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Silver Age Appearance List |
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GABBY A member of the NEWSBOY LEGION GADGETEER (Roger Romain) of EARTH-2 Gadgeted villain of Commander Steel while he was on Earth-2 during WWII. ===================================================================== Steel the Indestructible Man #3 (second story) [June 1978] Steel the Indestructible Man #4 (first story) [August/September 1978] Steel the Indestructible Man #4 (second story) [August/September 1978] GADJ Small and furry orange alien tech creator and friend to Polaris Spanner. ===================================================================== Spanner's Galaxy #2 [January 1985] Spanner's Galaxy #3 [February 1985] Spanner's Galaxy #4 [March 1985] Spanner's Galaxy #5 [April 1985] Spanner's Galaxy #6 [May 1985] GAEA The living embodiment of Earth and goddess mother of the Titans of Myth. ===================================================================== New Teen Titans (first series) #11 [September 1981] GALACTIC GOLEM Agent of galactic destruction created by Lex Luthor in a bid to destroy Superman. ===================================================================== Best of DC Digest #56 (sixth story) [January 1985][reprint] GALLIUM One of a second set of Metal Men created by Doc Magnus and destroyed after being possessed by Darzz the Dictator. ===================================================================== Metal Men (first series) #31 [April/May 1968] GALTRY, NICHOLAS Later the third ARSENAL. GAMBI, PAUL Famous tailor who created the special outfits used by the Flash's Rogue's Gallery. ===================================================================== Flash (first series) #245 [February 1976] Flash (first series) #350 [October 1985] GAMBI, PETER A one-time crook who turned his life around to become the mentor of Black Lightning. ===================================================================== Black Lightning (first series) #1 [April 1977] Black Lightning (first series) #2 [May 1977] Black Lightning (first series) #3 [July 1977] Black Lightning (first series) #6 [January 1978] Black Lightning (first series) #7 [March 1978][death] GAMBLER (Steven Sharpe) of EARTH-2 Gambling villain of the Earth-2 Green Lantern, Alan Scott who used gambling gimmicks to commit crimes. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Justice League of America #123 [October 1975] Justice League of America #124 [November 1975] GAM-EL Kryptonian ancestor of Superman who became a famous architect on his homeworld. ===================================================================== Action Comics #391 (first story) [August 1970][as statue] Krypton Chronicles #1 [September 1981] GAMESTER of EARTH-S Traveller from a distant planet who came to Earth to gamble, but whose gambling caused the deaths of the Batsons. ===================================================================== World's Finest Comics (first series) #256 (fifth story) [April/May 1979] GARGON Mysterious, green-scaled New God of Apokolips and henchman to Darkseid. ===================================================================== Return of the New Gods #13 [August 1977] Return of the New Gods #16 [February 1978] GARGOYLE I Stone-faced mystic and an arch-enemy to both Prince Ra-Man and Mark Merlin. ===================================================================== DC Comics Presents #32 (second story) [April 1981] House of Secrets (first series) #73 (first story) [July/August 1965] GARGOYLE II Teen Titans foe that resemble a living gargoyle and is seemingly immortal. ===================================================================== Brave and the Bold (first series) #144 (first story) [November 1978] Teen Titans (first series) #14 [March/April 1968] GARGUAX A green-skinned alien exile and villain of the Doom Patrol who lives on the Dark Side of the Moon. ===================================================================== Doom Patrol (first series) #91 [November 1964] Doom Patrol (first series) #96 [June 1965] Doom Patrol (first series) #97 [August 1965] Doom Patrol (first series) #104 [June 1966] Doom Patrol (first series) #108 [December 1966] Doom Patrol (first series) #109 (first story) [February 1967] Doom Patrol (first series) #110 [March 1967] Doom Patrol (first series) #111 (first story) [May 1967] Doom Patrol (first series) #112 (first story) [June 1967] GARN DAANUTH White-furred evil magician of ancient Atlantis and brother to his arch-enemy Arion, Lord of Atlantis. ===================================================================== Arion, Lord of Atlantis #1 [November 1982] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #2 [December 1982] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #3 [January 1983] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #4 [February 1983] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #5 [March 1983] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #6 [April 1983] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #7 [May 1983] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #8 [June 1983] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #17 [March 1984] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #18 [April 1984] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #19 [May 1984] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #20 [June 1984] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #21 [July 1984] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #22 [August 1984] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #23 [September 1984] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #24 [October 1984] Justice League of America #217 [August 1983] Warlord (first series) #59 (second story) [July 1982] Warlord (first series) #60 (second story) [August 1982] Warlord (first series) #61 (second story) [September 1982] GARNET, LORD Black-skinned warrior lord of Gemworld's house of Garnet and ally to the house of Amethyst. ===================================================================== Amethyst (first series) #1 [January 1985] Amethyst (first series) #2 [February 1985] Amethyst (first series) #3 [March 1985] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #6 [October 1983] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #7 [November 1983] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #8 [December 1983] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #9 [January 1984] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #10 [February 1984] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #11 [March 1984] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #12 [April 1984] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld Annual #1 [1984] GARRICK, JOAN WILLIAMS of EARTH-2 Lover and eventual wife of Earth-2's scarlet speedster Jay Garrick. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #460 (first story) [November/December 1978] All-Star Comics #2 (eighth story) [Fall 1940] All-Star Comics #3 [Winter 1940] All-Star Comics #73 [July/August 1978] All-Star Squadron Annual #3 [1984] America vs. the Justice Society #2 [February 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #11 [February 1986] DC Four-Star Spectacular #1 (fourth story) [March/April 1976][reprint] Flash (first series) #123 [September 1961] Flash (first series) #201 (second story) [November 1970] Flash (first series) #236 [September 1975] Flash (first series) #247 [March 1977] Flash (first series) #300 [August 1981] Flash (first series) #305 [January 1982] Flash Comics #1 (first story) [January 1940] Infinity, Inc. #21 [December 1985] GAS GIRL Heroine of 30th century Lallor with the ability to transform herself into a sentient gas. