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Silver Age Appearance List |
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K-9 Wolfish member of the Evil Eight and enemy to "H" Dialers Chris King and Vicki Grant. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #485 [September 1981] KALEIDOSCOPE Sparkly henchwoman of the evil Master that fought the Dial "H" for Hero Kids. ===================================================================== New Adventures of Superboy #36 (second story) [December 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #37 (second story) [January 1983] KAL-EL I The first Kryptonian born with the surname "El" and son of Erok, the greatest Bethgar of Krypton. ===================================================================== Krypton Chronicles #3 [November 1980] KAL-EL II The real name of SUPERMAN. KALI Elderly female confidant of Arion, Lord of Atlantis that is well versed in knowledge of the land. ===================================================================== Arion, Lord of Atlantis #2 [December 1982] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #7 [May 1983] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #8 [June 1983] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #9 [July 1983] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #11 [September 1983] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #26 [December 1984] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #28 (first story) [February 1985] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #30 [April 1985] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #31 [May 1985] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #32 [June 1985] Arion, Lord of Atlantis Special #1 [1985] KALIBAK Superhuman ogre and half-son to the evil New God Darkseid of Apokolips. ===================================================================== DC First Issue Special #13 [April 1976] Mister Miracle (first series) #21 [December 1977] New Gods (first series) #1 [February/March 1971] Return of the New Gods #18 [June 1978] Secret Society of Super-Villains #3 [September/October 1976] Secret Society of Super-Villains #4 [November/December 1976] Super Powers (second series) #1 [September 1985] Super Powers (second series) #2 [October 1985] Super Powers (second series) #6 [February 1986] KALISTA Queen of the planet Euphorix and one of the original members of the Omega Men. ===================================================================== Action Comics #535 (first story) [September 1982] Action Comics #536 (first story) [October 1982] Action Comics #544 (second story) [June 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #141 (first story) [June 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #142 (first story) [July 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #143 (first story) [August 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #144 (first story) [September 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #160 (first story) [January 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #161 (first story) [February 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #24 [October 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #25 [November 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) Annual #1 [1982] Omega Men #1 [April 1983] Omega Men #2 [May 1983] Omega Men #3 [June 1983] Omega Men #4 [July 1983] Omega Men #6 [September 1983] Omega Men #8 [November 1983] Omega Men #9 [December 1983] Omega Men #10 [January 1984] Omega Men #11 [February 1984] Omega Men #12 [March 1984] Omega Men #15 [June 1984] Omega Men #17 [August 1984] Omega Men #18 [September 1984] Omega Men #19 [October 1984] Omega Men #25 [April 1985] Omega Men #26 (first story) [May 1985] Omega Men #27 [June 1985] Omega Men #28 [July 1985] Omega Men #29 [August 1985] Omega Men #30 (first story) [September 1985] Omega Men #31 [October 1985] Omega Men Annual #1 [1984] Tales of the New Teen Titans #4 [September 1982] KALLOR, FRYD Father to the 30th century Legion of Super-Heroes member Star Boy. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #356 (first story) [May 1967] Adventure Comics #356 (second story) [May 1967][reprint] Adventure Comics #493 (second story) [November 1982][reprint] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #306 [December 1983] Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes #1 [January 1981] KALLOR, MIRA Mother to the 30th century Legionnaire Star Boy and wife to Fryd Kallor. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #356 (first story) [May 1967] Adventure Comics #356 (second story) [May 1967][reprint] Adventure Comics #493 (second story) [November 1982][reprint] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #306 [December 1983] Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes #1 [January 1981] KALMAKU, TERGA Eskino girlfriend and later wife of "Pieface" Kalmaku who also bore him two children. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #7 (second story) [July/August 1961] Green Lantern (second series) #11 (second story) [March 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #13 [June 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #15 (first story) [September 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #134 (first story) [November 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #146 (first story) [November 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #148 (first story) [January 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #150 [March 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #194 [November 1985] KALMAKU, THOMAS "PIEFACE" Eskimo airplane mechanic and confidante of Green Lantern Hal Jordan. ===================================================================== Brave and the Bold (second series) #173 (first story) [April 1981] DC Four-Star Spectacular #3 (third story) [July/August 1976][reprint] DC Special #19 (second story) [December/January 1976][reprint] DC Super-Stars #14 (first story) [May/June 1977] Detective Comics #350 (second story) [April 1966] Green Lantern (second series) #2 (second story) [September/October 1960] Green Lantern (second series) #3 (first story) [November/December 1960] Green Lantern (second series) #4 (first story) [January/February 1961] Green Lantern (second series) #5 [March/April 1961] Green Lantern (second series) #6 [May/June 1961] Green Lantern (second series) #7 (first story) [July/August 1961] Green Lantern (second series) #7 (second story) [July/August 1961] Green Lantern (second series) #9 (second story) [November/December 1961] Green Lantern (second series) #10 (first story) [January 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #10 (second story) [January 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #11 (second story) [March 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #12 (second story) [April 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #13 [June 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #14 (first story) [July 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #14 (second story) [July 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #15 (first story) [September 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #15 (second story) [October 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #16 (first story) [October 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #16 (second story) [October 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #17 [December 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #18 (first story) [January 1963] Green Lantern (second series) #18 (second story) [January 1963] Green Lantern (second series) #19 (first story) [March 1963] Green Lantern (second series) #21 (first story) [June 1963] Green Lantern (second series) #21 (second story) [June 1963] Green Lantern (second series) #31 (first story) [September 1964] Green Lantern (second series) #31 (second story) [September 1964] Green Lantern (second series) #46 (second story) [July 1966] Green Lantern (second series) #53 (first story) [June 1967] Green Lantern (second series) #93 [February/March 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #94 [April/May 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #125 [February 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #128 [May 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #129 [June 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #131 (first story) [August 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #133 (first story) [October 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #134 (first story) [November 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #135 (first story) [December 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #136 (first story) [January 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #138 (first story) [March 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #139 (first story) [April 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #140 (first story) [May 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #141 (first story) [June 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #144 (first story) [September 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #145 (first story) [October 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #146 (first story) [November 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #147 (first story) [December 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #148 (first story) [January 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #149 (first story) [February 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #150 [March 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #164 (first story) [May 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #167 (first story) [August 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #173 (first story) [February 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #174 [March 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #176 [May 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #178 (first story) [July 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #179 (first story) [August 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #182 (first story) [November 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #183 (first story) [December 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #185 (first story) [February 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #186 (first story) [March 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #187 (first story) [April 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #188 (first story) [May 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #189 (first story) [June 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #192 [September 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #194 [November 1985] Justice League of America #13 [August 1962] Justice League of America #93 (first story) [October/November 1971][reprint] Justice League of America #194 [September 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981] KALUU A voodoo medicine man and leader of the Ice House Gang that challenged Batman and the Phantom Stranger. ===================================================================== Brave and the Bold (first series) #145 [December 1978] KAMAH the KOOLAR White-skinned female Saturnalian and last of her kind before being defeated by Jemm. ==================================================================== Jemm Son of Saturn #2 [October 1984][death] Jemm Son of Saturn #3 [November 1984] KAMANDI The blonde-haired Last Boy on Earth after a Great Disaster which changed humans into animals and animals into sentients. ===================================================================== Brave and the Bold (first series) #120 (first story) [July 1975] Brave and the Bold (first series) #157 [December 1979] Crisis on Infinite Earths #2 [May 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 [June 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 [July 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] DC Comics Presents #64 [December 1983] Kamandi #1 [October/November 1972] Kamandi #2 [December/January 1973] Kamandi #3 [February 1973] Kamandi #4 [March 1973] Kamandi #5 [April 1973] Kamandi #6 [June 1973] Kamandi #7 [July 1973] Kamandi #8 [August 1973] Kamandi #9 [September 1973] Kamandi #10 [October 1973] Kamandi #11 [November 1973] Kamandi #12 [December 1973] Kamandi #13 [January 1974] Kamandi #14 [February 1974] Kamandi #15 [March 1974] Kamandi #16 [April 1974] Kamandi #17 [May 1974] Kamandi #18 [June 1974] Kamandi #19 [July 1974] Kamandi #20 [August 1974] Kamandi #21 [September 1974] Kamandi #22 [October 1974] Kamandi #23 [November 1974] Kamandi #24 [December 1974] Kamandi #25 [January 1975] Kamandi #26 [February 1975] Kamandi #27 [March 1975] Kamandi #28 [April 1975] Kamandi #29 [May 1975] Kamandi #30 [June 1975] Kamandi #31 [July 1975] Kamandi #32 (first story) [August 1975] Kamandi #32 (second story) [August 1975][reprint] Kamandi #33 [September 1975] Kamandi #34 [October 1975] Kamandi #35 [November 1975] Kamandi #36 [December 1975] Kamandi #37 [January 1976] Kamandi #38 [February 1976] Kamandi #39 [March 1976] Kamandi #40 [April 1976] Kamandi #41 [March 1976] Kamandi #42 [June 1976] Kamandi #43 (first story) [July 1976] Kamandi #44 (first story) [August 1976] Kamandi #45 (first story) [September 1976] Kamandi #46 (first story) [October 1976] Kamandi #47 [November 1976] Kamandi #48 [December/January 1977] Kamandi #49 [February/March 1977] Kamandi #50 [April/May 1977] Kamandi #51 [June/July 1977] Kamandi #52 [August/September 1977] Kamandi #53 [October/November 1977] Kamandi #54 [December/January 1978] Kamandi #55 [February/March 1978] Kamandi #56 [April/May 1978] Kamandi #57 [June/July 1978] Kamandi #58 [August/September 1978] Kamandi #59 [September/October 1978] Karate Kid #15 [July/August 1978] KAMLOT Son of the Vensuian guardian Damus and a good friend of Carson of Venus. ===================================================================== Korak, Son of Tarzan #49 (second story) [November/December 1972] Korak, Son of Tarzan #50 (second story) [January/February 1973] Korak, Son of Tarzan #51 (second story) [March/April 1973] Korak, Son of Tarzan #52 (second story) [May/June 1973] Korak, Son of Tarzan #53 (second story) [August/September 1973] KANA the SHADOW WARRIOR A Japanese ninja and operative for the United States' O.S.S. during World War II. ===================================================================== G.I. Combat #245 (fourth story) [September 1982] G.I. Combat #246 [October 1982] G.I. Combat #255 (second story) [July 1983] G.I. Combat #279 (third story) [September 1985] KANDRU BOLTAX President of the United Planets in the 30th century and staunch supporter of the Legion of Super-Heroes. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #361 [October 1967] Adventure Comics #366 [March 1968] Adventure Comics #368 [May 1968] Justice League of America #148 [November 1977] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #228 [June 1977] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #238 (first story) [April 1978][reprint] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #238 (second story) [April 1978][reprint] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #253 [July 1979] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #255 [September 1979] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #258 [December 1979] KANE CREOLE Elvis Presley wannabe that tagged along with the Thriller group. ===================================================================== Thriller #5 [March 1984] Thriller #6 [May 1984] Thriller #7 [June 1984] KANE, FRANCES Blonde-haired magnetically-powered youth and love interest for Kid Flash Wally West. ===================================================================== New Teen Titans (first series) #17 [March 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #29 [March 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #30 [April 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #31 [May 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #32 [June 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #39 [February 1984] New Teen Titans (second series) #2 [October 1984] New Teen Titans (second series) #6 [March 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #45 [August 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #49 [December 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #50 [February 1985] KANJAR RO Pink-skinned intergalactic tyrant from Dhor and later a conqueror of Rann. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] Justice League of America #3 [February/March 1961] Justice League of America #24 [December 1963] Justice League of America #48 (third story) [November/December 1966][reprint] Justice League of America #120 [July 1975] Justice League of America #121 [August 1975] Justice League of America #139 [February 1977] Limited Collector's Edition #C-46 (first story) [August/September 1976][reprint] Showcase #102 [July 1978] Showcase #103 [August 1978] KANTO Yellow-and-purple garbed New God of Apokolips and Darkseid's master assassin. ===================================================================== Mister Miracle (first series) #19 [September 1977] Mister Miracle (first series) #20 [October 1977] Mister Miracle (first series) #21 [December 1977] Mister Miracle (first series) #22 [February 1977] KANTUU Evil genie released from his 30th century prison by Legion members Bouncing Boy and Duo Damsel. ===================================================================== Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #266 [August 1980] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #267 [September 1980] KARATE KID I (Val Armorr) 30th century Earthling armed with the knowledge of every hand-to-hand fighting style known. ===================================================================== Action Comics #382 (second story) [November 1969] Action Comics #383 (second story) [December 1969] Action Comics #385 (second story) [February 1970] Action Comics #390 (second story) [July 1970] Action Comics #391 (second story) [August 1970 Action Comics #392 (second story) [September 1970] Adventure Comics #346 [July 1966] Adventure Comics #347 [August 1966] Adventure Comics #350 [November 1966] Adventure Comics #351 [December 1966] Adventure Comics #358 [July 1967] Adventure Comics #359 [August 1967] Adventure Comics #360 [September 1967] Adventure Comics #362 [November 1967] Adventure Comics #363 [December 1967] Adventure Comics #364 [January 1968] Adventure Comics #365 [February 1968] Adventure Comics #366 [March 1968] Adventure Comics #367 [April 1968] Adventure Comics #368 [May 1968] Adventure Comics #374 [November 1968] Adventure Comics #375 [December 1968] Adventure Comics #377 [February 1969] Adventure Comics #378 [March 1969] Adventure Comics #379 [April 1969] Brave and the Bold (first series) #198 [May 1983] Kamandi #58 [August/September 1978] Karate Kid #1 [February/March 1976] Karate Kid #2 [May/June 1976] Karate Kid #3 [July/August 1976] Karate Kid #4 [September/October 1976] Karate Kid #5 [November/December 1976] Karate Kid #6 [January/February 1977] Karate Kid #7 [March/April 1977] Karate Kid #8 [May/June 1977] Karate Kid #9 [July/August 1977] Karate Kid #10 [September/October 1977] Karate Kid #11 [November/December 1977] Karate Kid #12 [January/February 1978] Karate Kid #13 [March/April 1978] Karate Kid #14 [May/June 1978] Karate Kid #15 [July/August 1978] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #259 [January 1980] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #262 [April 1980] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #268 [October 1980] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #273 [March 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #274 [April 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #277 [July 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #278 [August 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #279 [September 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #280 [October 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #281 [November 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #282 [December 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #284 [February 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #285 (first story) [March 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #286 (first story) [April 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #286 (second story) [April 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #288 [June 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #292 [October 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #293 [November 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #294 [December 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #296 [February 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #300 [June 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #301 [July 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #303 [September 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #309 (second story) [March 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) Annual #2 [1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #2 [September 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #3 [October 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #4 [November 1984][death] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #5 [December 1984][dead body] Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes #1 [January 1981] Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes #2 [February 1981] Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes #3 [March 1981] Superboy (first series) #191 (second story) [October 1972] Superboy (first series) #193 (second story) [February 1973] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #218 [July 1976] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #224 [February 1977] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #238 (first story) [April 1978][reprint] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #238 (second story) [April 1978][reprint] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #247 (second story) [January 1979] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #250 [April 1979] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #251 [May 1979] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #258 [December 1979] KARATE KID II (Myg) Youngster of Lythyl where, after growing up on the roughest planet, he became a student of Sensei to become the second Karate Kid. ===================================================================== Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #13 [August 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #15 [October 1985] KARATE KING (Val Armorr) Adult counteraprt of the Legionnaire from the alternate future of the adult Legion of Super-Heroes. ===================================================================== Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #300 [June 1983][as vision] KARB-BRAK (Andrew Meda) Superpowered alien from the Andromeda Galaxy who could match Superman blow-for-blow. ===================================================================== Action Comics #460 (first story) [June 1976] Action Comics #461 (first story) [July 1976] Action Comics #462 (first story) [August 1976] Action Comics #463 [September 1976] Action Comics #475 (first story) [September 1977] Action Comics #476 [October 1977] KARKULL, IAN of EARTH-2 Bald mystical menace of Earth-2's Justice Society whose magic is responsible for the heroes' slow aging. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron Annual #3 [1984] KARNAGE of EARTH-2 African-american weapons expert and vigilante that challenged the Earth-2 heroine Huntress. ===================================================================== Wonder Woman (first series) #287 (second story) [January 1982] KARP, DETECTIVE of EARTH-4 Police officer and friend to the second costumed vigilante known as Blue Beetle. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #1 [April 1985] KARRAS Captain of the Tamaranian starship Xplo'rr that was sent by the royal family to Earth to retrieve their daughter Starfire. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #10 [July 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #13 [October 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #14 [November 1985] KARSHON Would-be ruler of Atlantis actually the SHARK in disguise. KASLAK, KONRAD Expert sorcerer who used magical relics to repeatedly challenge Hawkman and Hawkwoman. ===================================================================== Brave and the Bold (first series) #36 (first story) [June/July 1961] KASKOR Former general of Rann who became a traitor and sided first with the conquoring Kanjar Ro and later with the greatest enemies of Adam Strange. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #133 (second story) [October 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #134 (second story) [November 1980] World's Finest Comics (first series) #263 (third story) [June/July 1980] KATANA (Tatsu Yamashiro) Samurai warrioress and member of the Outsiders who wields an enchanted sword named Soultaker. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #53 [January 1986] Batman and the Outsiders insert [July 1983] Batman and the Outsiders #1 [August 1983] Batman and the Outsiders #2 [September 1983] Batman and the Outsiders #3 [October 1983] Batman and the Outsiders #4 [November 1983] Batman and the Outsiders #5 [December 1983] Batman and the Outsiders #6 [January 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #7 [February 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #8 [March 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #9 (first story) [April 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #9 (second story) [April 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #10 [May 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #11 [June 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #12 [July 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #13 [August 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #14 [October 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #15 [November 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #16 [December 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #17 [January 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #18 [February 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #19 [March 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #20 [April 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #21 (first story) [May 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #22 [June 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #23 [July 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #24 [August 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #25 [September 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #26 [October 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #27 [November 1985] Batman and the Outsiders Annual #1 [1984] Batman and the Outsiders Annual #2 [1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 [June 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 [July 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #6 [September 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 [October 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] DC Challenge #9 [July 1986] DC Challenge #10 [August 1986] DC Comics Presents #83 [July 1985] New Teen Titans (first series) #37 [December 1983] New Teen Titans (second series) #13 [October 1985] Red Tornado #3 [September 1983] Tales of the Teen Titans Annual #3 [1984] World's Finest Comics (first series) #300 [February 1984] World's Finest Comics (first series) #302 (second story) [April 1984] KATAR, PARAN Father of Katar Hol, aka Hawkman, and creator of the nth- metal anti-gravity belts used by the Thanagarian Wingmen. ===================================================================== Brave and the Bold (first series) #43 [August/September 1962] KATOR The first was a robot created by Superboy; the second the first villainous alias used by Carl Draper, aka Master Jailer ===================================================================== New Adventures of Superboy #17 (first story) [May 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #18 (first story) [June 1981] KATT, TABITHA "TABBY" Blonde-haired henchwoman of the mobster Tobias Whale and double-agent for the villainous 100. ===================================================================== World's Finest Comics (first series) #256 (second story) [April/May 1979] World's Finest Comics (first series) #257 (second story) [June/July 1979] World's Finest Comics (first series) #258 (second story) [August/September 1979] KATTAYAN-BESH Pacifistic Changralyn wife of Omega Man Broot who took offense of her lover's membership in the Omega Men. ===================================================================== Omega Men #2 [May 1983] Omega Men #12 [March 1984] Omega Men #13 [April 1984] KATYDID Female fighter for the Omega Men. ===================================================================== Omega Men #16 [July 1984] KAY, HARRY (nee HELMUT KRIPPTMANN) ===================================================================== Saga of the Swamp Thing #5 (first story) [September 1982] Saga of the Swamp Thing #6 (first story) [October 1982] Saga of the Swamp Thing #7 (first story) [November 1982] Saga of the Swamp Thing #8 (first story) [December 1982] Saga of the Swamp Thing #9 (first story) [January 1983] Saga of the Swamp Thing #11 (first story) [March 1983] Saga of the Swamp Thing #12 (first story) [April 1983] Saga of the Swamp Thing #16 [August 1983] Saga of the Swamp Thing #19 [December 1983][death] KAZ Turban-headed mystically-powered alien featured in the pages of DC Challenge. ===================================================================== DC Challenge #1 [November 1985] DC Challenge #2 [December 1985] DC Challenge #3 [January 1986] DC Challenge #8 [June 1986] DC Challenge #10 [August 1986] DC Challenge #11 [September 1986] DC Challenge #12 [October 1986] KEMPO (Emp) Earth-Zone crime boss actually an escaped traitorous Meta- Zone criminal. ===================================================================== Shade the Changing Man (first series) #1 [June/July 1977] Shade the Changing Man (first series) #2 [August/September 1977] Shade the Changing Man (first series) #3 [October/November 1977][death] KENDALL, CLAY ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #172 (first story) [January 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #173 (first story) [February 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #174 [March 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #175 [April 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #178 (first story) [July 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #179 [August 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #180 [September 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #181 (first story) [October 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #182 (first story) [November 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #183 [December 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #185 (first story) [February 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #186 [March 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #187 (first story) [April 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #189 (first story) [June 1985] KENNEDY, JOHN FITZGERALD President of the United States of America. ===================================================================== Action Comics #285 [February 1962] Action Comics #309 (first story) [February 1964] New Adventures of Superboy #26 (second story) [February 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #27 (second story) [March 1982] KENT, JONATHAN A farm owner and later general store owner of the town of Smallville and the adoptive father of Superboy Clark Kent. ===================================================================== Action Comics #399 (second story) [April 1971] Action Comics #494 [April 1979] Action Comics #500 [October 1979] Action Comics #507 [May 1980] Action Comics #508 [June 1980] Adventure Comics #296 (first story) [May 1962] Adventure Comics #306 (first story) [March 1963] Adventure Comics #312 (second story) [September 1963][reprint] Adventure Comics #325 (second story) [October 1964][reprint] Adventure Comics #327 (second story) [December 1964][reprint] Adventure Comics #337 (second story) [October 1965][reprint] Adventure Comics #341 (second story) [February 1966][reprint] Adventure Comics #342 (second story) [March 1966][reprint] Adventure Comics #344 (second story) [May 1966][reprint] Adventure Comics #345 (second story) [June 1966][reprint] Adventure Comics #356 (second story) [May 1967][reprint] Adventure Comics #369 [June 1968] Adventure Comics #370 [July 1968] Adventure Comics #378 [March 1969] Adventure Comics #453 (first story) [September/October 1977] Adventure Comics #454 (first story) [November/December 1977] Adventure Comics #455 (first story) [January/February 1978] Adventure Comics #456 (first story) [March/April 1978] Adventure Comics #457 (first story) [May/June 1978] Adventure Comics #458 (first story) [July/August 1978] Adventure Comics #491 (second story) [September 1982][reprint] Adventure Comics #491 (sixth story) [September 1982][reprint] Adventure Comics #492 (sixth story) [October 1982][reprint] Adventure Comics #493 (second story) [November 1982][reprint] Adventure Comics #494 (second story) [December 1982][reprint] Adventure Comics #495 (fifth story) [January 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #497 (second story) [March 1983][reprint] DC Comics Presents #29 (first story) [January 1981] DC 80-Page Giant #8 (sixth story) [1965][reprint] DC Four-Star Spectacular #1 (first story) [March/April 1976][reprint] DC Four-Star Spectacular #2 (first story) [May/June 1976][reprint] More Fun Comics #101 (third story) [January/February 1945] New Adventures of Superboy #1 [January 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #2 (second story) [February 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #4 [April 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #5 [May 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #7 [July 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #8 [August 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #9 [September 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #10 (second story) [October 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #11 (first story) [November 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #11 (second story) [November 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #12 (first story) [December 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #12 (second story) [December 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #13 [January 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #14 (first story) [February 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #14 (second story) [February 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #15 (first story) [March 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #16 (first story) [April 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #17 (first story) [May 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #17 (second story) [May 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #18 (first story) [June 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #18 (second story) [June 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #19 (first story) [July 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #19 (second story) [July 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #21 (first story) [September 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #21 (second story) [September 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #22 (first story) [October 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #22 (second story) [October 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #23 (first story) [November 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #23 (second story) [November 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #24 (first story) [December 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #24 (second story) [December 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #25 [January 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #26 (first story) [February 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #27 (first story) [March 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #27 (second story) [March 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #28 (first story) [April 