action Comics #457 (first story) [March 1976] Action Comics #460 (second story) [June 1975] Action Comics #572 (third story) [October 1985] Adventure Comics #306 (first story) [March 1963] Adventure Comics #315 (second story) [December 1963] Adventure Comics #323 (first story) [August 1964] Adventure Comics #342 (second story) [March 1966][reprint] Adventure Comics #343 (second story) [April 1966][reprint] Adventure Comics #370 [July 1968] Adventure Comics #453 (first story) [September/October 1977] Adventure Comics #454 (first story) [November/December 1977] Adventure Comics #455 (first story) [January/February 1978] Adventure Comics #456 [March/April 1978] Adventure Comics #494 (second story) [December 1982][reprint] Adventure Comics #497 (second story) [March 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #498 (sixth story) [April 1983][reprint] DC Comics Presents #13 [September 1979] DC Comics Presents #14 [October 1979] DC Comics Presents #25 (first story) [September 1980] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #300 [June 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #1 [January 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #8 [August 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #9 (first story) [September 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #24 (first story) [December 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #25 [January 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #26 (first story) [February 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #32 (first story) [August 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #33 (first story) [September 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #36 (first story) [December 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #37 (first story) [January 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #38 (first story) [February 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #39 (first story) [March 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #40 (first story) [April 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #41 (first story) [May 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #48 (first story) [December 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #52 [April 1984] Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes #3 [March 1981] Superboy (first series) #147 (second story) [May/June 1968][reprint] Superboy (first series) #160 [October 1969] Superboy (first series) #193 (first story) [February 1973] Superboy (first series) Spectacular #1 (seventh story) [1980] Superman (first series) #270 (second story) [December 1973] Superman Family #167 (sixth story) [October/November 1974][reprint] Superman Family #182 (fourth story) [March/April 1977] Superman: The Secret Years #3 [April 1985] World's Finest Comics (first series) #271 [September 1981] ROSTOV (Nikola Rostov) Russian swordsman and paramour of Mariah trapped in the world of Skartaris and cursed as a werewolf. ===================================================================== Warlord (first series) #62 (first story) [October 1982] Warlord (first series) #63 (first story) [November 1982] Warlord (first series) #64 (first story) [December 1982] Warlord (first series) #65 (first story) [January 1983] Warlord (first series) #66 [February 1983] Warlord (first series) #68 (first story) [April 1983] ROTHSTEIN, TERRY of EARTH-2 Doctor and mother to Albert Rothstein, aka Nuklon. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #55 (first story) [March 1986] All-Star Squadron Annual #2 [1983] Infinity, Inc. #3 [June 1984] Infinity, Inc. #8 [November 1984] Infinity, Inc. #12 [March 1985] Infinity, Inc. #15 [June 1985] ROVING RANGER (Jeff Graham) Civil War era Texas Ranger and ally of El Diablo. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #54 [February 1986] All-Star Squadron #55 (first story) [March 1986] ROXXAS 30th century space pirate responsible for the destruction of the planet Trom. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #500 (third story) [June 1983][reprint] Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes #2 [February 1981] ROZ-EM Kryptonian Phantom Zone criminal who, back on Krypton, had plastic surgery to make himself resemble Nim-El. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #395 (second story) [July 1970] RUA Exorian wife of Fonas and mother of the Wonder Twins Zan and Jayna. ===================================================================== Super Friends #14 (second story) [October/November 1978][death] RUBBERDUCK (Byrd Rentals) of EARTH-C Earth-C movie star transformed into a malleable mallard who joined Captain Carrot's Zoo Crew. ===================================================================== Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew insert [February 1982] Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew #1 [March 1982] Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew #7 (first story) [September 1982] Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew #7 (second story) [September 1982] Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew #8 (first story) [October 1982] Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew #8 (second story) [October 1982] Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew #19 [October 1983] Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew #20 [November 1983] RUBY, LORD ===================================================================== Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #8 [December 1983] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #9 [January 1984][death] RUNYON, EDWARD of EARTH-2 Young U.S. Senator and ally of the first Steel. ===================================================================== Steel the Indestructible Man #2 [April 1978] Steel the Indestructible Man #3 (first story) [June 1978] Steel the Indestructible Man #3 (second story) [June 1978] Steel the Indestructible Man #4 (first story) [August/September 1978] RUSSELL, ERIC and FRAN 30th century citizens and actual parents of Iris West who sent her through time during her youth. ===================================================================== Flash (first series) #210 (first story) [November 1971] Flash (first series) #260 [April 1978] Flash (first series) #350 [October 1985] Justice League of America #110 (first story) [March/April 1974] RUSSELL, JOANNE "JO" Love interest for the Creeper. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #445 (second story) [May/June 1976] Adventure Comics #446 (second story) [July/August 1976] Adventure Comics #447 (second story) [September/October 1976] RUSTY Member of the "heroic" Crusaders- actually a super-group formed by the evil Silver Ghost. ====================================================================== Freedom Fighters #7 [March/April 1977] Freedom Fighters #8 [May/June 1977] Freedom Fighters #9 [July/August 1977] RYAN, "RED" Circus acrobat, electronics expert, and member of the Challengers of the Unknown. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #493 (first story) [November 1982] Adventure Comics #494 (first story) [December 1982] Adventure Comics #495 (first story) [January 1983] Adventure Comics #496 (first story) [February 1983] Adventure Comics #497 (first story) [March 1983] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #27 (first story) [August/September 1962] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #27 (second story) [August/September 1962] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #49 [April/May 1966] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #56 [June/July 1967] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #64 (first story) [October/November 1968] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #64 (second story) [October/November 1968][reprint] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #66 [February/March 1969] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #68 [June/July 1969] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #70 [October/November 1969] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #78 (first story) [February 1973][reprint] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #78 (second story) [February 1973][reprint] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #81 [June/July 1977] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #82 [August/September 1977] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #83 [October/November 1977] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #84 [December/January 1978] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #85 [February/March 1978] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #87 [June/July 1978] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 [November 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #11 [February 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] DC Challenge #9 [July 1986] DC Challenge #10 [August 1986] DC Comics Presents #84 [August 1985] Doom Patrol (first series) #101 (first story) [February 1966] Doom Patrol (first series) #102 [March 1966] Justice League of America #144 [July 1977] Secret Origins (first series) Special #1 (fourth story) [1961][reprint] Showcase #100 [May 1978] Super DC Giant #S-25 (first story) [July/August 1971][reprint] Super DC Giant #S-25 (second story) [July/August 1971][reprint] Super DC Giant #S-25 (third story) [July/August 1971][reprint] Super-Team Family #8 (first story) [December/January 1977] Super-Team Family #9 (first story) [February/March 1977] Super-Team Family #10 (first story) [April/May 1977] World's Finest Comics (first series) #267 (first story) [February/March 1981] RYAND'R Brother to the New Teen Titan Starfire and a member of the Omega Men in his own right. ===================================================================== New Teen Titans (first series) #3 [January 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) Annual #1 [1982] New Teen Titans (second series) #1 [August 1984] Omega Men #26 (first story) [May 1985] Omega Men #27 [June 1985] Omega Men #28 [July 1985] Omega Men #29 [August 1985] Omega Men #30 (first story) [September 1985] Omega Men #31 [October 1985] Tales of the New Teen Titans #4 [September 1982] RYCHEN, COMMODORE Corrupt member of the security team at Starman Prince Gavyn's Throneworld. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #472 (first story) [June 1980] Adventure Comics #473 (second story) [July 1980] Adventure Comics #474 (first story) [August 1980] Adventure Comics #475 (second story) [September 1980] Adventure Comics #476 (second story) [October 1980] RYNOC Member of the fiendish Khundian race who temporarily faced the Omega Men. ===================================================================== Blue Devil #18 [November 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 [November 1985] Omega Men #31 [October 1985]On to S (part 1)
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