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Silver Age Appearance List |
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FACELESS White faceless leader of the villainous and mysterious organization called Vulture. ===================================================================== House of Mystery #167 (second story) [June 1967] FACELESS HUNTER from SATURN Orange-skinned alien giant and member of the Forgotten Villains. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] DC Comics Presents #77 [January 1985] DC Comics Presents #78 [February 1985] FADEAWAY MAN (Anton Lamont) Former professor and vanishing foe to the winged wonder Hawkman armed with the magic cloak of Cagliostro. ===================================================================== Brave and the Bold (first series) #186 (first story) [May 1982] FAFHRD the BARBARIAN Barbarian fighter and partner to the Gray Mouser who lives in a world of Sword and Sorcery. ===================================================================== Sword of Sorcery #2 [April/May 1973] Sword of Sorcery #5 (first story) [November/December 1973] FAGAN, TOM Resident of Rutland, Vermont and host of the annual Halloween Parade dedicated to usperheroes and the supernatural. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #145 [August 1977] FALCON Winged foe for Hawkman and Hawkwoman. ===================================================================== Hawkman (first series) #22 [October/November 1967] FAMILIAR Member of the Evil Eight capable of possessing machinery that fought the "H" Dialers. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #485 (first story) [September 1981] FAORA HU-UL Vicious Kryptonian female responsible for the slaughter of thirty men and sentenced to the Phantom Zone. ===================================================================== Action Comics #471 (first story) [May 1977] Action Comics #472 (first story) [June 1977] Action Comics #473 [July 1977] Action Comics #492 [February 1979] Action Comics #548 [October 1983] Action Comics #549 [November 1983] DC Comics Presents #73 [September 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #9 (first story) [September 1980] Phantom Zone #1 [January 1982] Phantom Zone #2 [February 1982] Phantom Zone #4 [April 1982] World of Krypton (first series) #3 [September 1979] FARLEY, BRAD of EARTH-2 Husband of Gloria Giles, former fiancee of Steel, the Indestructible Man. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #50 [October 1985] FARLEY, DWAYNE Law partner to Cecile Horton and original defense attorney in the trial of the Flash until injuries forced him to step down. ===================================================================== Flash (first series) #338 [October 1984] Flash (first series) #340 [December 1984] Flash (first series) #341 [January 1985] Flash (first series) #343 [March 1985] Flash (first series) #345 [May 1985] Flash (first series) #346 [June 1985] FARLEY, PETER Law partner to Cecile Horton and original defense attorney in the trial of the Flash until injuries forced him to step down. ===================================================================== Flash (first series) #329 [Janaury 1984] Flash (first series) #330 [February 1984] Flash (first series) #331 [March 1984] Flash (first series) #332 [April 1984] Flash (first series) #333 [May 1984] Flash (first series) #334 [June 1984] Flash (first series) #337 [September 1984] FARRELL, FIREMAN FRED Heroic firefighter. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 [October 1985] Showcase #100 [May 1978] FAST FORWARD Super-speeding member of the evil Network that challenged Superman and Batman. ===================================================================== World's Finest Comics (first series) #311 [January 1984] World's Finest Comics (first series) #312 [February 1984] World's Finest Comics (first series) #313 [March 1985] FASTBACK (Timmy Joe Terrapin) of EARTH-C Super-speeding duck of Earth-C and member of Captain Carrot's Amazing Zoo-Crew. ===================================================================== Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew insert [February 1980] Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew #1 [March 1982] Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew #7 (first story) [September 1982] Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew #7 (second story) [September 1982] Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew #8 (first story) [October 1982] Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew #19 [October 1983] Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew #20 [November 1983] FASTBALL Lacrosse loser of the Overmaster's Cadre who was defetaed by the Detroit-era Justice League of America. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Justice League of America #234 [January 1985] Justice League of America #235 [February 1985] Justice League of America #236 [March 1985] FATALE, DUCHESS RAMONA One-eyed white-streaked secret agent and love interest for Blackhawk. ===================================================================== Blackhawk (first series) #244 [January/February 1976] Blackhawk (first series) #247 [July/August 1976] Blackhawk (first series) #250 [January/February 1977] FAWNDANCER Wife to the warrior Wyynde transformed into a sea creature by the evil sorcerer Garn Daanuth. ===================================================================== Arion, Lord of Atlantis #16 [February 1984] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #17 [March 1984] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #18 [April 1984] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #19 [May 1984] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #20 [June 1984] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #21 [July 1984] The FEDERAL MEN A group of FBI agents led by Steve Carson in an early comic done by Superman creator Jerry Siegel. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #61 (third story) [April 1941] FELICITY White-furred feline dancer from the Vegan planet Karna who joined the Omega Men and became a love interest for Tigorr. ===================================================================== Omega Men #4 [July 1983] Omega Men #5 [August 1983] Omega Men #8 [November 1983] Omega Men #9 [December 1983] Omega Men #10 [January 1984] Omega Men #11 [February 1984] Omega Men #12 [March 1984] Omega Men #13 [April 1984] Omega Men #15 [June 1984] Omega Men #17 [August 1984] Omega Men #18 [September 1984] Omega Men #19 [October 1984] Omega Men #20 [November 1984] Omega Men #22 [January 1985] Omega Men #23 [February 1985] Omega Men Annual #1 [1984] FELIX FAUST Mystical purple-hooded villain of the Justice League of America. ===================================================================== Blue Devil Annual #1 [1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] Justice League of America #10 [March 1962] Justice League of America #21 [August 1963] Justice League of America #22 [September 1963] Justice League of America #49 [November 1966] Justice League of America #85 (first story) [November/December 1970][reprint] Justice League of America #103 [December 1972] Justice League of America #182 (first story) [July 1980] Justice League of America #219 [October 1983] Justice League of America #220 [November 1983] Secret Society of Super-Villains #7 [May/June 1977] FERAL MAN (Harry Blakburn)On to G
Test subject of a bizarre experiment that transformed him into the perfect hunter. ===================================================================== New Talent Showcase #4 (third story) [April 1984] New Talent Showcase #5 (third story) [May 1984] New Talent Showcase #6 (fourth story) [June 1984] FERRIS, CARL Elderly owner of Ferris Aircraft and father of Green Lantern Hal Jordan's love Carol Ferris. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #21 (second story) [June 1963] Green Lantern (second series) #133 (first story) [October 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #136 (first story) [January 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #138 (first story) [March 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #140 (first story) [May 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #141 (first story) [June 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #144 (first story) [September 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #145 (first story) [October 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #147 (first story) [December 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #148 (first story) [January 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #150 [March 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #151 (first story) [April 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #164 (first story) [May 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #174 [March 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #181 (first story) [October 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #182 (first story) [November 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #185 (first story) [February 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #186 [March 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #187 (first story) [April 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #192 [September 1985] Showcase #22 (second story) [September/October 1959] FERRIS, CAROL Daughter of Carl Ferris (owner of Ferris Aircraft), lover of Hal Jordan (the emerald ringslinger known as Green Lantern) and sometime villainess known as STAR SAPPHIRE. ===================================================================== Brave and the Bold (first series) #173 (first story) [April 1981] DC Special #19 (second story) [December/January 1976][reprint] DC Super-Stars #14 (first story) [May/June 1977] Flash (first series) #235 [August 1975] Flash (first series) #277 [September 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #1 (second story) [July/August 1960] Green Lantern (second series) #2 (second story) [September/October 1960] Green Lantern (second series) #3 (first story) [November/December 1960] Green Lantern (second series) #3 (second story) [November/December 1960] Green Lantern (second series) #4 (second story) [January/February 1960] Green Lantern (second series) #5 [March/April 1960] Green Lantern (second series) #6 [May/June 1961] Green Lantern (second series) #7 (second story) [July/August 1961] Green Lantern (second series) #10 (second story) [January 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #11 (second story) [March 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #12 (second story) [April 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #13 [June 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #15 (first story) [September 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #16 (first story) [October 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #17 [December 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #18 (first story) [January 1963] Green Lantern (second series) #20 [April 1963] Green Lantern (second series) #21 (second story) [June 1963] Green Lantern (second series) #46 (first story) [July 1966] Green Lantern (second series) #53 (first story) [June 1967] Green Lantern (second series) #69 [June 1969] Green Lantern (second series) #93 [February/March 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #94 [April/May 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #97 [October 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #104 [May 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #105 [June 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #106 [July 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #108 (first story) [September 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #121 [October 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #125 [February 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #126 [March 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #127 [April 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #128 [May 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #129 [June 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #130 (first story) [July 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #131 (first story) [August 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #132 (first story) [September 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #133 (first story) [October 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #134 (first story) [November 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #136 (first story) [January 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #138 (first story) [March 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #139 (first story) [April 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #140 (first story) [May 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #141 (first story) [June 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #142 (first story) [July 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #143 (first story) [August 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #144 (first story) [September 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #145 (first story) [October 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #146 (first story) [November 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #147 (first story) [December 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #148 (first story) [January 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #149 (first story) [February 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #150 [March 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #151 (first story) [April 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #157 (first story) [October 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #164 (first stor) [May 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #172 (first story) [January 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #173 (first story) [February 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #174 [March 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #175 [April 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #176 [May 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #178 (first story) [July 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #179 (first story) [August 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #180 (first story) [September 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #181 (first story) [October 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #182 (first story) [November 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #183 (first story) [December 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #185 (first story) [February 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #186 [March 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #187 (first story) [April 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #188 (first story) [May 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #189 (first story) [June 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #190 (second story) [July 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #191 [August 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #192 [September 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #193 [October 1985] Justice League of America #7 [October/November 1961] Justice League of America #28 [June 1964] Justice League of America #76 (first story) [November/December 1969][reprint] Justice League of America #157 [August 1978] Showcase #22 (second story) [September/October 1959] Showcase #22 (third story) [September/October 1959] Showcase #23 (first story) [November/December 1959] Showcase #23 (second story) [November/December 1959] Showcase #24 (first story) [January/February 1960] Showcase #24 (Second story) [January/February 1960] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981] Wanted: The World's Most Dangerous Villains #1 (third story) [July/August 1972][reprint] World's Finest Comics (first series) #255 (second story) [March 1979] FERRIS, MRS. Wife of Ferris Aircraft CEO Carl Ferris and mother to Carol Ferris. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #21 (second story) [June 1963] Green Lantern (second series) #133 (first story) [October 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #136 (first story) [January 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #138 (first story) [March 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #140 (first story) [May 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #141 (first story) [June 1981] FERRO LAD (Douglas Nolan) 30th century mutant member of the Legion of Super-Heroes with a deformed face and the ability to turn into lead. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #346 [July 1966] Adventure Comics #347 [August 1966] Adventure Comics #350 [November 1966] Adventure Comics #351 [December 1966] Adventure Comics #352 [January 1967] Adventure Comics #353 [February 1967][death] Adventure Comics #354 [March 1967] Adventure Comics #357 [June 1967][as ghost] Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes #3 [March 1981] FERRO MAN (Andrew Nolan) An alternate version of Andrew Nolan that grows up to threaten a future version of the Legion of Super-Heroes. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #354 [March 1967] FEY The Valkyrie maid whose magic is responsible for bringing the Viking Commando from the 12th century to World War II. ===================================================================== All-Out War #4 (first story) [April 1980] All-Out War #5 (first story) [May/June 1980] FIDDLER (Issac Bowin) of EARTH-2 Villain of the Earth-2 Flash who was armed with a vast array of violins capable of amazing feats. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #460 (first story) [November/December 1978] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Flash (first series) #123 [September 1961] Flash (first series) #201 (second story) [November 1970] Flash (first series) #300 [August 1981] Justice League of America #21 [August 1963] Justice League of America #22 [September 1963] Justice League of America #113 (second story) [September/October 1974][reprint] Justice League of America #183 [October 1980] Justice League of America #184 [November 1980] Justice League of America #185 [December 1980] Justice League of America #219 [October 1983] Justice League of America #220 [November 1983] Teen Titans (first series) #46 [February 1977] FIEND with FIVE FACES A combination of the five gods of Oceania: Ku the War-God, Tane the Nature-God, Rongo the Jester, Tangora the Wise, and Mauri the Love-Goddess. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #156 [July 1978] Justice League of America #157 [August 1978] the FIGHTIN' FIVE of EARTH-4 Top-notch fighting unit comprised of Hank Hennessey, "Granite" Gallero, Tom-Tom, Irv "The Nerve" Haganah, and Frenchy the Fox. ===================================================================== Fightin' 5 #33 (first story) [July 1965] Peacemaker (first series) #1 (third story) [March 1967] FIL-EL Brilliant Kryptonian surgeon, son to musician Nox-El, grand- father to agriculturalist Sorn-El, and ancestor to Superman. ===================================================================== Krypton Chronicles #1 [September 1981] FILLMORE, MALLARD of EARTH-C The mallard duck President of the United States on Earth-C and staunch supporter of its heroes, the Zoo Crew. ===================================================================== Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew #1 [March 1982] Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew #20 [November 1983] FIR DHEARGA A little leprechaun that rides on the shoulder of the Irish hero Jack O'Lantern (no kidding!) ===================================================================== DC Comics Presents #46 [June 1982] Super Friends #40 (second story) [January 1981] Super Friends #44 (second story) [May 1981] FIRE JADE Evil insane mystic that was once the peaceful LADY EMERALD until corrupted by a demon in a nameless limbo. ===================================================================== Amethyst (first series) #1 [January 1985] Amethyst (first series) #2 [February 1985] Amethyst (first series) #3 [March 1985] FIRE LAD (Staq Lavron) Member of the 30th century's Legion of Substitute Heroes with the ability to breathe fire. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #306 (second story) [March 1963] Adventure Comics #315 (first story) [December 1963] Adventure Comics #331 (first story) [April 1965] Adventure Comics #351 [December 1966] Adventure Comics #374 [November 1968] Adventure Comics #500 (second story) [June 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #500 (seventh story) [June 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #500 (ninth story) [June 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #501 (seventh story) [July 1983][reprint] DC Comics Presents #59 [July 1983] Legion of Substitute Heroes Special #1 [1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #294 [December 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #300 [June 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) Annual #1 [1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #4 [November 1984] Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes #3 [March 1981] Superbo and the Legion of Super-Heroes #254 [August 1979] FIREBALL Member of the "heroic" Crusaders- actually a super-group formed by the evil Silver Ghost. ====================================================================== Freedom Fighters #7 [March/April 1977] Freedom Fighters #8 [May/June 1977] Freedom Fighters #9 [July/August 1977[ FIREBRAND I (Rod Reilly) of EARTH-2/EARTH-X Athletic millionaire playboy turned hero and member of Uncle Sam's Freedom Fighters. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron insert [August 1981] All-Star Squadron #1 [September 1981] All-Star Squadron #4 [December 1981] All-Star Squadron #13 [September 1982] All-Star Squadron #50 [October 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 [October 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Freedom Fighters #11 [November/December 1977] Freedom Fighters #12 [January/February 1978] Freedom Fighters #13 [March/April 1978] Freedom Fighters #14 [May/June 1978] Freedom Fighters #15 [July/August 1978] Police Comics #1 (first story) [August 1941] FIREBRAND II (Danette Reilly) of EARTH-2 Cousin of original Firebrand Rod Reilly and backbone member of the WWII All-Star Squadron. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron insert [August 1981] All-Star Squadron #1 [September 1981] All-Star Squadron #2 [October 1981] All-Star Squadron #3 [November 1981] All-Star Squadron #4 [December 1981] All-Star Squadron #5 [January 1982] All-Star Squadron #6 [February 1982] All-Star Squadron #7 [March 1982] All-Star Squadron #8 [April 1982] All-Star Squadron #10 [June 1982] All-Star Squadron #11 [July 1982] All-Star Squadron #12 [August 1982] All-Star Squadron #13 [September 1982] All-Star Squadron #14 [October 1982] All-Star Squadron #15 [November 1982] All-Star Squadron #16 [December 1982] All-Star Squadron #17 [January 1983] All-Star Squadron #18 [February 1983] All-Star Squadron #19 [March 1983] All-Star Squadron #20 [April 1983] All-Star Squadron #21 [May 1983] All-Star Squadron #22 [June 1983] All-Star Squadron #24 [August 1983] All-Star Squadron #25 [September 1983] All-Star Squadron #26 [October 1983] All-Star Squadron #27 [November 1983] All-Star Squadron #31 [March 1984] All-Star Squadron #32 [April 1984] All-Star Squadron #33 [May 1984] All-Star Squadron #34 [June 1984] All-Star Squadron #35 [July 1984] All-Star Squadron #39 [November 1984] All-Star Squadron #40 [December 1984] All-Star Squadron #41 [January 1985] All-Star Squadron #42 [February 1985] All-Star Squadron #43 [March 1985] All-Star Squadron #44 [April 1985] All-Star Squadron #46 [June 1985] All-Star Squadron #47 [July 1985] All-Star Squadron #48 [August 1985] All-Star Squadron #49 [September 1985] All-Star Squadron #50 [October 1985] All-Star Squadron #51 [November 1985] All-Star Squadron #54 [February 1986] All-Star Squadron #55 (first story) [March 1986] All-Star Squadron Annual #1 [1982] All-Star Squadron Annual #2 [1983] Crisis on Infinite Earths #1 [April 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #2 [May 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 [June 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 [July 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #194 [November 1985] Infinity, Inc. #22 [January 1986] Justice League of America #207 [October 1982] Justice League of America #208 [November 1982] Justice League of America #209 [December 1982] FIRECRACKER Explosive villain of the Dial "H" for Hero kids Chris King and Vicki Grant. ===================================================================== New Adventures of Superboy #37 (second story) [January 1983] FIREFLY (Garfield Lynns) Pyromaniac former lighting technician whose life of crime made him a member of Batman's Rogue's Gallery. ===================================================================== DC First Issue Special #7 [October 1975] FIREGIRL A living creature of fire created by Grockk, the Devil's Son, to fight the Dial "H" for Hero kids. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #486 (first story) [October 1981] FIREHAIR Red-haired native of the colonial west raised by an Indian named Grey Cloud. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 [October 1985] DC Special #5 (fourth story) [October/November 1969] Infinity, Inc. #22 [January 1986] Showcase #87 [December 1969] Showcase #100 [May 1978] Son of Tomahawk #134 (second story) [May/June 1971] FIREHAWK (Lorraine Reilly) The daughter of Senator Ed Reilly given nuclear powers by the villain Multiplex. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 [November 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] Fury of Firestorm #1 [June 1982] Fury of Firestorm #2 [July 1982] Fury of Firestorm #5 [October 1982] Fury of Firestorm #6 [November 1982] Fury of Firestorm #13 [June 1983] Fury of Firestorm #14 [July 1983] Fury of Firestorm #15 [August 1983] Fury of Firestorm #17 [October 1983] Fury of Firestorm #18 [November 1983] Fury of Firestorm #20 [February 1984] Fury of Firestorm #21 [March 1984] Fury of Firestorm #22 [April 1984] Fury of Firestorm #23 [May 1984] Fury of Firestorm #24 [June 1984] Fury of Firestorm #25 [July 1984] Fury of Firestorm #26 [August 1984] Fury of Firestorm #27 [September 1984] Fury of Firestorm #28 [October 1984] Fury of Firestorm #31 [January 1985] Fury of Firestorm #36 [June 1985] Fury of Firestorm #42 [December 1985] Fury of Firestorm Annual #1 [1983] Fury of Firestorm Annual #2 [1984][as vision] New Teen Titans (second series) #13 [October 1985] FIRESTORM (Ronald Raymond and Martin Stein) Everybody's favorite hot-headed nuclear hero made of the merging of student Ron Raymond and Professor Martin Stein. ===================================================================== Action Comics #546 [August 1983] All-Star Squadron #14 [October 1982] All-Star Squadron #15 [November 1982] All-Star Squadron #54 [February 1986] Brave and the Bold (first series) #172 (first story) [March 1981] Crisis on Infinite Earths #1 [April 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #2 [May 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 [June 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 [July 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 [October 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 [November 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] DC Challenge #11 [September 1986] DC Challenge #12 [October 1986] DC Comics Presents #17 [January 1980] DC Comics Presents #45 [May 1982] Firestorm the Nuclear Man #1 [March 1978] Firestorm the Nuclear Man #2 [April 1978] Firestorm the Nuclear Man #3 [June 1978] Firestorm the Nuclear Man #4 [August/September 1978] Firestorm the Nuclear Man #5 [October/November 1978] Flash (first series) #289 (second story) [September 1980] Flash (first series) #291 (second story) [November 1980] Flash (first series) #292 (second story) [December 1980] Flash (first series) #293 (second story) [January 1981] Flash (first series) #294 (second story) [February 1981] Flash (first series) #295 (second story) [March 1981] Flash (first series) #296 (second story) [April 1981] Flash (first series) #297 (second story) [May 1981] Flash (first series) #298 (second story) [June 1981] Flash (first series) #299 (second story) [July 1981] Flash (first series) #301 (second story) [September 1981] Flash (first series) #302 (second story) [October 1981] Flash (first series) #303 (second story) [November 1981] Flash (first series) #304 (second story) [December 1981] Flash (first series) #323 (first story) [July 1983] Flash (first series) #327 [November 1983] Flash (first series) #329 [January 1984] Fury of Firestorm #1 [June 1982] Fury of Firestorm #2 [July 1982] Fury of Firestorm #3 [August 1982] Fury of Firestorm #4 [September 1982] Fury of Firestorm #5 [October 1982] Fury of Firestorm #6 [November 1982] Fury of Firestorm #7 [December 1982] Fury of Firestorm #8 [January 1983] Fury of Firestorm #9 [February 1983] Fury of Firestorm #10 [March 1983] Fury of Firestorm #11 [April 1983] Fury of Firestorm #12 [May 1983] Fury of Firestorm #13 [June 1983] Fury of Firestorm #14 [July 1983] Fury of Firestorm #15 [August 1983] Fury of Firestorm #16 [September 1983] Fury of Firestorm #17 [October 1983] Fury of Firestorm #18 [November 1983] Fury of Firestorm #19 [December 1983] Fury of Firestorm #20 [February 1984] Fury of Firestorm #21 [March 1984] Fury of Firestorm #22 [April 1984] Fury of Firestorm #23 [May 1984] Fury of Firestorm #24 [June 1984] Fury of Firestorm #25 [July 1984] Fury of Firestorm #26 [August 1984] Fury of Firestorm #27 [September 1984] Fury of Firestorm #28 [October 1984] Fury of Firestorm #29 [November 1984] Fury of Firestorm #30 [December 1984] Fury of Firestorm #31 [January 1985] Fury of Firestorm #32 [February 1985] Fury of Firestorm #33 [March 1985] Fury of Firestorm #34 [April 1985] Fury of Firestorm #35 [May 1985] Fury of Firestorm #36 [June 1985] Fury of Firestorm #37 [July 1985] Fury of Firestorm #38 [August 1985] Fury of Firestorm #39 [September 1985] Fury of Firestorm #40 [October 1985] Fury of Firestorm #41 [November 1985] Fury of Firestorm Annual #1 [1983] Fury of Firestorm Annual #2 [1984] Fury of Firestorm Annual #3 [1985] Green Lantern (second series) #139 (first story) [April 1981] Justice League of America #179 [April 1980] Justice League of America #180 [May 1980] Justice League of America #183 [October 1980] Justice League of America #184 [November 1980] Justice League of America #185 [December 1980] Justice League of America #189 [April 1981] Justice League of America #190 [May 1981] Justice League of America #192 [July 1981] Justice League of America #193 [August 1981] Justice League of America #195 [October 1981] Justice League of America #196 [November 1981] Justice League of America #197 [December 1981] Justice League of America #200 [March 1982] Justice League of America #202 [May 1982] Justice League of America #203 [June 1982] Justice League of America #204 [July 1982] Justice League of America #205 [August 1982] Justice League of America #207 [October 1982] Justice League of America #208 [November 1982] Justice League of America #209 [December 1982] Justice League of America #217 [August 1983] Justice League of America #219 [October 1983] Justice League of America #220 [November 1983] Justice League of America #221 [December 1983] Justice League of America #222 [Janaury 1984] Justice League of America #223 [February 1984] Justice League of America #224 [March 1984] Justice League of America #228 [July 1984] Justice League of America #229 [August 1984] Justice League of America #230 [September 1984] Justice League of America #232 [November 1984] Justice League of America Annual #1 [1983] Justice League of America Annual #2 [1984] Justice League of America Annual #3 [1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #13 [October 1985] Saga of the Swamp Thing #24 [May 1984] Super Powers (second series) #1 [September 1985] Super Powers (second series) #3 [November 1985] Super Powers (second series) #4 [December 1985] Super Powers (second series) #5 [Janaury 1986] Super Powers (second series) #6 [February 1986] Supergirl (second series) #20 [June 1984] Wonder Woman (first series) #300 [February 1983] World's Finest Comics (first series) #281 (first story) [July 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #300 [February 1984] World's Finest Comics (first series) #302 (second story) [April 1984] FISHER, MARGARET Eldrely gray-haired jugde who resided over Central City's trial of the Flash. ===================================================================== Flash (first series) #340 [December 1984] Flash (first series) #341 [January 1985] Flash (first series) #342 [February 1985] Flash (first series) #343 [March 1985] Flash (first series) #344 [April 1985] Flash (first series) #345 [May 1985] Flash (first series) #346 [June 1985] Flash (first series) #347 [July 1985] FISHERMAN Internationally-wanted fishing-gimmicked foe of Aquaman who tends to steal high-tech or rare objects. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #443 (first story) [February 1976] Adventure Comics #447 (first story) [September/October 1976] Aquaman (first series) #57 [September 1977] Aquaman (first series) #58 (first story) [November 1977] Aquaman (first series) #59 (first story) [December/January 1978] Blue Devil #17 [October 1985] FLAGG, RICK One-time leader of the U.S. Government's Suicide Squad and member of the Forgotten Heroes. ===================================================================== Action Comics #552 [February 1984] Action Comics #553 [March 1984] DC Comics Presents #77 [January 1985] DC Comics Presents #78 [February 1985] FLAMEBIRD I Heroic alias of JIMMY OLSEN when visiting the shrunken Kyrptonian city of Kandor. ===================================================================== Superman Family #173 (first story) [October/November 1975] Superman Family #179 (first story) [October 1976] Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #69 (first story) [June 1963] FLAMESPLASHER Twin villains of the original Teen Titans: one generates fire, the other cold. ===================================================================== Teen Titans (first series) #47 [April 1977] FLASH I (Barrence "Barry" Allen) Forensics scientist for the Central City police department, founding member of the Justice League, and quite simply the fastest man alive. ===================================================================== Action Comics #366 (first story) [August 1968] Action Comics #406 (second story) [November 1971] Action Comics #441 (first story) [November 1974] Action Comics #464 (first story) [October 1976] Action Comics #465 (first story) [November 1976] Action Comics #466 [December 1976] Action Comics #470 [April 1977] Action Comics #477 (first story) [November 1977] Action Comics #480 [February 1978] Action Comics #481 [March 1978] Action Comics #483 [May 1978] Action Comics #514 (first story) [December 1980] Action Comics #535 (second story) [September 1982] Action Comics #539 (first story) [January 1983] Action Comics #546 [August 1983] Adventure Comics #423 [September 1972] Adventure Comics #449 (first story) [January/February 1977] Adventure Comics #459 (first story) [September/October 1978] Adventure Comics #460 (first story) [November/December 1978] Adventure Comics #461 (first story) [January/February 1979] Adventure Comics #462 (second story) [March/April 1979] Adventure Comics #463 (first story) [June 1979] Adventure Comics #464 (first story) [August 1979] Adventure Comics #464 (fourth story) [August 1979] Adventure Comics #466 (first story) [November/December 1979] Aquaman (first series) #18 [November/December 1964] Aquaman (first series) #30 [November/December 1966] Batman and the Outsiders #1 [August 1983] Best of DC Digest #31 (second story) [December 1982][reprint] Best of DC Digest #31 (third story) [December 1982][reprint] Best of DC Digest #31 (fourth story) [December 1982][reprint] Blackhawk (first series) #229 [February 1967] Brave and the Bold (first series) #28 [February/March 1960] Brave and the Bold (first series) #29 [April/May 1960] Brave and the Bold (first series) #30 [June/July 1960] Brave and the Bold (first series) #54 [June/July 1964] Brave and the Bold (first series) #60 [June/July 1965] Brave and the Bold (first series) #151 [June 1979] Brave and the Bold (first series) #172 (first story) [March 1981] Brave and the Bold (first series) #181 (first story) [December 1981] Brave and the Bold (first series) #194 [January 1983] Brave and the Bold (first series) #200 (first story) [July 1983] Crisis on Infinite Earths #2 [May 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 [June 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #6 [September 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 [November 1985][death] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] DC Challenge #11 [September 1986] DC Challenge #12 [October 1986] DC Comics Presents #1 [July/August 1978] DC Comics Presents #2 [September/October 1978] DC Comics Presents #38 (first story) [October 1981] DC Comics Presents #73 [September 1984] DC Comics Presents Annual #2 [1983] DC 80-Page Giant #8 (first story) [1965][reprint] DC 80-Page Giant #8 (fifth story) [1965][reprint] DC Four-Star Spectacular #2 (third story) [May/June 1976][reprint] DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest #11 (first story) [July 1981][reprint] DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest #11 (second story) [July 1981][reprint] DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest #11 (third story) [July 1981][reprint] DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest #11 (fourth story) [July 1981][reprint] DC Special Series #1 (first story) [1977] DC Special Series #10 (third story) [1978] DC Super-Stars #17 (second story) [November/December 1977] Detective Comics #327 (second story) [May 1964] Doom Patrol (first series) #104 [June 1966] Flash (first series) #105 (first story) [February/March 1959] Flash (first series) #105 (second story) [February/March 1959] Flash (first series) #106 (first story) [April/May 1959] Flash (first series) #106 (second story) [April/May 1959] Flash (first series) #107 (first story) [June/July 1959] Flash (first series) #107 (second story) [June/July 1959] Flash (first series) #108 (first story) [August/September 1959] Flash (first series) #108 (second story) [August/September 1959] Flash (first series) #109 (first story) [October/November 1959] Flash (first series) #109 (second story) [October/November 1959] Flash (first series) #110 (first story) [December/January 1960] Flash (first series) #110 (second story) [December/January 1960] Flash (first series) #111 (first story) [February/March 1960] Flash (first series) #111 (second story) [February/March 1960] Flash (first series) #112 (first story) [April/May 1960] Flash (first series) #113 (first story) [June/July 1960] Flash (first series) #113 (second story) [June/July 1960] Flash (first series) #114 (first story) [August 1960] Flash (first series) #115 (first story) [September 1960] Flash (first series) #115 (second story) [September 1960] Flash (first series) #116 (first story) [November 1960] Flash (first series) #123 [September 1961] Flash (first series) #138 (first story) [August 1963] Flash (first series) #163 (first story) [August 1966] Flash (first series) #163 (second story) [August 1966] Flash (first series) #181 [August 1968] Flash (first series) #186 [March 1969] Flash (first series) #191 [September 1969] Flash (first series) #192 [November 1969] Flash (first series) #195 (first story) [March 