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #324 (first story) [September 1964] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #294 [December 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #299 [April 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #300 [May 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #313 [July 1984] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #317 (second story) [November 1984] GAY GHOST Early alias for the Grim Ghost. GEICHMAN, EMILY Landlady to the Legion of Super-Heroes member Karate Kid when he stayed in the 20th century. ===================================================================== Brave and the Bold (first series) #198 [May 1983] Karate Kid #5 [November/December 1976] Karate Kid #6 [January/February 1977] Karate Kid #8 [May/June 1977] GEM GIRL (Claire Morton) of EARTH-2 Stenographer possessed by evil alien black spheres that challenged the Justice League and Justice Society. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #55 [August 1967] Justice League of America #56 [September 1967] GEMIMN Female god-like magician and sister of Chaon, sworn enemy of Arion, Lord of Atlantis. ===================================================================== Arion, Lord of Atlantis #1 [November 1982] Arion, Lord of Atlantis #15 [January 1984] Warlord (first series) #57 (second story) [May 1982] Warlord (first series) #58 (second story) [June 1982] Warlord (first series) #59 (second story) [July 1982] GENERAL IMMORTUS An immortal criminal mastermind and enemy of the original Doom Patrol. ===================================================================== Doom Patrol (first series) #88 [June 1964] Doom Patrol (first series) #96 [June 1965] Doom Patrol (first series) #97 [August 1965] My Greatest Adventure #80 [June 1963] My Greatest Adventure #84 (first story) [December 1963] Showcase #94 [August/September 1977] Showcase #95 [October/November 1977] Super-Team Family #9 (third story) [February/March 1977][reprint] Super-Team Family #10 (second story) [April/May 1977][reprint] GENERAL SCARR Scarred enemy of the Batman and later leader of the so-called "Army of Crime." ===================================================================== World's Finest Comics (first series) #279 (first story) [May 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #280 (first story) [June 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #281 (first story) [July 1982] GENERAL ZAHL Ex-Nazi U-Boat commander and old enemy of the Chief that challenged the Doom Patrol and the New Teen Titans. ===================================================================== Doom Patrol (first series) #121 [September/October 1968] New Teen Titans (first series) #13 [November 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #14 [December 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #15 [January 1981][death] GENTLEMAN GHOST ("Gentleman" Jim Craddock) of EARTH-2/EARTH-1 Wayfarer whose ghost has come back to haunt the Hawkmen of two Earths. ===================================================================== Atom and the Hawkman #43 (first story) [June/July 1969] Infinity, Inc. #1 [March 1984] Justice League of America #128 [March 1976] Secret Origins (first series) #1 (third story) [February/March 1973][reprint] Wanted: The World's Most Dangerous Villains #7 (second story) [March/April 1973][reprint] GEO-FORCE (Brion Markov) Prince of Markovia and Outsider with the ability to manipulate the energies of Earth. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #53 [January 1986] Batman and the Outsiders insert [July 1983] Batman and the Outsiders #1 [August 1983] Batman and the Outsiders #2 [September 1983] Batman and the Outsiders #3 [October 1983] Batman and the Outsiders #4 [November 1983] Batman and the Outsiders #5 [December 1983] Batman and the Outsiders #6 [January 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #7 [February 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #8 [March 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #9 (first story) [April 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #10 [May 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #11 [June 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #12 [July 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #13 [August 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #14 [October 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #15 [November 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #16 [December 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #17 [January 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #18 [February 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #19 [March 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #20 [April 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #21 (second story) [May 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #22 [June 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #23 [July 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #24 [August 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #25 [September 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #26 [October 1985] Batman and the Outsiders #27 [November 1985] Batman and the Outsiders Annual #1 [1984] Batman and the Outsiders Annual #2 [1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #1 [April 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #2 [May 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 [June 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 [July 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #11 [February 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] DC Challenge #8 [June 1986] DC Challenge #9 [July 1986] DC Challenge #10 [August 1986] DC Comics Presents #83 [July 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #194 [November 1985] Justice League of America Annual #3 [1985] New Teen Titans (first series) #37 [December 1983] Tales of the Teen Titans Annual #3 [1984] World's Finest Comics (first series) #300 [February 1984] World's Finest Comics (first series) #302 (second story) [April 1984] GEPSEN Female member of the Omega Men with white eyes who was a friend to Tigorr. ===================================================================== Omega Men #6 [September 1983][death] GHAST Along with Abnegazar and Rath, one of the evil Demons Three that fought the Justice League many times. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #10 [March 1962] Justice League of America #11 [May 1962] Justice League of America #35 [May 1965] Justice League of America #85 (first story) [Bovember/December 1970][reprint] Justice League of America #85 (second story) [Bovember/December 1970][reprint] Justice League of America #147 [October 1977] Justice League of America #148 [November 1977] Justice League of America #206 [September 1982] GHETTO-BLASTER Lame ass orange-and-purple suited Black Lightning villain with sonic blasters on his chest and arms. ===================================================================== Batman and the Outsiders #21 (third story) [May 1985] GHILKYN Prince of the Thousand Hills and ally to Claw the Unconquered. ===================================================================== Claw the Unconquered #4 [November/December 1975] Claw the Unconquered #5 [January/February 1976] Claw the Unconquered #6 [March/April 1976] Claw the Unconquered #7 [May/June 1976] Claw the Unconquered #8 [July/August 1976] Claw the Unconquered #9 [September/October 1976] GHOST of EARTH-2 See GENTLEMAN GHOST. GHOST (Alec Rois) of EARTH-5 Spectral thief and nemesis of Earth-5's nuclear hero Captain Atom. ===================================================================== Charlton Bullseye (second series) #7 (second story) [May 1982] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] The GHOST PATROL Three members of the Foreign Legion (Fred, Pedro, and Slim) who died, but their ghosts came back to fight in WWII. ===================================================================== World's Finest Comics (first series) #208 (third story) [December 19771][reprint] G.I. ROBOT I (J.A.K.E.) The original G.I. Robot was a prototype robotic soldier for use in WWII; tested by Sgt. Coker before its destruction. ===================================================================== Weird War Tales #113 (first story) [July 1982][destroyed body] G.I. ROBOT II (J.A.K.E. II) This second G.I. Robot was built as a replacement of the first after its destruction. ===================================================================== Weird War Tales #113 (first story) [July 1982] GIACOMO Diminutive and often forgotten member of the original Brotherhood of Evil. ===================================================================== Doom Patrol (first series) #87 (first story) [May 1964] Super-Team Family #8 (second story) [December/January 1977][reprint] GIBO South American native and faithful friend of Bomba the Jungle Boy. ===================================================================== Bomba, the Jungle Boy #1 [September/October 1967] GILES, GILBERT of EARTH-2 Scientist friend to Hank Heywood and inadvertant creator of Steel, the Indestructible Man. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #8 [April 1982] Steel the Indestructible Man #1 [March 1978] Steel the Indestructible Man #2 [April 1978] Steel the Indestructible Man #4 (first story) [August/September 1978] Steel the Indestructible Man #5 [October/November 1978] GILES, GLORIA of EARTH-2 Fiancee of Hank Heywood (aka Commander Steel) who eventually married Brad Farley. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #13 [September 1982] All-Star Squadron #38 [October 1984] All-Star Squadron #50 [October 1985] Steel the Indestructible Man #1 [March 1978] Steel the Indestructible Man #2 [April 1978] Steel the Indestructible Man #3 (second story) [June 1978] Steel the Indestructible Man #4 (first story) [August/September 1978] Steel the Indestructible Man #4 (second story) [August/September 1978] Steel the Indestructible Man #5 [October/November 1978] GILL, PROFESSOR of EARTH-2 Scientist that devised the secret formula that gives Johnny Quick his super speed. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #2 [October 1981] GILLIS, JAMIE Female reporter to the Daily Planet, friend to Lois Lane, and love interest to Mark Spencer. ===================================================================== Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #2 (second story) [December 1982] Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #3 (second story) [January 1983] Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #4 (second story) [February 1983] Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #5 (second story) [March 1983] Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #6 (second story) [April 1983] Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #7 (second story) [May 1983] Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #8 (second story) [June 1983] Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #9 (second story) [July 1983] Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #10 (second story) [August 1983] Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #11 (second story) [September 1983] Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #12 (second story) [October 1983] GINSBURG, "DUCKY" Long-haired, bearded roommate of Clark Kent at Metropolis University who lost the use of his legs. ===================================================================== New Adventures of Superboy #51 [March 1984] Superman: The Secret Years #1 [February 1985] Superman: The Secret Years #2 [March 1985] Superman: The Secret Years #4 [May 1985] GIZMO (Mikron O'Jeneus) Diminutive weapons genius who can make amazing devices from scraps; he served as a member of the Fearsome Five. ===================================================================== Batman and the Outsiders #5 [December 1983] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] New Teen Titans (first series) #3 [January 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #4 [February 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #7 [May 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #19 [May 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #37 [December 1983] Tales of the Teen Titans #56 [August 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #57 [September 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #58 [October 1985] GLEEK Purple Exorian monkey that, partnered with Wonder Twins Zan and Jayna, was a member of the Super Friends. ===================================================================== Super Friends #11 [April/May 1978] Super Friends #14 (first story) [October/November 1978] Super Friends #14 (second story) [October/November 1978] Super Friends #24 [September 1979] Super Friends #31 [April 1980] Super Friends #33 [June 1980] Super Friends #35 [August 1980] Super Friends #38 (first story) [November 1980] Super Friends #41 (first story) [February 1981] Super Friends #42 (first story) [March 1981] Super Friends #43 (first story) [April 1981] Super Friends #44 (first story) [May 1981] Super Friends #47 [August 1981] GLOB Squat pinkish nightmare creature and assistant to the dreamworld Sandman. ===================================================================== Justice League of America Annual #1 [1983] Sandman (first series) #1 [winter 1974] Sandman (first series) #2 [April/May 1975] Sandman (first series) #3 [June/July 1975] Sandman (first series) #4 [August/September 1975] Sandman (first series) #5 [October/November 1975] Sandman (first series) #6 [December/January 1976] GLORITH Blonde-haired female assistant to 30th century villain the Time Trapper. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #338 (first story) [November 1965] GNARRK A Cro-Magnon boy from the past who was named an honorary member of the Teen Titans and eventually married Lilith. ===================================================================== Teen Titans (first series) #32 [March/April 1971] Teen Titans (first series) #33 [May/June 1971] Teen Titans (first series) #39 (first story) [May/June 1972] Teen Titans (first series) #51 [November 1977] Teen Titans (first series) #52 [December 1977] GNOME (Grant Arden) President of Arden Chemicals possessed by a spirit of the Earth. ===================================================================== Super Friends #14 (first story) [October/November 1978] Super Friends #14 (second story) [October/November 1978] GODIVA (Dorcas Leigh) Blonde Swedish member of the Global Guardian able to control her superhuman hair. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] GOLA ZAE Sadistic and insane female scientist of the Meta-Zone that was defeated by Shade the Changing Man. ===================================================================== Shade the Changing Man (first series) #4 [December/January 1978] GOLD Timid yet powerful member of the sentient robots known as the Metal Men. ===================================================================== Brave and the Bold (first series) #121 [September 1975] Brave and the Bold (first series) #136 [September 1977] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] DC Comics Presents #4 [December 1978] DC Comics Presents #70 [June 19843] Justice League of America #240 [July 1985] Metal Men (first series) #22 [October/November 1966] Metal Men (first series) #25 [April/May 1967] Metal Men (first series) #28 [October/November 1967] Metal Men (first series) #29 [December/January 1968] Metal Men (first series) #31 [April/May 1968] Metal Men (first series) #35 [December/January 1969] Metal Men (first series) #37 [April/May 1969] Metal Men (first series) #38 [June/July 1969] Metal Men (first series) #45 [April/May 1976] Metal Men (first series) #46 [June/July 1976] Metal Men (first series) #53 [August/September 1977] Metal Men (first series) #54 [October/November 1977] Metal Men (first series) #55 [December/January 1978] Metal Men (first series) #56 [February/March 1978] Showcase #100 [May 1978] World's Finest Comics (first series) #239 [July 1976] GOLD, JACK Former newspaper reporter and cowardly member recruited for Baron Winters' Night Force. ===================================================================== Night Force (first series) insert [July 1982] Night Force (first series) #1 [August 1982] Night Force (first series) #2 [September 1982] Night Force (first series) #3 [October 1982] Night Force (first series) #4 [November 1982] Night Force (first series) #5 [December 1982] Night Force (first series) #6 [January 1983] Night Force (first series) #7 [February 1983] Night Force (first series) #8 (first story) [March 1983] Night Force (first series) #11 [June 1983] Night Force (first series) #12 [July 1983] Night Force (first series) #13 [August 1983] GOLDEN ARROW (Roger Parsons) of EARTH-S Earth-S forerunner to Green Arrow who fought crime during that Earth's golden age. ===================================================================== Whiz Comics #2 (third story) [February 1940] GOLDEN CENTURION Temporary alias of Blackhawk member STANISLAUS when the team adopted super-hero identities. GOLDEN EAGLE (Charley Parker) Teen whose helping of Hawkman earned him a pair of wings and membership into the Teen Titans. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #116 (first story) [March/April 1975] Justice League of America #117 [April 1975] Tales of the Teen Titans #50 [February 1985] Teen Titans (first series) #50 [September 1977] Teen Titans (first series) #51 [November 1977] Teen Titans (first series) #52 [December 1977] GOLDEN GLADIATOR (Marcus) Former sheepherder of ancient Rome who became a noted gladiator. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #54 (first story) [February 1986] All-Star Squadron #55 (first story) [March 1986] GOLDEN GLIDER (Lisa Starr/Lisa Snart) Sister of Flash villain Captain Cold who herself turned into a skating-gimmicked villainess. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Flash (first series) #250 [June 1977] Flash (first series) #251 [July 1977] Flash (first series) #256 [December 1977] Flash (first series) #257 [January 1978] Flash (first series) #258 [February 1978] Flash (first series) #261 [May 1978] Flash (first series) #262 [June 1978] Flash (first series) #263 [July 1978] Flash (first series) #264 [August 1978] Flash (first series) #300 [August 1981] Flash (first series) #301 [September 1981] Flash (first series) #302 [October 1981] Flash (first series) #303 (first story) [November 1981] Flash (first series) #314 [October 1982] GOLDEN GUARDIAN Alternate code name of the second cloned GUARDIAN. GOLDEN WEB Villain faced by Chris King and Vicki Grant as the Dial "H" for Hero kids. ===================================================================== New Adventures of Superboy #43 (second story) [July 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #44 (second story) [August 1983] GOLDENROD (Fred Delmar) Plant monster created by Ollins Chemical that challenged Firestorm. ===================================================================== Fury of Firestorm #19 [January 1984][death] GOLDFACE (Keith Kenyon) Gold-armored crime boss and villain to the Flash and Green Lantern. ===================================================================== Flash (first series) #315 [November 1982] Flash (first series) #316 [December 1982] Flash (first series) #317 [January 1983] Flash (first series) #343 [March 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #145 (first story) [October 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #146 (first story) [November 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #147 (first story) [December 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #148 (first story) [January 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #149 (first story) [February 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #151 (first story) [April 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #198 [March 1986] GOMEZ, THERESA "TERRY" Researcher extraordinaire and aide to the second Vigilante in his fight on crime. ===================================================================== Vigilante #1 [November 1983] Vigilante #2 [January 1984] Vigilante #3 [February 1984] Vigilante #4 [March 1984] Vigilante #5 [April 1984] Vigilante #6 [May 1984] Vigilante #7 [June 1984] Vigilante #8 [July 1984] Vigilante #9 [August 1984] Vigilante #10 [September 1984] GORDON, ANTHONY Son of Police Commissioner James Gordon and brother of Batgirl Barbara Gordon. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #453 (first story) [September/October 1977] GORDON, BRUCE Blonde-haired solar physicist that was possessed by the evil Eclipso who later created a Solar Jet for Ferris Aircraft. ===================================================================== Action Comics #413 (third story) [June 1972] Adventure Comics #457 (second story) [May/June 1978] Adventure Comics #458 (second story) [July/August 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #133 (first story) [October 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #134 (first story) [November 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #135 (first story) [December 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #136 (first story) [January 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #138 (first story) [March 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #139 (first story) [April 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #140 (first story) [May 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #145 (first story) [October 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #146 (first story) [November 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #148 [January 