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Silver Age Appearance List |
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JACE, HELGA Markovian Doctor who created the heroes Geo-Force and Terra and was an aide to Batman and his Outsiders. ===================================================================== Batman and the Outsiders #1 [August 1983] Batman and the Outsiders #2 [September 1983] Batman and the Outsiders #5 [December 1983] Batman and the Outsiders #6 [January 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #16 [December 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #17 [January 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #18 [February 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #22 [June 1985] New Teen Titans (first series) #37 [December 1983] Tales of the Teen Titans Annual #3 [1984] JACK I Became the villain known as HI-JACK. JACK II Gigolo recruited by the robotic Ace to be in the second Royal Flush Gang. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #203 [June 1982] Justice League of America #204 [July 1982] Justice League of America #205 [August 1982] JACK B. QUICK Blue-costumed champion of the planet Angor with the power of super-speed. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #87 [February 1971] JACK O'LANTERN Global Guardian and masked hero of Ireland that wields a mystic pumpkin. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] DC Comics Presents #46 [June 1982] Super Friends #40 (second story) [January 1981] Super Friends #44 (second story) [May 1981] JACKAL An international terrorist working out of Uganda who was responsible for slitting young Jericho's throat. ===================================================================== Tales of the Teen Titans #44 [July 1984] JACKHAMMER I (Jackson Hammersmith) Piledriving foe of Superman armed with a rather large jackhammer arm. ===================================================================== Action Comics #537 (first story) [November 1982] Action Comics #538 (first story) [December 1982] JACKHAMMER II Heavyset Houston oil wildcatter and member of the villainous Demolition Team. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #176 [May 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #178 (first story) [July 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #179 [August 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #180 [September 1984] JACKSON, HARVEY Father to Jillian Jackson who detested his daughter's involvement with the New Teen Titan Changeling. ===================================================================== Doom Patrol (first series) #119 [May/June 1968] JACKSON, JEFFERSON Basketball-playing friend to Ronnie Raymond and star student at Bradley High. ===================================================================== Flash (first series) #291 (second story) [November 1980] Fury of Firestorm #1 [June 1982] Fury of Firestorm #3 [August 1982] Fury of Firestorm #8 [January 1983] Fury of Firestorm #9 [February 1983] Fury of Firestorm #11 [April 1983] Fury of Firestorm #12 [May 1983] Fury of Firestorm #13 [June 1983] Fury of Firestorm #14 [July 1983] Fury of Firestorm #17 [October 1983] Fury of Firestorm #22 [April 1984] Fury of Firestorm #24 [June 1984] Fury of Firestorm #25 [July 1984] Fury of Firestorm #28 [October 1984] Fury of Firestorm #34 [April 1985] Fury of Firestorm #40 [October 1985] Fury of Firestorm Annual #2 [1984] JACKSON, JILLIAN "JILL" Pink-haired one-time girlfriend of Beast Boy/Changeling Gar Logan. ===================================================================== Doom Patrol (first series) #99 (second story) [November 1965] Doom Patrol (first series) #108 [December 1966] Doom Patrol (first series) #118 [March/April 1968] Doom Patrol (first series) #120 [July/August 1968] New Teen Titans (second series) #6 [March 1985] Tales of the New Teen Titans #3 [August 1982] Tales of the Teen Titans #45 [August 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #47 [October 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #48 [November 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #50 [February 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #53 [May 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #54 [June 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #55 [July 1985] JADE (Jennie Lynn Hayden-Scott) of EARTH-2 Green-skinned power pulse wielding daughter of Earth-2's Green Lantern Alan Scott raised in a foster family. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #25 [September 1983] All-Star Squadron #26 [October 1982] All-Star Squadron #53 [January 1986] All-Star Squadron Annual #2 [1983] America vs. the Justice Society #1 [January 1985] America vs. the Justice Society #2 [February 1985] America vs. the Justice Society #4 [April 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 [July 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 [October 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #11 [February 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] Infinity, Inc. #1 [March 1984] Infinity, Inc. #2 [April 1984] Infinity, Inc. #3 [June 1984] Infinity, Inc. #4 [July 1984] Infinity, Inc. #5 [August 1984] Infinity, Inc. #6 [September 1984] Infinity, Inc. #7 [October 1984] Infinity, Inc. #8 [November 1984] Infinity, Inc. #9 [December 1984] Infinity, Inc. #10 [January 1985] Infinity, Inc. #11 [February 1985] Infinity, Inc. #12 [March 1985] Infinity, Inc. #13 [April 1985] Infinity, Inc. #14 [May 1985] Infinity, Inc. #15 [June 1985] Infinity, Inc. #16 [July 1985] Infinity, Inc. #17 [August 1985] Infinity, Inc. #18 [September 1985] Infinity, Inc. #19 [October 1985] Infinity, Inc. #20 [November 1985] Infinity, Inc. #21 [December 1985] Infinity, Inc. #22 [January 1986] Infinity, Inc. #23 [February 1986] Infinity, Inc. Annual #1 [1985] Justice League of America #244 [November 1985] JAF-EL Religious leader of ancient Krypton responsible for the mono- theistic beliefs of the planet. ===================================================================== Krypton Chronicles #3 [November 1980] JAFFAR An aquatic New God of the Fourth World and one of Darkseid's evil Deep Six. ===================================================================== Return of the New Gods #13 [August 1977] JAMES PRATT, MARY of EARTH-2 Red-haired girlfriend and eventual wife of Al Pratt, Earth-2's Atom. ===================================================================== All-Star Comics #3 [Winter 1940] All-Star Squadron #13 [September 1982] All-Star Squadron Annual #1 [1982] DC Comics Presents #30 (second story) [February 1981] JAMESON, JOAN of EARTH-S Blonde secretary for Mr. Morris at WHIZ-TV and friend to Billy Batson aka Captain Marvel ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #6 [September 1985] Shazam! #6 (first story) [October 1973] World's Finest Comics (first series) #256 (fifth story) [April/May 1979] World's Finest Comics (first series) #257 (fifth story) [June/July 1979] World's Finest Comics (first series) #272 (fifth story) [October 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #274 (fifth story) [December 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #275 (fifth story) [January 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #276 (fifth story) [February 1982] JAMIESON, MELISSA Daughter of the senator of New Earth and one-time lover to Christopher Champion. ===================================================================== Atari Force (second series) #1 [January 1984] Atari Force (second series) #2 [February 1984] Atari Force (second series) #10 [October 1984] Atari Force (second series) #20 (first story) [August 1985] JAMISON, J.J. "SKIPPER" Captain in the United States Army during WWII and commander to Jeb Stuart and his Haunted Tank crew. ===================================================================== G.I. Combat #202 (first story) [June/July 1977] G.I. Combat #223 (fourth story) [November 1980] G.I. Combat #241 (sixth story) [May 1982] G.I. Combat #242 (sixth story) [June 1982] G.I. Combat #249 (first story) [January 1983] G.I. Combat #249 (fifth story) [January 1983] G.I. Combat #250 (first story) [February 1983] G.I. Combat #250 (fifth story) [February 1983] G.I. Combat #251 (first story) [March 1983] G.I. Combat #255 (first story) [July 1983] G.I. Combat #255 (fourth story) [July 1983] G.I. Combat #267 (first story) [July 1984] G.I. Combat #270 (first story) [October 1984] G.I. Combat #280 (first story) [November 1985] JARILLA Mother of Jemm, Son of Saturn who died with the rest of the Saturnian race. ===================================================================== Jemm, Son of Saturn #3 [November 1984] JARL Cell-mate and assistant to the shape-changing Thanagarian criminal Byth. ===================================================================== Brave and the Bold (first series) #42 [June/July 1962] Showcase #103 [August 1978] JASON Bicycle-riding teen on a quest to find his parents and the truth about his past. ===================================================================== Showcase #100 [May 1978] JAVA Aboriginal right-hand-man to tycoon Simon Stagg who loved Sapphire Stagg and hated Metamorpho. ===================================================================== Action Comics #413 (fifth story) [June 1972] Action Comics #414 (second story) [July 1972] Action Comics #415 (second story) [August 1972] Action Comics #417 (second story) [October 1972] Batman and the Outsiders #16 [December 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #24 [August 1985] Batman and the Outsiders Annual #2 [1985] Brave and the Bold (first series) #58 [February/March 1965] DC Comics Presents #40 (first story) [December 1981] DC First Issue Special #3 [June 1975] Metamorpho (first series) #4 [January/February 1966] Metamorpho (first series) #9 [November/December 1966] Metamorpho (first series) #12 [May/June 1967] Metamorpho (first series) #13 [July/August 1967] Metamorpho (first series) #14 [September/October 1967] Metamorpho (first series) #17 [March/April 1968] Super DC Giant #S-16 (second story) [September/October 1970][reprint] World's Finest Comics (first series) #217 [April/May 1973] World's Finest Comics (first series) #218 (second story) [July/August 1973] World's Finest Comics (first series) #219 (second story) [September/October 1973] World's Finest Comics (first series) #220 (second story) [November/December 1973] World's Finest Comics (first series) #228 (fourth story) [March/April 1975][reprint] JAVELIN Javelin-weilding top-notch assassin and enemy to Earth's Green Lantern. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #173 (first story) [February 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #174 [March 1984] JAX-UR Bald-headed Kryptonian Phantom Zone villain who was imprisoned after trying to gain revenge on Jor-El. ===================================================================== Action Comics #304 (second story) [September 1963] Action Comics #309 (second story) [Febrary 1964] Action Comics #341 (second story) [September 1966] Action Comics #366 (first story) [August 1968] Action Comics #473 [July 1977] Action Comics #492 [February 1979] Action Comics #500 [October 1979] Action Comics #548 [October 1983] Adventure Comics #390 (fifth story) [March/April 1970][reprint] Adventure Comics #395 (second story) [July 1970] Adventure Comics #495 (fifth story) [January 1983][reprint] DC Comics Presents #73 [September 1984] DC Comics Presents #84 [August 1985] New Adventures of Superboy #9 (first story) [September 1980] Phantom Zone #1 [January 1982] Phantom Zone #2 [February 1982] Phantom Zone #3 [March 1982] Phantom Zone #4 [April 1982] Superboy (first series) #147 (third story) [May/June 1966][reprint] Superboy (first series) #162 [January 1970] Superman (first series) #212 (third story) [December 1968][reprint] Superman Family #178 (third story) [August/September 1976][reprint] World of Krypton (first series) #1 [July 1979] World of Krypton (first series) #2 [August 1979] World of krypton (first series) #3 [September 1979] JAXX Father of Jemm, Son of Saturn who perished with the rest of the Saturnians. ===================================================================== Jemm, Son of Saturn #3 [November 1984] JEFFERSON, THOMAS Renaissance American of the Revolutionary Era responsible for the shaping of the country. ===================================================================== Action Comics #463 [September 1976] Adventure Comics #296 (first story) [May 1962] JELLY WOMAN Hideous jelly-like villainess of "H"-Dialers Chris King and Vicki Grant. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #488 (first story) [December 1981] JEMM, SON of SATURN The red-skinned prince and sole survivor of the twin-raced world Saturn armed with a powerful birthstone. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] DC Challenge #4 [February 1986] DC Challenge #5 [March 1986] Infinity, Inc. #22 [January 1986] Jemm, Son of Saturn #1 [September 1984] Jemm, Son of Saturn #2 [October 1984] Jemm, Son of Saturn #3 [November 1984] JENESIS (Alixandra Ward) Scientist embued with amazing powers ranging from flight to telekinesis. ===================================================================== New Talent Showcase #8 (first story) [August 1984] New Talent Showcase #9 (fifth story) [September 1984] New talent Showcase #10 (second story) [October 1984] JENSEN, BILL of EARTH-2 Super-powered thug responsible for the death of the Earth-2 Batman. ==================================================================== Adventure Comics #461 (third story) [January/February 1979] Adventure Comics #462 (first story) [March/April 1979][death] JER-EM Kryptonian religious fanatic sentensed to the Phantom Zone for his zealot rage. ===================================================================== Phantom Zone #1 [January 1982] Phantom Zone #2 [February 1982] Phantom Zone #3 [March 1982] Phantom Zone #4 [April 1982][death] JERICHO (Joseph William Wilson) New Teen Titans member and mute son of Deathstroke the Terminator who can possess other people's bodies. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 [June 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 [July 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #1 [August 1984] New Teen Titans (second series) #2 [October 1984] New Teen Titans (second series) #3 [November 1984] New Teen Titans (second series) #4 [January 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #5 [February 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #6 [March 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #7 [April 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #8 [May 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #9 [June 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #10 [July 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #11 [August 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #12 [September 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #13 [October 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #14 [November 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) Annual #1 [1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #42 [May 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #43 [June 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #44 [July 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #45 [August 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #46 [September 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #47 [October 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #48 [November 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #50 [February 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #51 [March 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #52 [April 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #56 [August 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #57 [September 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #58 [October 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans Annual #3 [1984] JERO Red-skinned alien assistant to Tommy Tomorrow. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] DC Comics Presents #78 [February 1985] JERRO A merboy from the Atlantean continent of Tritonis and telepathic love interest to young Supergirl. ===================================================================== Action Comics #285 [February 1962] Action Comics #311 (second story) [April 1964] Action Comics #326 (second story) [July 1965] Action Comics #341 (second story) [September 1966] Action Comics #355 (second story) [October 1967] Adventure Comics #390 (third story) [March/April 1970][reprint] Adventure Comics #390 (fifth story) [March/April 1970][reprint] Adventure Comics #493 (fifth story) [November 1982][reprint] Superboy (first series) #147 (fourth story) [May/June 1966][reprint] JESTER (Chuck Lane) of EARTH-2 Police officer who used his hand-to-hand abilities to fight crime as a costumed adventurer. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #31 [March 1984] All-Star Squadron #50 [October 1985] JEWELEE of EARTH-4 Earth-4 wacky villainess and partner of Punch who uses toys to commit crimes. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] JEZEBELLE Blue-skinned female member of the Gods of New Genesis who was once one of Darkseid's agents. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #459 (fourth story) [September/October 1978] Adventure Comics #460 (third story) [November/December 1978] Return of the New Gods #12 [July 1977] Return of the New Gods #14 [October 1977] Return of the New Gods #15 [December 1977] Return of the New Gods #16 [February 1978] Return of the New Gods #17 [April 1978] Return of the New Gods #18 [June 1978] Return of the New Gods #19 [July/August 1978] Super-Team Family #15 [March/April 1978] JHODAN Native of the "Exile Planet" and lover to the 30th century hero Dawnstar. ===================================================================== Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #321 [March 1985] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #322 [April 1985] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #323 [May 1985] JINAL NE'COMARR Sole survivor of a starship destroyed by the alien Qlov, cadet Jinal organized a resistance movement on the Barren Earth to defeat the invading Qlov armies. ===================================================================== Conqueror of the Barren Earth #1 [February 1985] Conqueror of the Barren Earth #2 [March 1985] Conqueror of the Barren Earth #3 [April 1985] Conqueror of the Barren Earth #4 [May 1985] Warlord (first series) #63 (second story) [November 1982] Warlord (first series) #64 (second story) [December 1982] Warlord (first series) #65 (second story) [January 1983] Warlord (first series) #68 (second story) [April 1983] Warlord (first series) #69 (second story) [May 1983] Warlord (first series) #70 (second story) [June 1983] Warlord (first series) #72 (second story) [August 1983] Warlord (first series) #73 (second story) [September 1983] Warlord (first series) #74 (second story) [October 1983] Warlord (first series) #76 (second story) [December 1983] Warlord (first series) #80 (second story) [April 1984] Warlord (first series) #81 (second story) [May 1984] Warlord (first series) #82 (second story) [June 1984] Warlord (first series) #83 (second story) [July 1984] Warlord (first series) #86 (second story) [October 1984] JINX I Dial "H" for Hero supervillain capable of causing bad luck that was defeated by Chris King and Vicki Grant. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #488 (first story) [December 1981] JINX II Super-powered Hindu mystic and latter-day member of the Fearsome Five. ===================================================================== Tales of the Teen Titans #56 [August 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #57 [September 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #58 [October 1985] JOGARR Military leader of the red-skinned Saturnians and enemy of Jemm's father Jaxx. ===================================================================== Jemm, Son of Saturn #3 [November 1984] JOHANNES Hooded priest, patriarch of the Church of the East and ally of Arak, Son of Thunder. ===================================================================== Arak, Son of Thunder #18 (first story) [February 1983] Arak, Son of Thunder #19 (first story) [March 1983] Arak, Son of Thunder #20 (first story) [April 1983] Arak, Son of Thunder #21 (first story) [May 1983] Arak, Son of Thunder #22 (first story) [June 1983] Arak, Son of Thunder #23 [July 1983] Arak, Son of Thunder #24 [August 1983] JOHNNY QUICK (Johnny Chambers) of EARTH-2 Super-speeding member of the All-Star Squadron who gains his powers when he speaks the formula 3X2(9YZ)4A. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron insert [August 1981] All-Star Squadron #1 [September 1981] All-Star Squadron #2 [October 1981] All-Star Squadron #3 [November 1981] All-Star Squadron #4 [December 1981] All-Star Squadron #5 [January 1982] All-Star Squadron #6 [February 1982] All-Star Squadron #7 [March 1982] All-Star Squadron #8 [April 1982] All-Star Squadron #9 [May 1982] All-Star Squadron #10 [June 1982] All-Star Squadron #11 [July 1982] All-Star Squadron #12 [August 1982] All-Star Squadron #13 [September 1982] All-Star Squadron #14 [October 1982] All-Star Squadron #15 [November 1982] All-Star Squadron #16 [December 1982] All-Star Squadron #17 [January 1983] All-Star Squadron #18 [February 1983] All-Star Squadron #19 [March 1983] All-Star Squadron #20 [April 1983] All-Star Squadron #21 [May 1983] All-Star Squadron #22 [June 1983] All-Star Squadron #23 [July 1983] All-Star Squadron #24 [August 1983] All-Star Squadron #26 [October 1982] All-Star Squadron #27 [November 1983] All-Star Squadron #31 [March 1984] All-Star Squadron #32 [April 1984] All-Star Squadron #33 [May 1984] All-Star Squadron #34 [June 1984] All-Star Squadron #35 [July 1984] All-Star Squadron #38 [October 1984] All-Star Squadron #39 [November 1984] All-Star Squadron #40 [December 1984] All-Star Squadron #41 [January 1985] All-Star Squadron #42 [February 1985] All-Star Squadron #44 [April 1985] All-Star Squadron #45 [May 1985] All-Star Squadron #46 [June 1985] All-Star Squadron #50 [October 1985] All-Star Squadron #51 [November 1985] All-Star Squadron #52 (first story) [December 1982] All-Star Squadron #53 [January 1986] All-Star Squadron #54 [February 1986] All-Star Squadron Annual #1 [1982] All-Star Squadron Annual #2 [1983] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #6 [September 1985] DC Special #5 (fourth story) [October/November 1969] Infinity, Inc. #22 [January 1986] Justice League of America #207 [October 1982] Justice League of America #208 [November 1982] Justice League of America #209 [December 1982] More Fun Comics #73 (fourth story) [November 1941] More Fun Comics #101 (fourth story) [January/February 1945] Wanted: The World's Most Dangerous Villains #7 (first story) [March/April 1973][reprint] JOHNNY QUICK of EARTH-3 Super-speeding criminal and member of the Earth-3's Crime Syndicate that perished during the Crisis. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #14 [October 1982] Crisis on Infinite Earths #1 [April 1985][death] Justice League of America #29 [August 1964] Justice League of America #30 [September 1964] Justice League of America #114 (third story) [November/December 1974][reprint] Justice League of America #114 (fourth story) [November/December 1974][reprint] Justice League of America #207 [October 1982] Justice League of America #209 [December 1982] Justice League of America #232 [November 1984] Secret Society of Super-Villains #13 [Marchh 1978] JOHNSON, JACKIE Ex-heavyweight boxing champ and member of Sgt. Rock's WWII unit Easy Company. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 [June 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 [July 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] DC Comics Presents #10 [June 1979] DC Special #5 (second story) [October/November 1969][reprint] G.I. Combat #246 [October 1982] Men of War #26 [March 1980] World's Finest Comics (first series) #300 [February 1984] JOJASTA Evil medicine man from the bowels of Africa and enemy to Bomba the Jungle Boy. ===================================================================== Bomba, the Jungle Boy #1 [September/October 1967] JOKER I Deadly white-faced psychopath and the most famous archenemy of the Batman. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #2 [May 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] DC Challenge #7 [May 1986] DC Challenge #8 [June 1986] DC Challenge #12 [October 1986] DC Comics Presents #41 [January 1982] DC Comics Presents #72 [August 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #117 [June 1979] Joker #1 [May 1975] Joker #2 [July 1975] Joker #3 [September/October 1975] Joker #4 [November/December 1975] Joker #6 [March/April 1976] Justice League of America #34 [March 1965] Justice League of America #77 [December 1969] Justice League of America #126 [January 1976] Limited Collector's Edition #C-46 (second story) [August/September 1976][reprint] Super Powers (first series) #1 [July 1984] Super Powers (first series) #2 [August 1984] Super Powers (first series) #3 [September 1984] Super Powers (first series) #4 [October 1984] Super Powers (first series) #5 [November 1984] Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #125 (first story) [December 1969] Untold Legend of the Batman #1 [July 1980] Untold Legend of the Batman #2 [August 1980] World's Finest Comics (first series) #276 (first story) [February 1982] JOKER II Temporary alias of Justice League member "SNAPPER" CARR while defeating the Royal Flush Gang. JOKER of EARTH-2 This insane and murderous villain is essentially identical to his Earth-1 counterpart. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #20 [April 1983] Batman #1 (second story) [Spring 1940][reprint] Batman #1 (eighth story) [Spring 1940][reprint] Brave and the Bold (first series) #200 (first story) [July 1983] Justice League of America #136 [November 1976] JOKER'S DAUGHTER Early alias for Earth-1's HARLEQUIN. JONES, ANDROMEDA Former thief and orphan who teams up with Marcus Baka and befriends Polaris Spanner. ===================================================================== Spanner's Galaxy #1 [December 1984] Spanner's Galaxy #2 [January 1985] Spanner's Galaxy #3 [February 1985] Spanner's Galaxy #4 [March 1985] Spanner's Galaxy #5 [April 1985] Spanner's Galaxy #6 [May 1985][death] JONES, DARWIN Master of the macabre who has heloped out the heroes of Earth on occasion. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #7 (second story) [May 1983] DC Challenge #4 [February 1986] DC Challenge #6 [April 1986] DC Challenge #7 [May 1986] DC Challenge #8 [June 1986] DC Challenge #12 [October 1986] JONES, SHARI Friend and roommate of Supergirl Linda Danvers with secret ESP powers. ===================================================================== Superman Family #168 (first story) [December/January 1975] Superman Family #171 (first story) [June/July 1975] JORDAN, HELEN Wife of the original Air Wave Larry Jordan and mother of the third Air Wave Hal Jordan. ===================================================================== DC Comics Presents #40 (second story) [December 1981] DC Comics Presents #55 [March 1983] JORDAN, JACK Brother to Hal Jordan, Earth's Green Lantern and husband to Jan Jordan. ===================================================================== Action Comics #488 (second story) [October 1978] Action Comics #511 (second story) [September 1980] Action Comics #512 (second story) [October 1980] Action Comics #526 (second story) [December 1981] Action Comics #533 (second story) [July 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #9 (second story) [November/December 1961] Green Lantern (second series) #14 (second story) [July 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #31 (second story) [September 1964] New Adventures of Superboy #13 [January 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981] JORDAN, JAN Sister-in-law to Green Lantern Hal Jordan and aunt to the third Air Wave. ===================================================================== Action Comics #488 (second story) [October 1978] Action Comics #511 (second story) [September 1980] Action Comics #512 (second story) [October 1980] Action Comics #526 (second story) [December 1981] Action Comics #527 (second story) [January 1982] Action Comics #535 (second story) [September 1982] DC Comics Presents #55 [March 1983] JORDAN, JASON Son of Jack and Jan Jordan and cousin to Air Wave Hal Jordan and Green Lantern Hal Jordan. ===================================================================== Action Comics #488 (second story) [October 1978] Action Comics #511 (second story) [September 1980] Action Comics #512 (second story) [October 1980] Action Comics #526 (second story) [December 1981] Action Comics #535 (second story) [September 1982] DC Comics Presents #55 [March 1983] JORDAN, JENNIFER Daughter of Jack and Jan Jordan and cousin to Air Wave Hal Jordan and Green Lantern Hal Jordan. ===================================================================== Action Comics #488 (second story) [October 1978] Action Comics #511 (second story) [September 1980] Action Comics #512 (second story) [October 1980] Action Comics #526 (second story) [December 1981] Action Comics #535 (second story) [September 1982] DC Comics Presents #55 [March 1983] JORDAN, JAMES "JIM" Brother of Hal Jordan, Earth's Green Lantern and one of the infamous "Jordan Brothers". ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #9 (second story) [November/December 1961] Green Lantern (second series) #14 (second story) [July 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #31 (second story) [September 1964] Green Lantern (second series) #53 (second story) [June 1967] Green Lantern (second series) #101 [February 1978] New Adventures of Superboy #13 [January 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981] JORDAN, SUSAN "SUE" WILLIAMS Love interest and later wife of Jim Jordan who was convinced Jim was actually Green Lantern. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #9 (second story) [November/December 1961] Green Lantern (second series) #14 (second stor) [July 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #31 (second story) [September 1964] Green Lantern (second series) #53 (second story) [June 1967] Green Lantern (second series) #101 [February 1978] JOR-EL I Somewhat well-known Kryptonian scientist and father to his more famous namesake. ===================================================================== World of Krypton (first series) #2 [August 1979] JOR-EL II Premiere scientist of the planet Krypton and father to Kal-El, the last son of Krypton known as Superman. ===================================================================== Action Comics #309 (second story) [Febrary 1964] Action Comics #332 (second story) [January 1966] Action Comics #378 (first story) [July 1969] Action Comics #390 (first story) [July 1970] Action Comics #391 (first story) [August 1970][as statue] Action Comics #440 (first story) [October 1974][as ghost] Action Comics #487 (first story) [September 1978] Action Comics #499 [September 1979] Action Comics #500 [October 1979] Adventure Comics #323 (first story) [August 1964] Adventure Comics #420 (fourth story) [June 1972][reprint] Adventure Comics #494 (second story) [December 1982][reprint] DC Comics Presents #29 (first story) [January 1981] DC 80-Page Giant #8 (sixth stor) [1965][reprint] More Fun Comics #101 (third story) [January/February 1945] New Adventures of Superboy #17 (first story) [May 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #28 (first story) [April 1982] Phantom Zone #1 [January 1982] Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes #2 [February 1981] Superboy (first series) #158 [July 1969] Superboy (first series) Spectacular #1 (third story) [1980][reprint] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #255 [September 1979] Superman (first series) #113 [May 1957] Superman (first series) #123 (third story) [August 1958] Superman (first series) #173 (second story) [1964] Superman (first series) #212 (first story) [December 1968][reprint] Superman (first series) #212 (seventh story) [December 1968][reprint] Superman (first series) #231 (first story) [November 1970] Superman (first series) #233 (third story) [January 1971] Superman (first series) #268 (second story) [October 1973] Superman (first series) #375 (second story) [September 1982] Superman (first series) #402 (second story) [December 1984] Superman (first series) Annual #1 (first story) [1960][reprint] Superman Family #165 (third story) [June/July 1974][reprint] Superman Family #167 (fifth story) [October/November 1974][reprint] Superman Pizza Hut Giveaway #2 [1977][reprint] World of Krypton (first series) #1 [July 1979] World of Krypton (first series) #2 [August 1979] World of Krypton (first series) #3 [September 1979] World's Finest Comics (first series) #256 (first story) [April/May 1979] JOR-EL II of KRYPTON-PRIME Identical to his Earth-1 counterpart who also managed to save his son from the destruction of Krypton Prime. ===================================================================== DC Comics Presents #87 (second story) [September 1984][death] JOSEPHUS The infamous Wandering Jew that meandered in and out of the life of Arak Red-Hand. ===================================================================== Arak, Son of Thunder #7 [March 1982] Arak, Son of Thunder #8 (first story) [April 1982] Arak, Son of Thunder #10 (first story) [June 1982] Arak, Son of Thunder #35 (first story) [July 1984] Arak, Son of Thunder #36 (first story) [August 1984] JUDD, BOB Love interest for Tracey Thompson. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #402 (second story) [February 1971] JUDOMASTER (Rip Jagger) of EARTH-4 Martial arts hero of Earth-4's World War II who, along with his sidekick Tiger, fought the Nazis. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #6 [September 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 [October 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] JUNGLE KING A Tarzan-garbed Legion of Super-Heroes reject who organized and mentally controlled the evil Legion of Super-Monsters. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #500 (fifth story) [June 1983][reprint] JUPITER, LOREN White-haired millionaire philanthropist that, for a time, sponsored the original Teen Titans. ===================================================================== Teen Titans (first series) #25 [January/February 1970] Teen Titans (first series) #26 [March/April 1970] Teen Titans (first series) #27 [May/June 1970] Teen Titans (first series) #32 [March/April 1971] Teen Titans (first series) #33 [May/June 1971] Teen Titans (first series) #39 (first story) [May/June 1972] Teen Titans (first series) #40 [July/August 1972] Teen Titans (first series) #41 (first story) [September/October 1972] JURNDAAL, LYSSA Lover to the blue-skinned Starman Mikaal Tomas who gave her life so he could escape. ===================================================================== DC First Issue Special #12 [March 1976][death]On to K
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