1970] Flash (first series) #195 (second story) [March 1970] Flash (first series) #201 (first story) [November 1970] Flash (first series) #202 (first story) [December 1970] Flash (first series) #206 (first story) [May 1971] Flash (first series) #208 (first story) [August 1971] Flash (first series) #208 (third story) [August 1971][reprint] Flash (first series) #210 (first story) [November 1971] Flash (first series) #210 (third story) [November 1971][reprint] Flash (first series) #223 (first story) [September/October 1973] Flash (first series) #224 (first story) [November/December 1973] Flash (first series) #226 (first story) [March/April 1974] Flash (first series) #230 (first story) [November/December 1974] Flash (first series) #233 (first story) [May 1975] Flash (first series) #234 (first story) [June 1975] Flash (first series) #235 [August 1975] Flash (first series) #236 [September 1975] Flash (first series) #238 (first story) [December 1975[ Flash (first series) #239 [February 1976] Flash (first series) #240 (first story) [March 1976] Flash (first series) #241 (first story) [May 1976] Flash (first series) #242 (first story) [June 1976] Flash (first series) #243 (first story) [August 1976] Flash (first series) #244 [September 1976] Flash (first series) #245 (first story) [November 1976] Flash (first series) #246 (first story) [January 1977] Flash (first series) #247 [March 1977] Flash (first series) #248 [April 1977] Flash (first series) #249 [May 1977] Flash (first series) #250 [June 1977] Flash (first series) #251 [July 1977] Flash (first series) #252 [August 1977] Flash (first series) #253 [September 1977] Flash (first series) #254 [October 1977] Flash (first series) #255 [November 1977] Flash (first series) #256 [December 1977] Flash (first series) #257 [January 1977] Flash (first series) #258 [February 1978] Flash (first series) #259 [March 1978] Flash (first series) #260 [August 1977] Flash (first series) #261 [May 1978] Flash (first series) #262 [June 1978] Flash (first series) #263 [July 1978] Flash (first series) #264 [August 1978] Flash (first series) #265 (first story) [September 1978] Flash (first series) #266 (first story) [October 1978] Flash (first series) #267 (first story) [November 1978] Flash (first series) #267 (second story) [November 1978] Flash (first series) #269 [January 1979] Flash (first series) #270 [February 1979] Flash (first series) #271 [March 1979] Flash (first series) #272 [April 1979] Flash (first series) #273 [May 1979] Flash (first series) #274 [June 1979] Flash (first series) #275 [July 1979] Flash (first series) #276 [August 1979] Flash (first series) #277 [September 1979] Flash (first series) #278 [October 1979] Flash (first series) #279 [November 1979] Flash (first series) #280 [December 1979] Flash (first series) #281 [Janaury 1980] Flash (first series) #282 [February 1980] Flash (first series) #283 [March 1980] Flash (first series) #284 [April 1980] Flash (first series) #285 [May 1980] Flash (first series) #286 [June 1980] Flash (first series) #287 [July 1980] Flash (first series) #288 [August 1980] Flash (first series) #289 (first story) [September 1980] Flash (first series) #291 (first story) [November 1980] Flash (first series) #292 (first story) [December 1980] Flash (first series) #293 (first story) [January 1981] Flash (first series) #293 (second story) [January 1981] Flash (first series) #294 (first story) [February 1981] Flash (first series) #295 (first story) [March 1981] Flash (first series) #296 (first story) [April 1981] Flash (first series) #297 (first story) [May 1981] Flash (first series) #298 (first story) [June 1981] Flash (first series) #299 (first story) [July 1981] Flash (first series) #300 [August 1981] Flash (first series) #301 (first story) [September 1981] Flash (first series) #302 (first story) [October 1981] Flash (first series) #303 (first story) [November 1981] Flash (first series) #304 (first story) [December 1981] Flash (first series) #305 [January 1982] Flash (first series) #306 (first story) [February 1982] Flash (first series) #307 (first story) [March 1982] Flash (first series) #308 (first story) [April 1982] Flash (first series) #309 (first story) [May 1982] Flash (first series) #310 (first story) [June 1982] Flash (first series) #311 (first story) [July 1982] Flash (first series) #312 (first story) [August 1982] Flash (first series) #313 (first story) [September 1982] Flash (first series) #314 [October 1982] Flash (first series) #315 [November 1982] Flash (first series) #316 [December 1982] Flash (first series) #317 [January 1983] Flash (first series) #318 (first story) [February 1983] Flash (first series) #319 (first story) [March 1983] Flash (first series) #320 (first story) [April 1983] Flash (first series) #321 (first story) [May 1983] Flash (first series) #322 (first story) [June 1983] Flash (first series) #323 (first story) [July 1983] Flash (first series) #324 [August 1983] Flash (first series) #325 (first story) [September 1983] Flash (first series) #326 [October 1983] Flash (first series) #327 [November 1983] Flash (first series) #328 [December 1983] Flash (first series) #329 [January 1984] Flash (first series) #330 [February 1984] Flash (first series) #331 [March 1984] Flash (first series) #332 [April 1984] Flash (first series) #333 [May 1984] Flash (first series) #334 [June 1984] Flash (first series) #335 [July 1984] Flash (first series) #336 [August 1984] Flash (first series) #337 [September 1984] Flash (first series) #338 [October 1984] Flash (first series) #339 [November 1984] Flash (first series) #340 [December 1984] Flash (first series) #341 [January 1985] Flash (first series) #342 [February 1985] Flash (first series) #343 [March 1985] Flash (first series) #344 [April 1985] Flash (first series) #345 [May 1985] Flash (first series) #346 [June 1985] Flash (first series) #347 [July 1985] Flash (first series) #348 [August 1985] Flash (first series) #349 [September 1985] Flash (first series) #350 [October 1985] Flash (first series) Annual #1 (first story) [1963][reprint] Flash (first series) Annual #1 (second story) [1963][reprint] Flash (first series) Annual #1 (third story) [1963][reprint] Flash (first series) Annual #1 (fifth story) [1963][reprint] Flash (first series) Annual #1 (sixth story) [1963][reprint] Green Lantern (second series) #13 [June 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #20 [April 1963] Green Lantern (second series) #108 (first story) [September 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #151 (first story) [April 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #175 [April 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #180 (first story) [September 1984] Justice League of America #1 [October/November 1960] Justice League of America #2 [December/January 1961] Justice League of America #3 [February/March 1961] Justice League of America #4 [April/May 1961] Justice League of America #5 [June/July 1961] Justice League of America #6 [August/September 1961] Justice League of America #7 [October/November 1961] Justice League of America #8 [December/January 1962] Justice League of America #9 [February 1962] Justice League of America #10 [March 1962] Justice League of America #11 [May 1962] Justice League of America #12 [June 1962] Justice League of America #13 [July 1962] Justice League of America #14 [September 1962] Justice League of America #15 [November 1962] Justice League of America #16 [December 1962] Justice League of America #17 [February 1963] Justice League of America #18 [March 1963] Justice League of America #19 [May 1963] Justice League of America #20 [June 1963] Justice League of America #21 [August 1963] Justice League of America #22 [September 1963] Justice League of America #23 [November 1963] Justice League of America #24 [December 1963] Justice League of America #25 [February 1964] Justice League of America #26 [March 1964] Justice League of America #27 [May 1964] Justice League of America #28 [June 1964] Justice League of America #29 [August 1964] Justice League of America #30 [September 1964] Justice League of America #31 [November 1964] Justice League of America #32 [December 1964] Justice League of America #33 [February 1965] Justice League of America #35 [May 1965] Justice League of America #36 [June 1965] Justice League of America #37 [August 1965] Justice League of America #38 [September 1965] Justice League of America #39 (first story) [November 1965][reprint] Justice League of America #39 (second story) [November 1965][reprint] Justice League of America #39 (third story) [November 1965][reprint] Justice League of America #40 [November 1965] Justice League of America #41 [December 1965] Justice League of America #42 [February 1966] Justice League of America #43 [March 1966] Justice League of America #44 [May 1966] Justice League of America #45 [June 1966] Justice League of America #46 [August 1966] Justice League of America #47 [September 1966] Justice League of America #48 (first story) [November/December 1966][reprint] Justice League of America #48 (second story) [November/December 1966][reprint] Justice League of America #48 (third story) [November/December 1966][reprint] Justice League of America #49 [November 1966] Justice League of America #50 [December 1966] Justice League of America #52 [March 1967] Justice League of America #53 [May 1967] Justice League of America #54 [June 1967] Justice League of America #55 [August 1967] Justice League of America #56 [September 1967] Justice League of America #57 [November 1967] Justice League of America #58 (first story) [November/December 1967][reprint] Justice League of America #58 (second story) [November/December 1967][reprint] Justice League of America #58 (third story) [November/December 1967][reprint] Justice League of America #59 [December 1967] Justice League of America #60 (first story) [February 1968] Justice League of America #61 [March 1968] Justice League of America #62 [May 1968] Justice League of America #63 [June 1968] Justice League of America #65 [September 1968] Justice League of America #67 (first story) [November/December 1968][reprint] Justice League of America #67 (second story) [November/December 1968][reprint] Justice League of America #67 (third story) [November/December 1968][reprint] Justice League of America #69 [February 1969] Justice League of America #70 [March 1969] Justice League of America #71 [May 1969] Justice League of America #72 [June 1969] Justice League of America #74 [September 1969] Justice League of America #76 (first story) [November/December 1969][reprint] Justice League of America #76 (second story) [November/December 1969][reprint] Justice League of America #77 [December 1969] Justice League of America #80 [May 1970] Justice League of America #81 [June 1970] Justice League of America #82 [August 1970] Justice League of America #83 [September 1970] Justice League of America #84 [November 1970] Justice League of America #85 (first story) [November/December 1970][reprint] Justice League of America #85 (second story) [November/December 1970][reprint] Justice League of America #86 [December 1970] Justice League of America #87 [February 1971] Justice League of America #88 [March 1971] Justice League of America #89 [May 1971] Justice League of America #90 [June 1971] Justice League of America #91 (first story) [August 1971] Justice League of America #92 (first story) [September 1971] Justice League of America #92 (second story) [September 1971][reprint] Justice League of America #93 (first story) [October/November 1971][reprint] Justice League of America #93 (second story) [October/November 1971][reprint] Justice League of America #94 (first story) [November 1971] Justice League of America #95 (first story) [December 1971] Justice League of America #96 (first story) [February 1972] Justice League of America #97 [March 1972] Justice League of America #98 (first story) [May 1972] Justice League of America #99 (first story) [June 1972] Justice League of America #100 [August 1972] Justice League of America #101 [September 1972] Justice League of America #102 [October 1972] Justice League of America #103 [December 1972] Justice League of America #104 [February 1973] Justice League of America #105 [May 1973] Justice League of America #106 [July/August 1973] Justice League of America #107 [September/October 1973] Justice League of America #109 [January/February 1974] Justice League of America #110 (first story) [March/April 1974] Justice League of America #111 (first story) [May/June 1974] Justice League of America #111 (third story) [May/June 1974][reprint] Justice League of America #112 (first story) [July/August 1974] Justice League of America #112 (fourth story) [July/August 1974][reprint] Justice League of America #113 (third story) [September/October 1974][reprint] Justice League of America #114 (first story) [November/December 1974] Justice League of America #114 (third story) [November/December 1974][reprint] Justice League of America #114 (fourth story) [November/December 1974][reprint] Justice League of America #115 (first story) [January/February 1975] Justice League of America #115 (third story) [January/February 1975][reprint] Justice League of America #116 (first story) [March/April 1975] Justice League of America #116 (third story) [March/April 1975][reprint] Justice League of America #117 [April 1975] Justice League of America #119 [June 1975] Justice League of America #120 [July 1975] Justice League of America #121 [August 1975] Justice League of America #124 [November 1975] Justice League of America #125 [December 1975] Justice League of America #126 [January 1976] Justice League of America #127 [February 1976] Justice League of America #129 [April 1976] Justice League of America #130 [May 1976] Justice League of America #131 [June 1976] Justice League of America #132 [July 1976] Justice League of America #133 [August 1976] Justice League of America #135 [October 1976] Justice League of America #137 [December 1976] Justice League of America #138 [January 1977] Justice League of America #139 (first story) [February 1977] Justice League of America #139 (second story) [February 1977] Justice League of America #140 [March 1977] Justice League of America #141 [April 1977] Justice League of America #142 [May 1977] Justice League of America #143 [June 1977] Justice League of America #147 [October 1977] Justice League of America #149 [December 1977] Justice League of America #150 [January 1978] Justice League of America #151 [February 1978] Justice League of America #153 [April 1978] Justice League of America #154 [May 1978] Justice League of America #155 [June 1978] Justice League of America #156 [July 1978] Justice League of America #157 [August 1978] Justice League of America #158 [September 1978] Justice League of America #159 [October 1978] Justice League of America #160 [November 1978] Justice League of America #161 [December 1978] Justice League of America #163 [February 1979] Justice League of America #164 [March 1979] Justice League of America #165 [April 1979] Justice League of America #166 [May 1979] Justice League of America #167 [June 1979] Justice League of America #168 [July 1979] Justice League of America #169 [August 1979] Justice League of America #170 [September 1979] Justice League of America #171 [October 1979] Justice League of America #172 [November 1979] Justice League of America #173 [December 1979] Justice League of America #174 [January 1980] Justice League of America #175 [February 1980] Justice League of America #179 [April 1980] Justice League of America #181 [June 1980] Justice League of America #186 [January 1981] Justice League of America #187 [February 1981] Justice League of America #188 (first story) [March 1981] Justice League of America #189 [April 1981] Justice League of America #190 [May 1981] Justice League of America #191 [June 1981] Justice League of America #192 [July 1981] Justice League of America #193 [August 1981] Justice League of America #194 [September 1981] Justice League of America #195 [October 1981] Justice League of America #198 [January 1982] Justice League of America #199 [February 1982] Justice League of America #200 [March 1982] Justice League of America #201 [April 1982] Justice League of America #202 [May 1982] Justice League of America #205 [August 1982] Justice League of America #206 [September 1982] Justice League of America #209 [December 1982] Justice League of America #210 [January 1983] Justice League of America #211 [February 1983] Justice League of America #212 [March 1983] Justice League of America #219 [October 1983] Justice League of America #220 [November 1983] Justice League of America #223 [February 1984] Justice League of America #231 [October 1984] Justice League of America #232 [November 1984] Justice League of America #237 [April 1985] Justice League of America #238 [May 1985] Justice League of America #239 [June 1985] Justice League of America #240 [July 1985] Justice League of America Annual #1 [1983] Limited Collector's Edition #C-41 (first story) [December/January 1977] Limited Collector's Edition #C-41 (second story) [December/January 1977][reprint] Limited Collector's Edition #C-41 (third story) [December/January 1977][reprint] Limited Collector's Edition #C-46 (first story) [August/September 1977][reprint] Phantom Zone #2 [February 1982] Plop! #5 [May/June 1974] Red Tornado #1 [July 1985] Red Tornado #3 [September 1985] Saga of the Swamp Thing #24 [May 1984] Secret Origins (first series) #1 (fourth story) [February/March 1973][reprint] Secret Origins (first series) Special #1 (seventh story) [1961][reprint] Secret Society of Super-Villains #11 [December 1977] Showcase #4 (first story) [October 1956] Showcase #4 (second story) [October 1956] Showcase #8 (first story) [June 1957] Showcase #8 (second story) [June 1957] Showcase #13 (first story) [April 1957] Showcase #13 (second story) [April 1957] Showcase #14 (first story) [June 1957] Showcase #14 (second story) [June 1957] Showcase #59 [November/December 1965] Showcase #100 [May 1978] Super DC Giant #S-16 (first story) [September/October 1970][reprint] Super Friends #2 [December 1976] Super Friends #3 [February 1977] Super Powers (first series) #1 [July 1984] Super Powers (first series) #2 [August 1984] Super Powers (first series) #3 [September 1984] Super Powers (first series) #4 [October 1984] Super Powers (first series) #5 [November 1984] Super Powers (second series) #1 [September 1985] Super Powers (second series) #4 [December 1985] Super Powers (second series) #5 [Janaury 1986] Super Powers (second series) #6 [February 1986] Supergirl (second series) #20 [June 1984] Superman (first series) #312 [June 1977] Superman (first series) #314 [August 1977] Superman Family #171 (first story) [June/July 1975] Super-Team Family #3 (first story) [February/March 1976] Super-Team Family #12 [August/September 1977] Super-Team Family #14 [December/January 1978] Super-Team Family #15 [March/April 1978] Tales of the Teen Titans #49 [December 1984] Teen Titans (first series) #1 [January/February 1966] Teen Titans (first series) #25 [January/February 1970] Teen Titans (first series) #44 [November 1976] Teen Titans (first series) #53 [February 1978] Wanted: The World's Most Dangerous Villains #8 (first story) [June/July 1973][reprint] Wonder Woman (first series) #213 [August/September 1974] Wonder Woman (first series) #219 [August/September 1975] Wonder Woman (first series) #291 [May 1982] Wonder Woman (first series) #300 [February 1983] World's Finest Comics (first series) #175 (first story) [May 1968] World's Finest Comics (first series) #247 (first story) [October/November 1977] World's Finest Comics (first series) #247 (third story) [October/November 1977] World's Finest Comics (first series) #255 (second story) [March 1979] World's Finest Comics (first series) #273 (first story) [November 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #275 (fourth story) [January 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #281 (first story) [July 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #287 [January 1983] World's Finest Comics (first series) #288 [February 1983] FLASH II Former KID FLASH Wally West following in his mentor's footsteps after Barry's death during the Crisis. FLASH (Jay Garrick) of EARTH-2 Earth-2's scarlet speedster, defender of Keystone City, and member of the Justice Society of America. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #460 (first story) [November/December 1978] Adventure Comics #461 (third story) [January/February 1979] Adventure Comics #462 (first story) [March/April 1979] Adventure Comics #463 (third story) [June 1979] Adventure Comics #466 (third story) [December 1979] All-Star Comics #1 (fourth story) [Summer 1940] All-Star Comics #2 (eighth story) [Fall 1940] All-Star Comics #3 [Winter 1940] All-Star Comics #4 [March/April 1941] All-Star Comics #8 (first story) [December/January 1942] All-Star Comics #58 [January/February 1976] All-Star Comics #59 [March/April 1976] All-Star Comics #60 [May/June 1976] All-Star Comics #62 [September/October 1976] All-Star Comics #66 [May/June 1977] All-Star Comics #67 [July/August 1977] All-Star Comics #69 [November/December 1977] All-Star Comics #71 [March/April 1978] All-Star Comics #72 [May/June 1978] All-Star Comics #73 [July/August 1978] All-Star Comics #74 [September/October 1978] All-Star Squadron insert [August 1981] All-Star Squadron #1 [September 1981] All-Star Squadron #2 [October 1981] All-Star Squadron #3 [November 1981] All-Star Squadron #4 [December 1981] All-Star Squadron #20 [April 1983] All-Star Squadron #26 [October 1983] All-Star Squadron #31 [March 1984] All-Star Squadron #32 [April 1984] All-Star Squadron #36 [August 1984] All-Star Squadron #37 [September 1984] All-Star Squadron #45 [May 1985] All-Star Squadron #46 [June 1985] All-Star Squadron #53 [January 1986] All-Star Squadron #54 [February 1986] All-Star Squadron Annual #1 [1982] All-Star Squadron Annual #2 [1983] All-Star Squadron Annual #3 [1984] America vs. the Justice Society #1 [January 1985] America vs. the Justice Society #2 [February 1985] America vs. the Justice Society #3 [March 1985] America vs. the Justice Society #4 [April 1985] Brave and the Bold (first series) #200 (first story) [July 1983] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #6 [September 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 [October 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #11 [February 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] DC Comics Presents #25 (second story) [September 1980] DC Four-Star Spectacular #1 (fourth story) [March/April 1976][reprint] DC Special #5 (fourth story) [October/November 1969] DC Special #29 [August/Septmber 1977] DC Special Series #10 (third story) [1978] DC Super-Stars #17 (second story) [November/December 1977] Flash (first series) #123 [September 1961] Flash (first series) #201 (second story) [November 1970] Flash (first series) #235 [August 1975] Flash (first series) #236 [September 1975] Flash (first series) #247 [March 1977] Flash (first series) #284 [April 1980] Flash (first series) #300 [August 1981] Flash (first series) #305 [January 1982] Flash (first series) Annual #1 (fourth story) [1963][reprint] Flash Comics #1 (first story) [January 1940] Green Lantern (second series) #108 (second story) [September 1978] Infinity, Inc. #1 [March 1984] Infinity, Inc. #2 [April 1984] Infinity, Inc. #4 [July 1984] Infinity, Inc. #5 [August 1984] Infinity, Inc. #6 [September 1984] Infinity, Inc. #8 [November 1984] Infinity, Inc. #19 [October 1985] Infinity, Inc. #21 [December 1985] Infinity, Inc. #22 [January 1986] Infinity, Inc. Annual #1 [1985] Justice League of America #21 [August 1963] Justice League of America #22 [September 1963] Justice League of America #29 [August 1964] Justice League of America #37 [August 1965] Justice League of America #38 [September 1965] Justice League of America #64 [August 1968] Justice League of America #65 [September 1968] Justice League of America #82 [August 1970] Justice League of America #83 [September 1970] Justice League of America #91 (first story) [August 1971] Justice League of America #92 (first story) [September 1971] Justice League of America #107 [September/October 1973] Justice League of America #108 [November/December 1973] Justice League of America #110 (second story) [March/April 1974][reprint] Justice League of America #113 (first story) [September/October 1974] Justice League of America #113 (second story) [September/October 1974][reprint] Justice League of America #114 (third story) [November/December 1974][reprint] Justice League of America #115 (second story) [January/February 1975][reprint] Justice League of America #135 [October 1976] Justice League of America #137 [December 1976] Justice League of America #147 [October 1977] Justice League of America #148 [November 1977] Justice League of America #159 [October 1978] Justice League of America #160 [November 1978] Justice League of America #166 [May 1979] Justice League of America #171 [October 1979] Justice League of America #172 [November 1979] Justice League of America #183 [October 1980] Justice League of America #195 [October 1981] Justice League of America #196 [November 1981] Justice League of America #197 [December 1981] Justice League of America #207 [October 1982] Justice League of America #219 [October 1983] Justice League of America #220 [November 1983] Justice League of America #244 [November 1985] Showcase #98 [March 1978] Showcase #99 [April 1978] Super-Team Family #4 (first story) [April/May 1976][reprint] Wonder Woman (first series) #291 [May 1982] FLASH (Race Morrison) of EARTH-A Criminal for the Earth-1 Johnny Thunder who becomes a super- villain speedster. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #37 [August 1965] Justice League of America #38 [September 1965] FLASHMAN, FUNKY Conniving ex-manager of the second Mr. Miracle and member of the Secret Society of Super-Villains. ===================================================================== Secret Society of Super-Villains #4 [November/December 1976] Secret Society of Super-Villains #5 [January/February 1977] Secret Society of Super-Villains #6 [March/April 1977] Secret Society of Super-Villains #7 [May/June 1977] Secret Society of Super-Villains #8 [July/August 1977] Secret Society of Super-Villains #10 [October 1977] Secret Society of Super-Villains #11 [December 1977] Super-Team Family #14 [December/January 1978] FLINT, DONOVAN PATRICK Blonde-haired leader of the exiled Star Hunters; a group of people hunted by the sinister Corporation. ===================================================================== Star Hunters #1 [October/November 1977] Star Hunters #2 [December/January 1978] Star Hunters #3 [February/March 1978] Star Hunters #4 [April/May 1978] Star Hunters #5 [June/July 1978] Star Hunters #6 [August/September 1978] Star Hunters #7 [October/November 1978] FLORONIC MAN (Jason Woodrue) Scientist from another dimension who at first controlled plants as the Plant Master and later transformed himself into the insane living woodsman known as the Floronic Man. ===================================================================== Atom #1 [June/July 1962] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Flash (first series) #245 (second story) [November 1976] Flash (first series) #246 (second story) [January 1977] Justice League of America #61 [March 1968] Justice League of America #166 [May 1979] Justice League of America #167 [June 1979] Justice League of America #168 [July 1979] Justice League of America #195 [October 1981] Justice League of America #196 [November 1981] Justice League of America #197 [December 1981] Limited Collector's Edition #C-41 (second story) [December/January 1977][reprint] Saga of the Swamp Thing #24 [May 1984] Secret Society of Super-Villains #11 [December 1977] Secret Society of Super-Villains #12 [January 1978] Secret Society of Super-Villains #13 [March 1978] Secret Society of Super-Villains #15 [June/July 1978] Super-Team Family #14 [December/January 1978] FLOWER Topless feminine "animal" from after the Great Disaster that became an ally of Kamandi until her death. ===================================================================== Kamandi #5 [April 1975] Kamandi #6 [June 1973][death] FLYING BUTTRESS Alien robot and the first threat faced by Vicki Grant and Chris King and their new "H" Dials. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #479 (first story) [March 1981] Dial "H" For Hero insert [March 1981] FLYING FOX (Bruce Wayne) Early alias of young BRUCE WAYNE in one of his earliest adventures with Superboy. ===================================================================== World's Finest Comics (first series) #271 (first story) [September 1981] FOCCART, DANIELLE Native of the 30th century Ivory Coast who is the sister of the second Invisible Kid and was once possessed by the evil Computo. ===================================================================== Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #290 [August 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #309 (first story) [March 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #310 [April 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #311 (first story) [May 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #312 [June 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) Annual #1 [1982] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #314 (first story) [August 1984] FOCCART, FRANCINE Sister to Danielle Foccart and Jacques "Invisible Kid II" Foccart of the 30th century Ivory Coast. ===================================================================== Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #314 (first story) [August 1984] FOG of EARTH-2 WWII Nazi assassin and partner or Night with the ability to transform into a mist-like form. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #44 [April 1985] FONAS Citizen of the planet Exor and father to the Wonder Twins Zan and Jayna. ===================================================================== Super Friends #14 (second story) [October/November 1978][death] FORAGER Warrior of New Genesis originally born in an insect-like colony under the home of these New Gods. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #459 (first story) [September/October 1978] Adventure Comics #460 (third story) [November/December 1978] New Gods (first series) #10 [August/September 1972] New Gods (second series) #5 (first story) [October 1984][reprint] New Gods (second series) #5 (second story) [October 1984][reprint] Return of the New Gods #12 [July 1977] Return of the New Gods #14 [October 1977] Return of the New Gods #15 [December 1977] Return of the New Gods #16 [February 1978] Return of the New Gods #17 [April 1978] Return of the New Gods #18 [June 1978] Return of the New Gods #19 [July/August 1978] FORCE 3 Three underground WWII soldiers: Dickson the American, Leonidas the Greek, and Fredric the Pole. ===================================================================== All-Out War #3 (sixth story) [January/February 1980] All-Out War #4 (fifth story) [April 1980] All-Out War #5 (fifth story) [May/June 1980] FOREST, BYRON Employee of the futuristic Global Peace Agency and professor who transformed Buddy Blank into OMAC. ===================================================================== OMAC #1 [September/October 1974] OMAC #2 [November/December 1974][death] FOREVER MAN (Reno Franklin) ===================================================================== Warlord (first series) #80 (first story) [April 1984] Warlord (first series) #82 (first story) [April 1984] Warlord (first series) #83 (first story) [July 1984] Warlord (first series) #84 (first story) [August 1984] Warlord (first series) #86 (first story) [October 1984] Warlord (first series) Annual #3 [1984] FORM Shape-shifting green-armored villainess to Rac Shade who met her demise at the hands of Mellu Loron. ===================================================================== Shade the Changing Man (first series) #2 [August/September 1977][death] FORTUNE, AMOS Professor who is a master of luck and the creator of the first Royal Flush Gang. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #6 [August/September 1960] Justice League of America #14 [September 1962] Justice League of America #43 [March 1966] Justice League of America #54 [June 1967] Justice League of America #58 (second story) [November/December 1967][reprint] Justice League of America #67 (second story) [November/December 1968][reprint] Justice League of America #151 [February 1978] Justice League of America #194 [September 1981] Justice League of America #240 [July 1985] FOUR-EYES Glasses-wearing member of Sgt. Rock's Easy Company. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 [June 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 [July 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] FOX, LUCIUS Gray-haired head of Wayne Enterprises and friend to its owner, Bruce Wayne. ===================================================================== Batman #326 [August 1980] Batman #331 (first story) [January 1981] Batman #336 [June 1981] Batman #342 (first story) [December 1981] Batman #346 (first story) [April 1982] Batman #376 [October 1984] Batman #377 [November 1984] Batman #379 [January 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #1 [August 1983] Batman and the Outsiders #2 [September 1983] Detective Comics #511 [February 1982] Detective Comics #543 (first story) [October 1984] Untold Legend of the Batman #3 [September 1980] FOXWORTH, VALERIE Blonde-haired love interest to Tom Tresser, aka the mysterious Nemesis. ===================================================================== Brave and the Bold (first series) #171 (second story) [February 1981] Brave and the Bold (first series) #172 (second story) [March 1981] Brave and the Bold (first series) #173 (second story) [April 1981] Brave and the Bold (first series) #174 (second story) [May 1981] Brave and the Bold (first series) #175 (second story) [June 1981] Brave and the Bold (first series) #176 (second story) [July 1981] Brave and the Bold (first series) #177 (second story) [August 1981] Brave and the Bold (first series) #178 (second story) [September 1981] Brave and the Bold (first series) #180 (second story) [November 1981] Brave and the Bold (first series) #181 (second story) [December 1981] Brave and the Bold (first series) #189 (second story) [August 1982] Brave and the Bold (first series) #190 (second story) [September 1982] Brave and the Bold (first series) #192 (second story) [November 1982] FRAKE, CAPTAIN Female captain of the 30th century pirate ship Antares who used the amnesiac Ultra Boy to help loot and plunder. ===================================================================== Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #274 [April 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #275 [May 1981] FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN One of the founders of the United States of America as well as an inventor extraordinaire. ===================================================================== Action Comics #463 [September 1976] Adventure Comics #296 (first story) [May 1962] FRAZIER, ELLEN Curly-haired girlfriend and later fiancee of Animal Man Buddy Baker. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #412 (second story) [November 1971][reprint] Adventure Comics #414 (third story) [January 1972][reprint] FRAZIER, STUART Deputy Police Commissioner of Midway City under George Emmett. ===================================================================== Shadow War of Hawkman #1 [May 1985] Shadow War of Hawkman #2 [June 1985] Shadow War of Hawkman #3 [July 1985] Shadow War of Hawkman #4 [August 1985] FROGZILLA (J. Fenimore Frog) of EARTH-C Neighbor of Cap'n Dodo transformed by the evil ACROSTIC into a 50 foot rampaging "amphibious amalgam of toad and terror." ===================================================================== Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew #19 [September 1983] FRYE, DARRYL Captain on the Central City police force and colleague and later friend of Barry Allen. ===================================================================== Flash (first series) #285 [May 1980] Flash (first series) #286 [June 1980] Flash (first series) #287 [July 1980] Flash (first series) #291 (first story) [November 1980] Flash (first series) #297 (first story) [May 1981] Flash (first series) #298 (first story) [June 1981] Flash (first series) #299 (first story) [July 1981] Flash (first series) #301 (first story) [September 1981] Flash (first series) #306 (first story) [February 1982] FLash (first series) #307 (first story) [Mach 1982] Flash (first series) #309 (first story) [May 1982] Flash (first series) #310 (first story) [June 1982] Flash (first series) #314 [October 1982] Flash (first series) #315 [November 1982] Flash (first series) #316 [December 1982] Flash (first series) #317 [January 1983] Flash (first series) #318 (first story) [February 1983] Flash (first series) #319 (first story) [March 1983] Flash (first series) #320 (first story) [April 1983] Flash (first series) #322 (first story) [June 1983] Flash (first series) #323 (first story) [July 1983] Flash (first series) #324 [August 1983] Flash (first series) #325 (first story) [September 1983] Flash (first series) #326 [October 1983] Flash (first series) #327 [November 1983] Flash (first series) #330 [February 1984] Flash (first series) #332 [April 1984] Flash (first series) #334 [June 1984] Flash (first series) #335 [July 1984] Flash (first series) #336 [August 1984] Flash (first series) #337 [September 1984] Flash (first series) #338 [October 1984] Flash (first series) #339 [November 1984] Flash (first series) #340 [December 1984] Flash (first series) #343 [March 1985] Flash (first series) #345 [May 1985] Flash (first series) #346 [June 1985] Flash (first series) #347 [July 1985] Flash (first series) #348 [August 1985] Flash (first series) #349 [September 1985] Flash (first series) #350 [October 1985] the FURIES Three evil flying women from Greek mythology who, in various forms, fought the New Teen Titans and Blue Devil. ===================================================================== Blue Devil #10 [March 1985] New Teen Titans (first series) #12 [October 1981] FURY (Hippolyta "Lyta" Trevor) of EARTH-2 The super-powered daughter of Earth-2's Wonder Woman and Colonel Steven Trevor. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #25 [September 1983] All-Star Squadron #26 [October 1983] All-Star Squadron Annual #2 [1983] America vs. the Justice Society #1 [January 1985] America vs. the Justice Society #2 [February 1985] America vs. the Justice Society #4 [April 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #11 [February 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] Infinity, Inc. #1 [March 1984] Infinity, Inc. #2 [April 1984] Infinity, Inc. #3 [May 1984] Infinity, Inc. #4 [July 1984] Infinity, Inc. #5 [August 1984] Infinity, Inc. #6 [September 1984] Infinity, Inc. #7 [October 1984] Infinity, Inc. #8 [November 1984] Infinity, Inc. #9 [December 1984] Infinity, Inc. #10 [January 1985] Infinity, Inc. #11 [February 1985] Infinity, Inc. #12 [March 1985] Infinity, Inc. #13 [April 1985] Infinity, Inc. #14 [May 1985] Infinity, Inc. #15 [June 1985] Infinity, Inc. #16 [July 1985] Infinity, Inc. #17 [August 1985] Infinity, Inc. #18 [September 1985] Infinity, Inc. #19 [October 1985] Infinity, Inc. #20 [November 1985] Infinity, Inc. #21 [December 1985] Infinity, Inc. #22 [January 1986] Infinity, Inc. #24 [March 1986] Infinity, Inc. Annual #1 [1985] Justice League of America #244 [November 1985] Wonder Woman (first series) #300 [February 1983] FUTURIO-XX The "Man of a Million Years- Today" that was created by the Overlord to fight the Super Friends. ===================================================================== Super Friends #43 (first story) [April 1981]
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