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #29 (first story) [May 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #30 (first story) [June 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #31 (first story) [July 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #32 (first story) [August 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #33 (first story) [September 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #34 (first story) [October 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #35 (first story) [November 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #36 (first story) [December 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #37 (first story) [January 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #38 (first story) [February 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #39 (first story) [March 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #40 (first story) [April 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #41 (first story) [May 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #42 (first story) [June 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #43 (first story) [July 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #44 (first story) [August 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #45 (first story) [September 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #46 (first story) [October 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #47 (first story) [November 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #48 (first story) [December 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #49 (first story) [January 1984] New Adventures of Superboy #52 [April 1984] New Adventures of Superboy #53 [May 1984] New Adventures of Superboy #54 [June 1982] Superboy (first series) #105 (second story) [June 1963] Superboy (first series) #105 (third story) [June 1963] Superboy (first series) #143 (second story) [December 1967] Superboy (first series) #144 [January 1968] Superboy (first series) #145 (first story) [March 1968] Superboy (first series) #145 (second story) [March 1968] Superboy (first series) #147 (second story) [May/June 1966][reprint] Superboy (first series) #147 (third story) [May/June 1966][reprint] Superboy (first series) #149 (second story) [July 1968] Superboy (first series) #157 [July 1969] Superboy (first series) #158 [July 1969] Superboy (first series) #161 (first story) [December 1969] Superboy (first series) #162 [January 1970] Superboy (first series) #164 (first story) [April 1970] Superboy (first series) #164 (second story) [April 1970] Superboy (first series) #167 (first story) [August 1970] Superboy (first series) #170 (first story) [December 1970] Superboy (first series) #175 (first story) [June 1971] Superboy (first series) #193 (first story) [February 1973] Superboy (first series) Spectacular #1 (first story) [1980][reprint] Superboy (first series) Spectacular #1 (second story) [1980][reprint] Superboy (first series) Spectacular #1 (third story) [1980][reprint] Superboy (first series) Spectacular #1 (fourth story) [1980][reprint] Superboy (first series) Spectacular #1 (sixth story) [1980][reprint] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #255 [September 1979] Superman (first series) #173 (second story) [1964] Superman (first series) #212 (second story) [December 1968][reprint] Superman (first series) #212 (fifth story) [December 1968][reprint] Superman (first series) #212 (seventh story) [December 1968][reprint] Superman (first series) #231 (first story) [November 1970] Superman (first series) #327 (first story) [September 1978] Superman (first series) Annual #1 (fourth story) [1960][reprint] Superman (first series) Annual #1 (sixth story) [1960][reprint] Superman Family #164 (third story) [April/May 1974][reprint] Superman Family #165 (third story) [June/July 1974][reprint] Superman Family #166 (fourth story) [August/September 1974][reprint] Superman Family #166 (fifth story) [August/September 1974][reprint] Superman Family #167 (fifth story) [October/November 1974][reprint] Superman Family #167 (sixth story) [October/November 1974][reprint] Superman Family #169 (fourth story) [February/March 1975][reprint] Superman Family #169 (fifth story) [February/March 1975][reprint] Superman Family #170 (fifth story) [April/May 1975][reprint] Superman Family #182 (second story) [March/April 1977] Superman: The Secret Years #1 [February 1985] Superman: The Secret Years #4 [May 1985] Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #114 (second story) [September 1968][reprint] World of Krypton (first series) #3 [September 1979] World's Finest Comics (first series) #271 [September 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #300 [February 1984] KENT, JONATHAN of EARTH-2 Essentially same as his Earth-1 counterpart, on a world where Superman's powers didn't develop until his adult years. ===================================================================== New Adventures of Superboy #15 (second story) [March 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #16 (second story) [April 1981] Superman (first series) #1 (first story) [Summer 1939] KENT, LAUREL 30th century descendant of Superman Clark Kent whose power of invulnerability earned her a spot in the Legion Academy. ===================================================================== Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #304 [October 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #4 [November 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #8 [March 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #9 [April 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #12 (second story) [July 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) Annual #1 [1985] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #316 (first story) [October 1984] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #324 (first story) [June 1985] KENT, LOIS LANE of EARTH-2 Reporter for the Daily Star and eventual wife to Clark Kent, Earth-2's Superman. ===================================================================== Action Comics #1 (first story) [June 1938] Action Comics #484 [June 1978] All-Star Squadron Annual #3 [1984] America vs. the Justice Society #2 [February 1985] America vs. the Justice Society #3 [March 1985] America vs. the Justice Society #4 [April 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] DC Comics Presents Annual #1 [1982] Limited Collectors' Edition #C-34 (fifth story) [February/March 1975][reprint] Superman (first series) #1 (first story) [Summer 1939] Superman (first series) #1 (second story) [Summer 1939] Superman (first series) #253 (second story) [July 1972][reprint] Superman (first series) #327 (second story) [September 1978] Superman Family #221 (fourth story) [August 1982] Superman Family #222 (fourth story) [September 1982] Wanted: The World's Most Dangerous Villains #9 (first story) [August/September 1973][reprint] World's Finest Comics (first series) #271 [September 1981] KENT, MARTHA HUDSON CLARK Wife of Smallville native Jonathan Kent and the loving adoptive mother of Superboy Clark Kent. ===================================================================== Action Comics #399 (second story) [April 1971] Action Comics #494 [April 1979] Action Comics #500 [October 1979] Adventure Comics #296 (first story) [May 1962] Adventure Comics #306 (first story) [March 1963] Adventure Comics #312 (second story) [September 1963][reprint] Adventure Comics #325 (second story) [October 1964][reprint] Adventure Comics #336 (second story) [September 1965][reprint] Adventure Comics #337 (second story) [October 1965][reprint] Adventure Comics #338 (second story) [November 1965][reprint] Adventure Comics #341 (second story) [February 1966][reprint] Adventure Comics #342 (second story) [March 1966][reprint] Adventure Comics #343 (second story) [April 1966][reprint] Adventure Comics #344 (second story) [May 1966][reprint] Adventure Comics #345 (second story) [June 1966][reprint] Adventure Comics #369 [June 1968] Adventure Comics #370 [July 1968] Adventure Comics #378 [March 1969] Adventure Comics #453 (first story) [September/October 1977] Adventure Comics #454 (first story) [November/December 1977] Adventure Comics #455 (first story) [January/February 1978] Adventure Comics #456 (first story) [March/April 1978] Adventure Comics #457 (first story) [May/June 1978] Adventure Comics #458 (first story) [July/August 1978] Adventure Comics #491 (sixth story) [September 1982][reprint] Adventure Comics #494 (second story) [December 1982][reprint] Adventure Comics #495 (second story) [January 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #495 (fifth story) [January 1983][reprint] DC 80-Page Giant #8 (sixth story) [1965][reprint] DC Four-Star Spectacular #1 (first story) [March/April 1976][reprint] DC Four-Star Spectacular #2 (first story) [May/June 1976][reprint] More Fun Comics #101 (third story) [January/February 1945] New Adventures of Superboy #1 [January 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #2 (second story) [February 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #4 [April 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #5 [May 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #7 [July 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #8 [August 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #9 [September 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #10 (second story) [October 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #11 (first story) [November 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #11 (second story) [November 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #12 (first story) [December 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #12 (second story) [December 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #13 [January 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #14 (first story) [February 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #14 (second story) [February 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #15 (first story) [March 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #16 (first story) [April 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #17 (first story) [May 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #17 (second story) [May 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #18 (first story) [June 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #18 (second story) [June 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #19 (first story) [July 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #19 (second story) [July 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #21 (first story) [September 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #21 (second story) [September 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #22 (first story) [October 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #22 (second story) [October 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #23 (first story) [November 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #23 (second story) [November 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #24 (first story) [December 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #24 (second story) [December 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #25 [January 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #26 (first story) [February 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #26 (second story) [February 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #27 (first story) [March 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #27 (second story) [March 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #28 (first story) [April 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #29 (first story) [May 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #31 (first story) [July 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #32 (first story) [August 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #33 (first story) [September 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #34 (first story) [October 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #35 (first story) [November 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #36 (first story) [December 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #37 (first story) [January 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #38 (first story) [February 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #39 (first story) [March 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #40 (first story) [April 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #41 (first story) [May 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #42 (first story) [June 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #43 (first story) [July 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #45 (first story) [September 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #47 (first story) [November 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #48 (first story) [December 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #49 (first story) [January 1984] New Adventures of Superboy #50 [February 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #53 [May 1984] New Adventures of Superboy #54 [June 1982] Superboy (first series) #105 (second story) [June 1963] Superboy (first series) #105 (third story) [June 1963] Superboy (first series) #143 (second story) [December 1967] Superboy (first series) #144 [January 1968] Superboy (first series) #145 (first story) [March 1968] Superboy (first series) #145 (second story) [March 1968] Superboy (first series) #147 (third story) [May/June 1966][reprint] Superboy (first series) #147 (fifth story) [May/June 1966][reprint] Superboy (first series) #149 (second story) [July 1968] Superboy (first series) #157 [July 1969] Superboy (first series) #158 [July 1969] Superboy (first series) #161 (first story) [December 1969] Superboy (first series) #162 [January 1970] Superboy (first series) #164 (second story) [April 1970] Superboy (first series) #167 (first story) [August 1970] Superboy (first series) #170 (first story) [December 1970] Superboy (first series) #175 (first story) [June 1971] Superboy (first series) Spectacular #1 (first story) [1980][reprint] Superboy (first series) Spectacular #1 (second story) [1980][reprint] Superboy (first series) Spectacular #1 (third story) [1980][reprint] Superboy (first series) Spectacular #1 (fourth story) [1980][reprint] Superboy (first series) Spectacular #1 (sixth story) [1980][reprint] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #255 [September 1979] Superman (first series) #173 (second story) [1964] Superman (first series) #212 (second story) [December 1968][reprint] Superman (first series) #212 (fifth story) [December 1968][reprint] Superman (first series) #212 (seventh story) [December 1968][reprint] Superman (first series) #231 (first story) [November 1970] Superman (first series) #327 (first story) [September 1978] Superman (first series) Annual #1 (fourth story) [1960][reprint] Superman (first series) Annual #1 (sixth story) [1960][reprint] Superman Family #164 (third story) [April/May 1974][reprint] Superman Family #165 (third story) [June/July 1974][reprint] Superman Family #166 (fourth story) [August/September 1974][reprint] Superman Family #167 (fifth story) [October/November 1974][reprint] Superman Family #167 (sixth story) [October/November 1974][reprint] Superman Family #169 (fourth story) [February/March 1975][reprint] Superman Family #169 (fifth story) [February/March 1975][reprint] Superman Family #182 (second story) [March/April 1977] Superman: The Secret Years #1 [February 1985] Superman: The Secret Years #4 [May 1985] Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #114 (second story) [September 1968][reprint] World of Krypton (first series) #3 [September 1979] World's Finest Comics (first series) #300 [February 1984] KENT, MARY of EARTH-2 Essentially same as Earth-1 counterpart Martha, who with her Earth's Jonathan raised the Earth-2 Superman. ===================================================================== New Adventures of Superboy #15 (second story) [March 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #16 (second story) [April 1981] Superman (first series) #1 (first story) [Summer 1939] KENT, MATTHEW Jonathan Kent's father and adopted grandfather of Superman Clark Kent. ===================================================================== Superman (first series) #212 (fifth story) [December 1968][reprint] KEVIN Young blind boy living in an apocalyptic world who was befriended by Hercules. ===================================================================== Hercules Unbound #1 [October/November 1975] Hercules Unbound #2 [December/January 1976] Hercules Unbound #3 [February/March 1976] Hercules Unbound #4 [April/May 1976] Hercules Unbound #5 [June/July 1976] Hercules Unbound #6 [August/September 1976] Hercules Unbound #7 [October/November 1976] Hercules Unbound #8 [December/January 1977] Hercules Unbound #9 [February/March 1977] Hercules Unbound #10 [April/May 1977] Hercules Unbound #11 [June/July 1977] KEY Criminal chemist that constantly challenged the Justice League of America with his Key-Men. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #41 [December 1965] Justice League of America #63 [June 1968] Justice League of America #110 (first story) [March/April 1974] Justice League of America #150 [January 1978] Justice League of America #191 [June 1981] KHALIS ===================================================================== DC First Issue Special #9 [December 1975] KHARLAK the CONQUEROR Enhanced member of a brutal 30th century race known as the Khunds; he twice suffered defeat at the hands of the Legion. ===================================================================== Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #287 (first story) [May 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #298 [April 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #299 [May 1983] KHEM Black-furred dog of Clive Arno and helper to Captain Action and Action Boy. ===================================================================== Captain Action #1 [October/November 1968] KHIRON The last of the centaurs and stauch ally to Arak, Son of Thunder until his death. ===================================================================== Arak, Son of Thunder #10 (first story) [June 1982] Arak, Son of Thunder #11 (first story) [July 1982] Arak, Son of Thunder #12 (first story) [August 1982][death] KHUFU of EARTH-2 Ancient pharoah of Egypt who was reincarnated in archaeologist Carter Hall. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #2 [October 1981] Flash Comics #1 (third story) [January 1940] the KHUNDS An agressive alien race bent on onquering the galaxy but are held back by the Legion of Super-Heroes. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #346 [July 1966] Adventure Comics #347 [August 1966] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #285 [March 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #287 (first story) [May 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #298 [April 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #299 [May 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #300 [June 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #307 [January 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #308 (first story) [February 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #309 (first story) [March 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #310 [April 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #10 [May 1985] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #237 [March 1978] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #242 (first story) [August 1978] KID DEVIL (Edward "Gopher" Bloomberg) Nephew of Verner Brothers' exec Marla Bloom and part-time sidekick to Blue Devil. ===================================================================== Blue Devil insert [June 1984] Blue Devil #1 [June 1984] Blue Devil #2 [July 1984] Blue Devil #5 [October 1984] Blue Devil #6 [November 1984] Blue Devil #7 [December 1985] Blue Devil #8 [January 1985] Blue Devil #9 [February 1985] Blue Devil #11 [April 1985] Blue Devil #12 [May 1985] Blue Devil #13 [June 1985] Blue Devil #14 [July 1985] Blue Devil #15 [August 1985] Blue Devil #16 [September 1985] Blue Devil #17 [October 1985] KID DEVIL (Edward "Gopher" Bloomberg) of EARTH-? Similar to his Earth-1 counterpart, but never really became Kid Devil. ===================================================================== Blue Devil #18 [November 1985] KID ETERNITY (Christopher "Kit" Freeman) of EARTH-S Brother of Freddy Freeman (aka Captain Marvel Jr.) given the power to call forth figures from the past by Mr. Keeper. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #491 (first story) [September 1982] Adventure Comics #492 (first story) [October 1982] Secret Origins (first series) #4 (first story) [September/October 1973][reprint] World's Finest Comics (first series) #279 (fourth story) [May 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #280 (fourth story) [June 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #281 (fourth story) [July 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #282 (fourth story) [August 1982] KID FLASH (Wallace "Wally" West) Nephew of Iris West who gained superhuman speed and became both the protege of the Flash and founding member of the Teen Titans. ===================================================================== Action Comics #409 (second story) [February 1972][reprint] Action Comics #410 (third story) [March 1972][reprint] Action Comics #532 (first story) [June 1982] Action Comics #536 (first story) [October 1982] Action Comics #546 [August 1983] Batman #241 (second story) [May 1972] Batman and the Outsiders #5 [December 1983] Best of DC Digest #18 (first story) [November 1981] Best of DC Digest #18 (second story) [November 1981][reprint] Best of DC Digest #18 (third story) [November 1981][reprint] Best of DC Digest #18 (fourth story) [November 1981][reprint] Best of DC Digest #18 (fifth story) [November 1981][reprint] Brave and the Bold (first series) #54 [June/July 1964] Brave and the Bold (first series) #60 [June/July 1965] Brave and the Bold (first series) #94 [February/March 1971] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #11 [February 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] DC Challenge #10 [August 1986] DC Four-Star Spectacular #2 (third story) [May/June 1976][reprint] DC Super-Stars #1 (first story) [March 1976][reprint] DC Super-Stars #1 (second story) [March 1976][reprint] Detective Comics #327 (second story) [May 1964] Doom Patrol (first series) #104 [June 1966] Flash (first series) #110 (second story) [December/January 1960] Flash (first series) #111 (second story) [February/March 1960] Flash (first series) #112 (second story) [April/May 1960] Flash (first series) #114 (second story) [August 1960] Flash (first series) #116 (second story) [November 1960] Flash (first series) #138 (second story) [August 1963] Flash (first series) #202 (second story) [December 1970] Flash (first series) #208 (third story) [August 1971][reprint] Flash (first series) #239 (first story) [February 1976] Flash (first series) #240 (first story) [March 1976] Flash (first series) #265 (second story) [September 1978] Flash (first series) #266 (second story) [October 1978] Flash (first series) #269 [January 1979] Flash (first series) #277 [September 1979] Flash (first series) #300 [August 1981] Flash (first series) #324 [August 1983] Flash (first series) #325 (first story) [September 1983] Flash (first series) #325 (second story) [September 1983] Flash (first series) #328 [December 1983] Flash (first series) #343 [March 1985] Flash (first series) #344 [April 1985] Flash (first series) #345 [May 1985] Flash (first series) #349 [September 1985] Flash (first series) Annual #1 (sixth story) [1963][reprint] Hawk and the Dove (first series) #5 [April/May 1969] Justice League of America #114 (first story) [November/December 1974] Justice League of America #240 [July 1985] Limited Collectors' Edition #C-34 (fourth story) [February/March 1975][reprint] New Teen Titans (first series) insert [October 1980] New Teen Titans (first series) #1 [November 1980] New Teen Titans (first series) #2 [December 1980] New Teen Titans (first series) #3 [January 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #4 [February 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #5 [March 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #6 [April 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #7 [May 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #8 [June 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #9 [July 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #10 [August 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #11 [September 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #13 [November 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #14 [December 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #15 [January 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #16 [February 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #17 [March 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #18 [April 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #19 [May 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #20 (first story) [June 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #20 (second story) [June 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #21 [July 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #22 [August 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #23 [September 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #24 [October 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #25 [November 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #26 [December 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #28 [February 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #29 [March 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #30 [April 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #31 [May 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #32 [June 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #33 [July 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #34 [August 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #36 [November 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #37 [December 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #39 [February 1984] New Teen Titans (first series) Annual #1 [1982] New Teen Titans (first series) Annual #2 [1983] New Teen Titans (second series) #2 [October 1984] New Teen Titans (second series) #3 [November 1984] New Teen Titans (second series) #4 [January 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #5 [February 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #6 [March 1985] New Teen Titans Drug Awareness giveaway #2 [1983] New Teen Titans Drug Awareness giveaway #3 [1983] Secret Society of Super-Villains #8 [July/August 1977] Showcase #59 [November/December 1965] Showcase #100 [May 1978] Super-Team Family #7 (first story) [October/November 1976] Tales of the New Teen Titans #1 [July 1982] Tales of the New Teen Titans #2 [August 1982] Tales of the New Teen Titans #3 [September 1982] Tales of the New Teen Titans #4 [September 1982] Tales of the Teen Titans #45 [August 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #49 [December 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #50 [February 1985] Teen Titans (first series) #1 [January/February 1966] Teen Titans (first series) #2 [March/April 1966] Teen Titans (first series) #3 [May/June 1966] Teen Titans (first series) #4 [July/August 1966] Teen Titans (first series) #5 [September/October 1966] Teen Titans (first series) #6 [November/December 1966] Teen Titans (first series) #7 [January/February 1967] Teen Titans (first series) #8 [March/April 1967] Teen Titans (first series) #9 [May/June 1967] Teen Titans (first series) #10 [July/August 1967] Teen Titans (first series) #11 [September/October 1967] Teen Titans (first series) #12 [November/December 1967] Teen Titans (first series) #13 [January/February 1968] Teen Titans (first series) #14 [March/April 1968] Teen Titans (first series) #15 [May/June 1968] Teen Titans (first series) #16 [July/August 1968] Teen Titans (first series) #17 [September/October 1968] Teen Titans (first series) #18 [November/December 1968] Teen Titans (first series) #19 [January/February 1969] Teen Titans (first series) #20 [March/April 1969] Teen Titans (first series) #21 [May/June 1969] Teen Titans (first series) #22 (first story) [July/August 1969] Teen Titans (first series) #22 (second story) [July/August 1969] Teen Titans (first series) #23 [September/October 1969] Teen Titans (first series) #24 [November/December 1969] Teen Titans (first series) #25 [January/February 1970] Teen Titans (first series) #26 [March/April 1970] Teen Titans (first series) #27 [May/June 1970] Teen Titans (first series) #28 [July/August 1970] Teen Titans (first series) #29 [September/October 1970] Teen Titans (first series) #30 (first story) [November/December 1970] Teen Titans (first series) #30 (second story) [November/December 1970] Teen Titans (first series) #31 (first story) [January/February 1971] Teen Titans (first series) #32 [March/April 1971] Teen Titans (first series) #33 [May/June 1971] Teen Titans (first series) #39 (first story) [May/June 1972] Teen Titans (first series) #40 [July/August 1972] Teen Titans (first series) #42 [November/December 1972] Teen Titans (first series) #43 [January/February 1973] Teen Titans (first series) #44 [November 1976] Teen Titans (first series) #45 [December 1976] Teen Titans (first series) #46 [February 1977] Teen Titans (first series) #47 [April 1977] Teen Titans (first series) #48 [June 1977] Teen Titans (first series) #49 [August 1977] Teen Titans (first series) #50 [September 1977] Teen Titans (first series) #51 [November 1977] Teen Titans (first series) #52 [December 1977] Teen Titans (first series) #53 [February 1978] Wonder Woman (first series) #287 (first story) [January 1982] KID PSYCHO (Gnill Opril) 30th century native of Hajor and reservist Legionnaire whose telekinetic powers shortens his lifetime. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 [June 1985][death] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #300 [June 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #18 [January 1986][dead body] Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes #3 [March 1981] KILHAMMER, KATHY of EARTH-2 Blonde-haired rich debutante, girlfriend of Edward Runyon, and comrade of Commander Steel. ===================================================================== Steel the Indestructible Man #2 [April 1978] Steel the Indestructible Man #4 (first story) [August/September 1978] KILLER CROC (Waylon Jones) Super-strong crocodile-looking member of Batman's Rogues Gallery. ===================================================================== Batman #358 [April 1983] Detective Comics #523 [February 1983] KILLER FROST I (Crystal Frost) Psychotic scientist once in love with Professor Martin Stein that later turned into a frigid she-bitch. ===================================================================== DC Comics Presents #17 [January 1980] Firestom the Nuclear Man #3 [June 1978] Fury of Firestorm #1 [June 1982] Fury of Firestorm #3 [August 1982] Fury of Firestorm #4 [September 1982] Fury of Firestorm #20 [February 1984] Fury of Firestorm #21 [March 1984][death] Fury of Firestorm Annual #2 [1984][as vision] Justice League of America #195 [October 1981] Justice League of America #196 [November 1981] Justice League of America #197 [December 1981] KILLER FROST II (Louise Lincoln) Scientist successor to the Killer Frost persona who carried a deep hatred for Firestorm. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #1 [April 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #2 [May 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 [June 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 [July 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Fury of Firestorm #21 [March 1984] Fury of Firestorm #33 [March 1985] Fury of Firestorm #34 [April 1985] Fury of Firestorm #35 [May 1985] Fury of Firestorm #36 [June 1985] KILLER MOTH (Cameron Van Cleer) Underworld "protector" of Gotham City and enemy to the Batman and Batgirl. ===================================================================== Batman #311 [May 1979] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Detective Comics #359 (first story) [January 1967] Justice League of America #35 [May 1965] Untold Legend of the Batman #3 [September 1980] KILLER SHARK ===================================================================== Blackhawk (first series) #216 (first story) [January 1966] Blackhawk (first series) #250 [January/February 1977] KIMAN One of the head Weaponers of the anit-matter universe of Qward and enemy to the GL Corps. ===================================================================== DC Comics Presents #6 [February 1979] DC Comics Presents #7 [March 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #4 (first story) [January/February 1961] Justice League of America #126 [January 1976] KING I Original member of the Royal Flush Gang organized by Professor Amos Fortune. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #43 [March 1966] Justice League of America #54 [June 1967] Justice League of America #240 [July 1985] KING II (Joe Carny) Former hobo transformied into the King of the second Royal Flush Gang. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #203 [June 1982] Justice League of America #204 [July 1982] Justice League of America #205 [August 1982] KING ALEXANDER Another alias for ALEXANDER THE PLANETEER. KING BEE of EARTH-2 Nerdy bee-controlling Golden Age Earth-2 villain. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #1 [September 1981] KING, CHRISTOPHER "CHRIS" With his powerful Hero Dial, Chris King can become any hero by simply dialing "H" for Hero. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #479 (first story) [March 1981] Adventure Comics #479 (second story) [March 1981] Adventure Comics #479 (third story) [March 1981] Adventure Comics #480 (first story) [April 1981] Adventure Comics #480 (second story) [April 1981] Adventure Comics #480 (third story) [April 1981] Adventure Comics #481 (first story) [May 1981] Adventure Comics #481 (second story) [May 1981] Adventure Comics #481 (third story) [May 1981] Adventure Comics #482 (first story) [June 1981] Adventure Comics #482 (second story) [June 1981] Adventure Comics #482 (third story) [June 1981] Adventure Comics #483 (first story) [July 1981] Adventure Comics #483 (second story) [July 1981] Adventure Comics #484 (first story) [August 1981] Adventure Comics #484 (second story) [August 1981] Adventure Comics #485 [September 1981] Adventure Comics #486 (first story) [October 1981] Adventure Comics #486 (second story) [October 1981] Adventure Comics #487 (first story) [November 1981] Adventure Comics #487 (second story) [November 1981] Adventure Comics #488 (first story) [December 1981] Adventure Comics #488 (second story) [December 1981] Adventure Comics #489 (first story) [January 1982] Adventure Comics #489 (second story) [January 1982] Adventure Comics #490 [February 1982] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] DC Comics Presents #44 [April 1982] Dial "H" For Hero insert [March 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #28 (second story) [April 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #29 (second story) [May 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #30 (second story) [June 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #31 (second story) [July 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #32 (second story) [August 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #33 (second story) [September 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #34 (second story) [October 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #35 (second story) [November 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #36 (second story) [December 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #37 (second story) [January 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #38 (second story) [February 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #39 (second story) [March 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #40 (second story) [April 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #41 (second story) [May 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #42 (second story) [June 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #43 (second story) [July 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #44 (second story) [August 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #45 (second story) [September 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #46 (second story) [October 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #47 (second story) [November 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #48 (second story) [December 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #49 (second story) [January 1984] KING, ELIZABETH "LIZ" Wife to Detective Greg King and mother to "H"-Dialer Chris King. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #479 (third story) [March 1981] Adventure Comics #481 (first story) [May 1981] Adventure Comics #481 (third story) [May 1981] Adventure Comics #483 (first story) [July 1981] Adventure Comics #483 (second story) [July 1981] Adventure Comics #484 (first story) [August 1981] Adventure Comics #485 [September 1981] Adventure Comics #489 (first story) [January 1982] Adventure Comics #490 [February 1982] Dial "H" For Hero insert [March 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #31 (second story) [July 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #38 (second story) [February 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #39 (second story) [March 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #41 (second story) [May 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #45 (second story) [September 1983] KING FARADAY Secret agent for the U.S. Government code-named "I-Spy." ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #483 (second story) [July 1981] Flash (first series) #291 (first story) [November 1980] New Teen Titans (first series) #18 [April 1982] Showcase #100 [May 1978] KING, GARY Younger and smarter brother to Chris King. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #481 (first story) [May 1981] Adventure Comics #481 (second story) [May 1981] Adventure Comics #481 (third story) [May 1981] Adventure Comics #483 (first story) [July 1981] Adventure Comics #483 (second story) [July 1981] Adventure Comics #484 (first story) [August 1981] Adventure Comics #487 (first story) [November 1981] Adventure Comics #489 (first story) [January 1982] Adventure Comics #490 [February 1982] Dial "H" For Hero insert [March 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #34 (second story) [October 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #35 (second story) [November 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #36 (second story) [December 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #38 (second story) [February 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #39 (second story) [March 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #41 (second story) [May 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #45 (second story) [September 1983] KING, GREGORY "GREG" Father to Chris King and a police detective in the town of Fairfax. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #479 (second story) [March 1981] Adventure Comics #479 (third story) [March 1981] Adventure Comics #480 (second story) [April 1981] Adventure Comics #481 (first story) [May 1981] Adventure Comics #481 (third story) [May 1981] Adventure Comics #482 (first story) [June 1981] Adventure Comics #482 (second story) [June 1981] Adventure Comics #482 (third story) [June 1981] Adventure Comics #483 (first story) [July 1981] Adventure Comics #483 (second story) [July 1981] Adventure Comics #484 (first story) [August 1981] Adventure Comics #485 [September 1981] Adventure Comics #486 (first story) [October 1981] Adventure Comics #486 (third story) [October 1981] Adventure Comics #487 (second story) [November 1981] Adventure Comics #488 (second story) [December 1981] Adventure Comics #489 (first story) [January 1982] Adventure Comics #490 [February 1982] Dial "H" For Hero insert [March 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #30 (second story) [June 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #31 (second story) [July 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #32 (second story) [August 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #34 (second story) [October 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #35 (second story) [November 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #36 (second story) [December 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #38 (second story) [February 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #39 (second story) [March 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #41 (second story) [May 1983] KING INFERNO Old foe of Zatana. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #164 [March 1979][death] KING KOSMOS Superman villain and the first threat faced by the second Superwoman. ===================================================================== DC Comics Presents Annual #2 [1983] KING KULL the BEASTMAN of EARTH-S Earth-S Captain Marvel foe and the only surviving Cro-Magnon man of that world out for revenge against Homo Sapiens. ===================================================================== DC Comics Presents #34 [June 1981] Justice League of America #135 [October 1976] Justice League of America #136 [November 1976] Justice League of America #137 [December 1976] World's Finest Comics (first series) #257 (fifth story) [June/July 1979] World's Finest Comics (first series) #264 (fifth story) [August/September 1980] World's Finest Comics (first series) #265 (fifth story) [October/November 1980] World's Finest Comics (first series) #267 (fifth story) [February/March 1981] KING, MARCIA Defense attorney for New York City and love interest for the second Vigilante. ===================================================================== Vigilante #5 [April 1984] Vigilante #7 [June 1984] Vigilante #9 [August 1984] Vigilante #10 [September 1984] Vigilante #11 [October 1984] Vigilante #12 [November 1984] Vigilante #13 [December 1984] Vigilante #14 [February 1985] Vigilante #15 [March 1985] Vigilante #16 [April 1985] Vigilante #19 [July 1982] Vigilante #20 [August 1985] Vigilante #21 [September 1985] Vigilante #22 [October 1985] Vigilante #23 [November 1985] Vigilante #24 [December 1985] Vigilante Annual #1 [1985] KING SAMSON Henchman to the Earth-X villain known as Silver Ghost. ===================================================================== Freedom Fighters #1 [March/April 1976] Freedom Fighters #2 [May/June 1976] Freedom Fighters #4 [September/October 1976] KINGSLAYER ===================================================================== Super Friends #11 [April/May 1978] KINGSTON, JAY Member of the criminal Council and target for Nemesis. ===================================================================== Brave and the Bold (first series) #169 (second story) [December 1980] Brave and the Bold (first series) #186 (second story) [May 1982] Brave and the Bold (first series) #188 (second story) [July 1982] Brave and the Bold (first series) #189 (second story) [August 1982] the KIRRI Diminutive blue-furred race of the planet Rann that were a constant thorn in the side of Adam Strange. ===================================================================== Showcase #102 [July 1978] Showcase #103 [August 1978] World's Finest Comics (first series) #263 (third story) [June/July 1980] KLIKLAK Giant mutated praying mantis from Earth after the Great Disaster that Kamandi used as a mount. ===================================================================== Kamandi #11 [November 1973] Kamandi #12 [December 1973] Kamandi #13 [January 1974] Kamandi #14 [February 1974][death] KLYBURN, JENET Exceptional red-headed scientist and head of Metropolis' and later New York City's S.T.A.R. Labs. ===================================================================== Action Comics #515 (first story) [January 1981] Action Comics #574 (first story) [December 1985] Blue Devil #2 [July 1984] Blue Devil #3 [August 1984] Blue Devil #17 [October 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] DC Comics Presents #4 [December 1978] DC Comics Presents #5 [January 1979] DC Comics Presents #8 [April 1979] DC Comics Presents #24 [August 1980] DC Comics Presents #48 (first story) [August 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #36 [November 1983] New Teen Titans (second series) #13 [October 1985] Superman (first series) #347 [May 1980] Superman (first series) #355 [January 1981] Tales of the Teen Titans #56 [August 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #57 [September 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #58 [October 1985] World's Finest Comics (first series) #266 (first story) [December/January 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #308 [October 1984] KNIGHT, HENRY of EARTH-2 Earth-2 U.S. Senator and father to the heroine Phantom Lady. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #25 [September 1983] All-Star Squadron #41 [January 1985] Freedom Fighters #15 [July/August 1978] Police Comics #1 (ninth story) [August 1941] the KNIGHTS OF THE GALAXY ===================================================================== Justice League of America #85 (third story) [November/December 1970][reprint] Justice League of America #91 (second story) [August 1971][reprint] KNODAR of EARTH-2 ===================================================================== Infinity, Inc. #23 [February 1986] Infinity, Inc. #24 [March 1986] KOBRA Evil terrorist with an army and an array of incredible gadgets at his disposal. ===================================================================== Aquaman (first series) #60 (first story) [February/March 1978] Aquaman (first series) #61 [April/May 1978] Batman and the Outsiders #25 [September 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #26 [October 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #27 [November 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] DC Comics Presents #81 [May 1985] DC Special Series #1 (fifth story) [1977] Kobra #1 [February/March 1976] Kobra #2 [April/May 1976] Kobra #3 [Jule/July 1976] Kobra #4 [September/October 1976] Kobra #5 [November/December 1976] Kobra #6 [January/February 1977] Kobra #7 [March/April 1977] Superman (first series) #327 (first story) [September 1978] KOKO White alien monkey with two antennae who sat atop the evil Brainiac's shoulder. ===================================================================== Action Comics #500 [October 1979] DC Super-Stars #14 (second story) [May/June 1977] KOLE (Kole Weathers) Crystal-spinning enemy, ally, and later member of the New Teen Titans that perished in the Crisis. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 [June 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 [July 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #6 [September 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 [October 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #11 [February 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986][death] New Teen Titans (second series) #9 [June 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #10 [July 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #11 [August 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #12 [September 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #13 [October 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #14 [November 1985] KONG I Young primitive who fought in the time of Pangaea. ===================================================================== Kong the Untamed #1 [June/July 1975] Kong the Untamed #2 [August/September 1975] Kong the Untamed #3 [October/November 1975] Kong the Untamed #4 [December/January 1976] Kong the Untamed #5 [February/March 1976] KONG II Strongman member of the criminal quartet of Chicago known as the Gang. ===================================================================== Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #4 (first story) [February 1983] Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #5 (first story) [March 1983] KOR the CONQUEROR (Anton Koravyk) Scientist in the field of sonics transformed into a Neanderthal man. ===================================================================== Doom Patrol (first series) #114 (first story) [September 1967] KORAK The son of Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle and Jane Porter who settled for a live in the jungles of Africa. ===================================================================== Korak, Son of Tarzan #46 (first story) [May/June 1972] Korak, Son of Tarzan #47 (first story) [July/August 1972] Korak, Son of Tarzan #48 (first story) [September/October 1972] Korak, Son of Tarzan #49 (first story) [November/December 1972] Korak, Son of Tarzan #50 (first story) [January/February 1973] Korak, Son of Tarzan #51 (first story) [March/April 1973] Korak, Son of Tarzan #52 (first story) [May/June 1973] Korak, Son of Tarzan #53 (first story) [August/September 1973] Korak, Son of Tarzan #54 (first story) [October/November 1973] Korak, Son of Tarzan #55 (first story) [December/January 1974] Korak, Son of Tarzan #56 (first story) [February/March 1974] Korak, Son of Tarzan #57 (first story) [May/June 1974] Korak, Son of Tarzan #57 (first story) [May/June 1974] Korak, Son of Tarzan #58 (first story) [July/August 1974] Korak, Son of Tarzan #58 (first story) [July/August 1974] Korak, Son of Tarzan #59 (first story) [September/October 1974] Korak, Son of Tarzan #59 (first story) [September/October 1974] Tarzan #230 (second story) [April/May 1974] Tarzan Family #62 (first story) [March/April 1976] Tarzan Family #62 (fifth story) [March/April 1976][reprint] Tarzan Family #63 (first story) [May/June 1976] KORE Also known as Persphone or Procerpina, the Daughter of Demeter and wife of Pluto in Roman mythology. ===================================================================== Wonder Woman (first series) #328 [December 1985] Wonder Woman (first series) #329 [February 1986] KRA Alien warlord and member of the League of Challenge-Haters. ===================================================================== Doom Patrol (first series) #102 [March 1966] Super-Team Family #10 (first story) [April/May 1977] KRAAD the CONQUEROR Tyrant of a sidereal dimension whose armies are created from energy and attack world after world. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #25 [February 1964] KRAKEN ===================================================================== Supergirl (second series) #18 [April 1984] KRAKLOW White-haired 18th century Polish mystic and member of the Forgotten Villains. ===================================================================== DC Comics Presents #77 [January 1985] DC Comics Presents #78 [February 1985] Rip Hunter... Time Master #28 [September/October 1965] KRANUS A robotic body that housed the villainous Brain. ===================================================================== Doom Patrol (first series) #101 (first story) [February 1966] KRELLIK Arch-nemesis of Captain Action who gains his powers from Hernobug, the Slavic god of evil. ===================================================================== Captain Action #1 [October/November 1968] KRINN, EWA 30th century Braalian and mother of the Legionnaires Cosmic Boy and Magnetic Kid ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #335 (first story) [August 1965] Adventure Comics #356 (first story) [May 1967] Adventure Comics #357 [June 1967] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #297 [March 1983][death] Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes #1 [January 1981] KRINN, HU 30th century Braalian and father of the Legionnaires Cosmic Boy and Magnetic Kid. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #335 (first story) [August 1965] Adventure Comics #356 (first story) [May 1967] Adventure Comics #357 [June 1967] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #297 [March 1983] Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes #1 [January 1981] KRIS-KROSS (Christopher Cross) Russian spy who gained electrical power and fought Superman and Firestorm. ===================================================================== DC Comics Presents #45 [May 1982] KRITTER of EARTH-2 ===================================================================== Infinity, Inc. #17 [August 1985] Infinity, Inc. #18 [September 1985] Infinity, Inc. #22 [January 1986] Infinity, Inc. #24 [March 1986] KROGG the RED Red-haired murderous Norwegian and enemy to the Viking Prince. ===================================================================== Arak, Son of Thunder #8 (second story) [April 1982] Arak, Son of Thunder #9 (second story) [May 1982] Arak, Son of Thunder #10 (second story) [June 1982] Arak, Son of Thunder #11 (second story) [July 1982][death] KROMM King of the planet Mosteel and constantly at war with Kanjar Ro, Hyathis, and Sayyar. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #3 [February/March 1961] Justice League of America #48 (third story) [November/December 1966][reprint] KRONA Renegade Guardian of the Universe whose attempt to see the dawn of time unleashed evil into the universe. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] Green Lantern (second series) #195 [December 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #198 [March 1986] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #295 [January 1983] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 [May 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2 [June 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981] KRU-EL Evil cousin of Jor-El who was placed in the Phantom Zone. ===================================================================== Action Comics #309 (second story) [February 1964] Action Comics #473 [July 1977] Adventure Comics #395 (second story) [July 1970] DC Comics Presents #73 [September 1984] Phantom Zone #1 [January 1982] Phantom Zone #2 [February 1982] Phantom Zone #3 [March 1982] Phantom Zone #4 [April 1982] Superman (first series) #402 (second story) [December 1984] Superman Family #178 (third story) [August/September 1976][reprint] World of Krypton (first series) #1 [July 1979] World of Krypton (first series) #3 [September 1979] KRYPTO Superhuman white-furred canine and pet to Superboy and member of the Legion of Super-Pets and the Space Canines. ===================================================================== Action Comics #309 (first story) [February 1964] Action Comics #341 (second story) [September 1966] Action Comics #373 (first story) [March/April 1969][reprint] Action Comics #373 (third story) [March/April 1969][reprint] Action Comics #403 (fourth story) [August 1971][reprint] Action Comics #441 (second story) [November 1974] Action Comics #462 (second story) [August 1976] Action Comics #467 (second story) [January 1977] Action Comics #500 [October 1979] Adventure Comics #306 (first story) [March 1963] Adventure Comics #323 (second story) [August 1964][reprint] Adventure Comics #330 (second story) [March 1965] Adventure Comics #343 (first story) [April 1966] Adventure Comics #351 [December 1966] Adventure Comics #364 [January 1968] Adventure Comics #380 [May 1969] Adventure Comics #398 (first story) [October 1970] Adventure Comics #409 (third story) [August 1971][reprint] Adventure Comics #491 (sixth story) [September 1982][reprint] Adventure Comics #492 (sixth story) [October 1982][reprint] Adventure Comics #493 (fifth story) [November 1982][reprint] Adventure Comics #494 (second story) [December 1982][reprint] Adventure Comics #495 (second story) [January 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #495 (second story) [January 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #497 (second story) [March 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #500 (tenth story) [June 1983][reprint] DC Comics Presents #14 [October 1979] DC 80-Page Giant #8 (sixth story) [1965][reprint] DC Four-Star Spectacular #6 (second story) [January/February 1977][reprint] New Adventures of Superboy #10 (second story) [October 1980] New Adventures of Superboy #17 (second story) [May 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #22 (second story) [October 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #50 [February 1984] New Adventures of Superboy #52 [April 1984] New Adventures of Superboy #53 [May 1984] Super Friends #2 [December 1976] Superboy (first series) #105 (third story) [June 1963] Superboy (first series) #132 (first story) [September 1966] Superboy (first series) #144 [January 1968] Superboy (first series) #147 (second story) [May/June 1966][reprint] Superboy (first series) #147 (third story) [May/June 1966][reprint] Superboy (first series) #147 (fourth story) [May/June 1966][reprint] Superboy (first series) #147 (fifth story) [May/June 1966][reprint] Superboy (first series) #158 [July 1969] Superboy (first series) #161 (second story) [December 1969] Superboy (first series) #162 [January 1970] Superboy (first series) #163 (first story) [March 1970] Superboy (first series) #164 (third story) [April 1970] Superboy (first series) Spectacular #1 (third story) [1980][reprint] Superman (first series) #173 (second story) [1964] Superman (first series) #212 (third story) [December 1968][reprint] Superman (first series) Annual #1 (sixth story) [1960][reprint] Superman Family #164 (third story) [April/May 1974][reprint] Superman Family #165 (sixth story) [June/July 1974][reprint] Superman Family #166 (fifth story) [August/September 1974][reprint] Superman Family #167 (fifth story) [October/November 1974][reprint] Superman Family #168 (fourth story) [December/January 1975][reprint] Superman Family #168 (sixth story) [December/January 1975][reprint] Superman Family #169 (fourth story) [February/March 1975][reprint] Superman Family #171 (second story) [June/July 1975][reprint] Superman Family #173 (third story) [October/November 1975][reprint] Superman Family #176 (fourth story) [April/May 1976][reprint] Superman family #182 (sixth story) [March/April 1977] KRYPTONITE KID Kid criminal from an alien planet who underwent an experiment turning him into the ultimate Superman assassin. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #454 (first story) [November/December 1977] Adventure Comics #455 (first story) [January/February 1978] Superboy (first series) Spectacular #1 (second story) [1980][reprint] Superman (first series) #299 [May 1976] KRYPTONITE MAN I An adult KRYPTONITE KID. KRYPTONITE MAN II Adult Kryptonian permanently transformed into a Kryptonite- emitting villain. ====================================================================== Superman (first series) #397 [July 1984] KRYSTOVAR Wanderer and warrior who eventually teamed-up with the Warlord Travis Morgan. ====================================================================== Warlord (first series) #74 (first story) [October 1983] Warlord (first series) #76 (first story) [December 1983] Warlord (first series) #78 (first story) [February 1984] Warlord (first series) #80 (first story) [April 1984] Warlord (first series) #82 (first story) [June 1984] Warlord (first series) #83 (first story) [July 1984] Warlord (first series) #84 (first story) [August 1984] Warlord (first series) #86 (first story) [October 1984] Warlord (first series) #97 [September 1985] Warlord (first series) Annual #2 [1984] Warlord (first series) Annual #3 [1985] KUBERT, JOE of EARTH-PRIME Famous DC artist of titles such as Blackhawk, Hawkman, Sgt. Rock and Tor. ===================================================================== DC Special #5 (first story) [October/November 1969] Tor #1 [May/June 1975] Tor #2 (first story) [July/August 1975] Tor #2 (second story) [July/August 1975] Tor #4 (first story) [November/December 1975] Tor #5 (first story) [January/February 1976] Tor #6 (first story) [March/April 1976] Tor #6 (second story) [March/April 1976] Tor #6 (third story) [March/April 1976] KULAK of EARTH-2 Blue-skinned high-priest of Brtzal and enemy of the Spectre. ===================================================================== All-Star Comics #2 (third story) [Fall 1940] All-Star Squadron #20 [April 1983] All-Star Squadron #27 [November 1983] All-Star Squadron #28 [December 1983] KUNG (Thomas Morita) of EARTH-2 Japanese-American and shape-shifing agent of Japan during Earth-2's World War II. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #8 [April 1982] All-Star Squadron #9 [May 1982] All-Star Squadron #42 [February 1985] All-Star Squadron #43 [March 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] KYLE, FELICIA Mother to Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman. ===================================================================== Brave and the Bold (first series) #176 (first story) [July 1981][death]On to L
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