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #150 [March 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #151 (first story) [April 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #173 (first story) [February 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #174 [March 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #176 [May 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #178 (first story) [July 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #179 (first story) [August 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #180 (first story) [September 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #182 (first story) [November 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #183 (first story) [December 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #185 (first story) [February 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #186 [March 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #187 (first story) [April 1985] House of Secrets (first series) #73 (second story) [July/August 1965] House of Secrets (first series) #80 (second story) [September/October 1966] Justice League of America #109 [January/February 1974] Super-Team Family #5 (first story) [June/July 1976][reprint] Super-Team Family #5 (second story) [June/July 1976] GORDON, JAMES "JIM" Police Commissioner of Gotham City and friend to Gotham's Darknight Detective, Batman. ===================================================================== Batman #168 (first story) [December 1964] Batman #168 (second story) [December 1964] Batman #204 [August 1968] Batman #241 (first story) [May 1972] Batman #247 (second story) [February 1973] Batman #275 [May 1976] Batman #295 [January 1978] Batmab #311 [May 1979] Batman #326 [August 1980] Batman #331 (first story) [January 1981] Batman #331 (second story) [January 1981] Batman #336 [June 1981] Batman #337 (first story) [July 1981] Batman #342 (first story) [December 1981] Batman #346 (first story) [April 1982] Batman #358 [April 1983] Batman #360 [June 1983] Batman #371 [May 1984] Batman #388 [October 1985] Batman #392 [February 1986] Batman Annual #1 (fifth story) [1961][reprint] Batman Annual #9 (third story) [July 1985] Batman Family #16 (first story) [February/March 1978] Batman Special #1 [1984] Batman and the Outsiders insert [July 1983] Brave and the Bold (first series) #80 [October/November 1968] Brave and the Bold (firts series) #82 [February/March 1969] Brave and the Bold (first series) #94 [February/March 1971] Brave and the Bold (first series) #106 [March/April 1973] Brave and the Bold (first series) #109 [October/November 1973] Brave and the Bold (first series) #119 [June 1975] Brave and the Bold (first series) #120 (first story) [July 1975] Brave and the Bold (first series) #124 [January 1976] Brave and the Bold (first series) #133 [April 1977] Brave and the Bold (first series) #136 [September 1977] Brave and the Bold (first series) #137 [October 1977] Brave and the Bold (first series) #143 (first story) [September/October 1978] Brave and the Bold (first series) #145 [December 1978] Brave and the Bold (first series) #150 [May 1979] Brave and the Bold (first series) #152 [July 1979] Brave and the Bold (first series) #153 [August 1979] Brave and the Bold (first series) #156 [November 1979] Brave and the Bold (first series) #157 [December 1979] Brave and the Bold (first series) #165 [August 1980] Brave and the Bold (firts series) #170 [January 1981] Brave and the Bold (first series) #173 (first story) [April 1981] Brave and the Bold (first series) #177 (first story) [August 1981] Brave and the Bold (first series) #184 (first story) [March 1982] Brave and the Bold (first series) #186 (first story) [May 1982] Brave and the Bold (first series) #195 [February 1983] Brave and the Bold (first series) #198 [May 1983] Brave and the Bold (first series) #200 (first story) [July 1983] Brave and the Bold (first series) 1978 Spectacular [1978] Detective Comics #225 (first story) [November 1955] Detective Comics #354 (first story) [August 1966] Detective Comics #359 (first story) [January 1967] Detectice Comics #418 (first story) [December 1971] Detective Comics #448 [June 1975] Detective Comics #451 (first story) [September 1975] Detective Comics #458 (first story) [April 1976] Detective Comics #460 (first story) [June 1976] Detective Comics #507 (third story) [October 1981] Detective Comics #511 [February 1982] Detective Comics #519 (second story) [October 1982] Detective Comics #523 [February 1983] Detective Comics #538 (first story) [May 1984] Detective Comics #543 (first story) [October 1984] Detective Comics #548 (first story) [March 1985] DC Challenge #1 [November 1985] DC Special #28 (first story) [June/July 1977] DC Special Series #15 (first story) [Summer 1978] Flash (first series) #318 (second story) [February 1983] Joker #1 [May 1975] Joker #2 [July 1975] Justice League of America #177 [April 1980] Justice League of America #188 (second story) [March 1981] Justice League of America Annual #1 [1983] Super Friends #35 [August 1980] Super Friends #38 (first story) [November 1980] Superman (first series) #358 (second story) [April 1981] Superman Family #171 (third story) [June/July 1975][reprint] Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #111 (first story) [June 1968] Super DC Giant #S-16 (first story) [September/October 1970][reprint] Super-Team Family #3 (fourth story) [February/March 1976][reprint] Super-Team Family #5 (first story) [June/July 1976][reprint] Untold Legend of the Batman #1 [July 1980] Untold Legend of the Batman #3 [September 1980] Wanted: The World's Most Dangerous Villains #1 (first story) [July/August 1972][reprint] World's Finest Comics (first series) #160 (first story) [September 1966] World's Finest Comics (first series) #175 (first story) [May 1968] World's Finest Comics (first series) #176 (first story) [June 1968] World's Finest Comics (first series) #217 [April/May 1973] World's Finest Comics (first series) #218 (first story) [July/August 1973] World's Finest Comics (first series) #232 [September 1975] World's Finest Comics (first series) #236 [March 1976] World's Finest Comics (first series) #244 (first story) [April/May 1977] World's Finest Comics (first series) #247 (first story) [October/November 1977] World's Finest Comics (first series) #259 (first story) [October/November 1979] World's Finest Comics (first series) #264 (second story) [August/September 1980] World's Finest Comics (first series) #268 (first story) [April/May 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #277 (first story) [March 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #290 [April 1983] World's Finest Comics (first series) #292 [June 1983] World's Finest Comics (first series) #295 [September 1983] World's Finest Comics (first series) #296 [October 1983] World's Finest Comics (first series) #302 (first story) [April 1984][reprint] World's Finest Comics (first series) #303 [May 1984] GORDON, JAMES "JIM" of EARTH-2 Police Commissioner of Earth-2's Gotham City who eventually became its Mayor. ===================================================================== Batman #233 (first story) [July/August 1971][reprint] Batman #233 (second story) [July/August 1971][reprint] Batman #233 (third story) [July/August 1971][reprint] Batman #233 (fifth story) [July/August 1971][reprint] Batman Annual #1 (first story) [1961][reprint] Batman Annual #1 (second story) [1961][reprint] Batman Annual #1 (third story) [1961][reprint] Batman Annual #1 (seventh story) [1961][reprint] Brave and the Bold (first series) #167 (first story) [October 1980] Brave and the Bold (first series) #200 (first story) [July 1983] DC Special #29 [August/Septmber 1977] DC Super-Stars #17 (third story) [November/December 1977] Detective Comics #27 (first story) [May 1939] World's Finest Comics (first series) #190 (second story) [December 1969][reprint] World's Finest Comics (first series) #192 (second story) [March 1970][reprint] GORGONUS Green-snaked male gorgon and enemy to Zatanna whose "hair" could turn people to stone. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #419 (third story) [May 1972] Adventure Comics #493 (fourth story) [November 1982][reprint] Adventure Comics #503 (fifth story) [September 1983][reprint] GORILLA BOSS Former Gotham City crime boss whose brain was transplanted into the body of a gorilla. ===================================================================== World's Finest Comics (first series) #254 (first story) [December/January 1979] GORILLA GRODD Telepathic renegade gorilla from the hidden African civilization known as Gorilla City. ===================================================================== Action Comics #424 (first story) [June 1973] Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew #20 [November 1983] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] DC Super-Stars #14 (first story) [May/June 1977] Flash (first series) #106 (first story) [April/May 1957] Flash (first series) #107 (first story) [June/July 1957] Flash (first series) #108 (second story) [August/September 1957] Flash (first series) #115 (first story) [September 1960] Flash (first series) #294 (first story) [February 1981] Flash (first series) #295 (first story) [March 1981] Flash (first series) #300 [August 1981] Flash (first series) #313 (first story) [September 1982] Flash (first series) #327 [November 1983] Flash (first series) #329 [January 1984] Flash (first series) #330 [February 1984] Flash (first series) #331 [March 1984] Flash (first series) Annual #1 [1963][reprint] Secret Society of Super-Villains #1 [May/June 1976] Secret Society of Super-Villains #2 [July/August 1976] Secret Society of Super-Villains #3 [September/October 1976] Secret Society of Super-Villains #4 [November/December 1976] Secret Society of Super-Villains #8 [July/August 1977] Secret Society of Super-Villains #10 [October 1977] Secret Society of Super-Villains #11 [December 1977] Super-Team Family #3 (first story) [February/March 1976] Super-Team Family #14 [December/January 1978] the GORILLA COMMANDOS Group of mutated commandos from Kamandi's post-apocalyptic world led by the notorious Ramjam. ===================================================================== Kamandi #32 (first story) [August 1975] GOSLIN, "GUNNER" of EARTH-5 Lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force and best friend to Earth-5's Captain Atom. ===================================================================== Space Adventures (second series) #10 (second story) [August 1978][reprint] Space Adventures (second series) #10 (third story) [August 1978][reprint] GRACE, KAREN Blonde-haired female flight nurse and member of the US government's Suicide Squad. ====================================================================== Action Comics #552 [February 1984] GRAEMORE An old friend of Tara whose romantic overtones brought out the jealousy in Warlord Travis Morgan. ===================================================================== Warlord (first series) #56 (first story) [April 1982] Warlord (first series) #57 (first story) [May 1982] Warlord (first series) #58 (first story) [June 1982] Warlord (first series) #60 (first story) [August 1982] Warlord (first series) #61 (first story) [Septenmber 1982] Warlord (first series) #62 (first story) [October 1982] Warlord (first series) #97 [September 1985] GRA-MO A Kryptionian villain from before its destruction and one of many such criminals trapped in the Phantom Zone. ===================================================================== Phantom Zone #1 [January 1982] Superboy (first series) #162 [January 1970] World of Krypton (first series) #2 [August 1979] GRANCH Gray-skinned ally to Amethyst and son of the evil Dark Opal who betrayed his wicked lineage. ===================================================================== Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld insert [April 1983] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #1 [May 1983] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #2 [June 1983] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #3 [July 1983] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #4 [August 1983] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #5 [September 1983] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #6 [October 1983][death] GRANDMASTER White-moustached leader of a cult of mysterious robots known as the Manhunters. ===================================================================== DC First Issue Special #5 [August 1975] Justice League of America #140 [March 1977] Justice League of America #141 [April 1977][destroyed] GRANNY GOODNESS Malevolent teacher and New God on the malodeous planet of Apokolips. ===================================================================== DC First Issue Special #13 [April 1976] Justice League of America #185 [December 1980] Mister Miracle (first series) #19 [September 1977] Mister Miracle (first series) #20 [October 1977] Mister Miracle (first series) #21 [December 1977] Mister Miracle (first series) #25 [August/September 1978] Return of the New Gods #17 [April 1978] Super Powers (first series) #4 [October 1984] GRANT, ALVIN T. Sleazy and conniving husband to Yellow Peri Loretta Grant who is always trying to get his wife to use her magical powers for less-than-honest goals. ===================================================================== Action Comics #559 (first story) [September 1984] Action Comics #567 (first story) [May 1985] GRANT, JAMES Wealthy citizen of Fairfax City and father to Dial "H" for Hero user Vicki Grant. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #480 (second story) [April 1981] Adventure Comics #486 (third story) [October 1981] GRANT, SAMANTHA Blonde-haired socialite wife to James Grant and mother to "H" Dialer Vicki Grant. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #480 (second story) [April 1981] Adventure Comics #486 (third story) [October 1981] GRANT, VICTORIA "VICKI" With her partner Chris King, Vicki can Dial "H" for Hero to become a never-before-seen super-powered heroine. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #479 (first story) [March 1981] Adventure Comics #479 (second story) [March 1981] Adventure Comics #479 (third story) [March 1981] Adventure Comics #480 (first story) [April 1981] Adventure Comics #480 (second story) [April 1981] Adventure Comics #480 (third story) [April 1981] Adventure Comics #481 (first story) [May 1981] Adventure Comics #481 (second story) [May 1981] Adventure Comics #481 (third story) [May 1981] Adventure Comics #482 (first story) [June 1981] Adventure Comics #482 (second story) [June 1981] Adventure Comics #482 (third story) [June 1981] Adventure Comics #483 (first story) [July 1981] Adventure Comics #483 (second story) [July 1981] Adventure Comics #484 (first story) [August 1981] Adventure Comics #484 (second story) [August 1981] Adventure Comics #485 [September 1981] Adventure Comics #486 (first story) [October 1981] Adventure Comics #486 (second story) [October 1981] Adventure Comics #486 (third story) [October 1981] Adventure Comics #487 (first story) [November 1981] Adventure Comics #487 (second story) [November 1981] Adventure Comics #488 (first story) [December 1981] Adventure Comics #488 (second story) [December 1981] Adventure Comics #489 (first story) [January 1982] Adventure Comics #489 (second story) [January 1982] Adventure Comics #490 [February 1982] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] DC Comics Presents #44 [April 1982] Dial "H" For Hero insert [March 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #28 (second story) [April 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #29 (second story) [May 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #30 (second story) [June 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #31 (second story) [July 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #32 (second story) [August 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #33 (second story) [September 1981] New Adventures of Superboy #34 (second story) [October 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #35 (second story) [November 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #36 (second story) [December 1982] New Adventures of Superboy #37 (second story) [January 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #38 (second story) [February 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #39 (second story) [March 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #40 (second story) [April 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #41 (second story) [May 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #42 (second story) [June 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #43 (second story) [July 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #44 (second story) [August 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #45 (second story) [September 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #46 (second story) [October 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #47 (second story) [November 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #48 (second story) [December 1983] New Adventures of Superboy #49 (second story) [January 1984] GRAVEDIGGER (Ulysses Hazard) African U.S. Army special forces member who fought in WWII under command of the RAF's Col. Birch. ===================================================================== Men of War #1 (first story) [August 1977] Men of War #2 (first story) [September 1977] Men of War #3 (first story) [November 1977] Men of War #4 (first story) [January 1978] Men of War #5 (first story) [March 1978] Men of War #6 (first story) [May 1978] Men of War #7 (first story) [July 1978] Men of War #8 (first story) [August 1978] Men of War #9 (first story) [September/October 1978] Men of War #10 (first story) [November 1978] Men of War #11 (first story) [December 1978] Men of War #12 (first story) [January 1979] Men of War #13 (first story) [February 1979] Men of War #14 (first story) [March 1979] Men of War #15 (first story) [April 1979] Men of War #16 [May 1979] Men of War #17 (first story) [June 1979] Men of War #18 (first story) [July 1979] Men of War #19 (first story) [August 1979] Men of War #20 (first story) [September 1979] Men of War #21 (first story) [October 1979] Men of War #22 (first story) [November 1979] Men of War #23 (first story) [December 1979] Men of War #24 (first story) [January 1980] Men of War #25 (first story) [February 1980] Men of War #26 (first story) [March 1980] GRAX Blue-skinned, four-armed alien conqueror and enemy of the Superman and the Super Friends. ===================================================================== Action Comics #342 (first story) [October 1966] Action Comics #417 (first story) [October 1972] Super Friends #14 (second story) [October/November 1978] Super Friends #38 (first story) [November 1980] GRAY, GUS A former African-American Deacon/Olympic Athlete that served in Jeb Stuart's Haunted Tank crew. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 [June 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 [July 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] G.I. Combat #160 (first story) [April 1973] G.I. Combat #163 (first story) [August 1973] G.I. Combat #164 (first story) [September 1973] G.I. Combat #166 (first story) [November 1973] G.I. Combat #175 (first story) [January/February 1975] G.I. Combat #181 (first story) [August 1975] G.I. Combat #182 (first story) [September 1975] G.I. Combat #183 (first story) [October 1975] G.I. Combat #190 (first story) [May 1976] G.I. Combat #193 (first story) [August 1976] G.I. Combat #195 (first story) [October 1976] G.I. Combat #201 (first story) [April/May 1977] G.I. Combat #201 (sixth story) [April/May 1977] G.I. Combat #201 (eighth story) [April/May 1977] G.I. Combat #202 (first story) [June/July 1977] G.I. Combat #202 (fourth story) [June/July 1977] G.I. Combat #202 (sixth story) [June/July 1977] G.I. Combat #202 (seventh story) [June/July 1977] G.I. Combat #223 (first story) [November 1980] G.I. Combat #223 (fourth story) [November 1980] G.I. Combat #223 (sixth story) [November 1980] G.I. Combat #241 (first story) [May 1982] G.I. Combat #241 (sixth story) [May 1982] G.I. Combat #242 (first story) [June 1982] G.I. Combat #242 (sixth story) [June 1982] G.I. Combat #245 (first story) [September 1982] G.I. Combat #245 (fifth story) [September 1982] G.I. Combat #246 [October 1982] G.I. Combat #249 (first story) [January 1983] G.I. Combat #249 (fifth story) [January 1983] G.I. Combat #250 (first story) [February 1983] G.I. Combat #250 (fifth story) [February 1983] G.I. Combat #251 (first story) [March 1983] G.I. Combat #251 (fifth story) [March 1983] G.I. Combat #255 (first story) [July 1983] G.I. Combat #257 (first story) [September 1983] G.I. Combat #257 (fifth story) [September 1983] G.I. Combat #258 (first story) [October 1983] G.I. Combat #258 (fifth story) [October 1983] G.I. Combat #267 (first story) [July 1984] G.I. Combat #270 (first story) [October 1984] G.I. Combat #271 (first story) [November 1984] G.I. Combat #273 (first story) [January 1984] G.I. Combat #274 (first story) [February 1984] G.I. Combat #279 (first story) [September 1985] G.I. Combat #279 (fourth story) [September 1985] G.I. Combat #280 (first story) [November 1985] GRAY MOUSER Gray-dressed dimunitive thief and friend of Fhfhrd the Barbarian in a sorcerous world. ===================================================================== Sword of Sorcery #2 [April/May 1973] Sword of Sorcery #5 (first story) [November/December 1973] Sword of Sorcery #5 (second story) [November/December 1973] GRAYSON, CHUCK of EARTH-2 Cyberneticist and partner of Dr. Robert Crane who helped create Earth-2's Robotman. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #2 [October 1981] All-Star Squadron #13 [September 1982] All-Star Squadron #17 [January 1983] All-Star Squadron #24 [August 1983] All-Star Squadron Annual #1 [1982] All-Star Squadron Annual #2 [1983] America vs. the Justice Society #2 [February 1985] DC Comics Presents #31 (second story) [March 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #208 (second story) [December 19771][reprint] GRAYSON, JOHN and MARY The Flying Graysons whose death caused their son Dick to don the garb of Robin the Boy Wonder. ===================================================================== DC 80-Page Giant #8 (first story) [1965][reprint] Untold Legend of the Batman #2 [August 1980] GRAYSON, JOHN and MARY of EARTH-2 Father and mother of Dick Grayson whose deaths caused him to don the outfit of Earth-2's Robin the Boy Wonder. ===================================================================== Secret Origins (first series) #7 (first story) [October/November 1974][reprint] GREAT CEASAR Feline ruler after the Great Disaster whose son Prince Tuftan went against his father's wishes and sided with Kamandi. ===================================================================== DC Comics Presents #64 [December 1983] Kamandi #1 [October/November 1972] Kamandi #4 [March 1973] Kamandi #5 [April 1973] Kamandi #32 (second story) [August 1975][reprint] Kamandi #43 (first story) [July 1976] Kamandi #52 [August/September 1977] GREEN ARROW (Oliver "Ollie" Queen) The world's greatest archer, an urban hero, and a member of the Justice League. ===================================================================== Action Comics #424 (second story) [June 1973] Action Comics #426 (second story) [August 1973] Action Comics #428 (second story) [October 1973] Action Comics #434 (second story) [April 1974] Action Comics #436 (second story) [June 1974] Action Comics #440 (second story) [October 1974] Action Comics #441 (second story) [November 1974] Action Comics #444 (second story) [February 1975] Action Comics #446 (second story) [April 1975] Action Comics #450 (second story) [August 1975] Action Comics #451 (second story) [September 1975] Action Comics #452 (second story) [October 1975] Action Comics #455 [Janaury 1976] Action Comics #456 (second story) [February 1976] Action Comics #457 (second story) [March 1976] Action Comics #458 (second story) [April 1976] Action Comics #480 [February 1978] Action Comics #481 [March 1978] Action Comics #483 [May 1978] Action Comics #535 (second story) [September 1982] Action Comics #546 [August 1983] Adventure Comics #247 (second story) [April 1958] Adventure Comics #419 (second story) [May 1972] Adventure Comics #423 [September 1972] Adventure Comics #464 (fourth story) [August 1979] All-Star Squadron #53 [January 1986] Aquaman (first series) #18 [November/December 1964] Batman and the Outsiders #1 [August 1983] Best of DC Digest #31 (first story) [December 1982][reprint] Best of DC Digest #31 (second story) [December 1982][reprint] Best of DC Digest #31 (third story) [December 1982][reprint] Best of DC Digest #31 (fourth story) [December 1982][reprint] Brave and the Bold (first series) #85 [August/September 1969] Brave and the Bold (first series) #106 [March/April 1973] Brave and the Bold (first series) #136 [September 1977] Brave and the Bold (first series) #144 (first story) [November 1978] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] DC Challenge #12 [October 1986] DC Comics Presents #20 [April 1980] DC Comics Presents #54 [February 1983] DC Comics Presents Annual #2 [1983] DC 80-Page Giant #8 (first story) [1965][reprint] DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest #11 (first story) [July 1981][reprint] DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest #11 (second story) [July 1981][reprint] DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest #11 (third story) [July 1981][reprint] DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest #11 (fourth story) [July 1981][reprint] DC Special Series #10 (third story) [1978] DC Super-Stars #17 (first story) [November/December 1977] Detective Comics #468 [March/April 1977] Detective Comics #538 (second story) [May 1984] Detective Comics #543 (second story) [October 1984] Detective Comics #548 (second story) [March 1985] Flash (first series) #327 [November 1983] Flash (first series) #328 [December 1983] Flash (first series) #329 [January 1984] Green Arrow (first series) #1 [May 1983] Green Arrow (first series) #2 [June 1983] Green Arrow (first series) #3 [July 1983] Green Arrow (first series) #4 [August 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #76 [April 1970] Green Lantern (second series) #91 [October/November 1976] Green Lantern (second series) #93 [February/March 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #94 [April/May 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #95 [June/July 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #96 [August/September 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #97 [October 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #100 (first story) [January 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #100 (second story) [January 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #101 [February 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #102 [March 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #103 [April 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #104 [May 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #105 [June 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #106 [July 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #107 (first story) [August 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #108 (first story) [September 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #111 [December 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #112 [January 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #113 [February 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #114 [March 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #115 [April 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #117 [June 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #118 [July 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #119 [August 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #120 [September 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #121 [October 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #123 [December 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #180 (first story) [September 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #188 (first story) [May 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #190 (first story) [July 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #191 [August 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #192 [September 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #194 [November 1985] Joker #4 [November/December 1975] Justice League of America #4 [April/May 1961] Justice League of America #5 [June/July 1961] Justice League of America #6 [August/Spetember 1961] Justice League of America #7 [October/November 1961] Justice League of America #8 [December/January 1962] Justice League of America #9 [February 1962] Justice League of America #10 [March 1962] Justice League of America #11 [May 1962] Justice League of America #12 [June 1962] Justice League of America #13 [August 1962] Justice League of America #14 [September 1962] Justice League of America #15 [November 1962] Justice League of America #16 [December 1962] Justice League of America #17 [February 1963] Justice League of America #18 [March 1963] Justice League of America #19 [May 1963] Justice League of America #20 [June 1963] Justice League of America #21 [August 1963] Justice League of America #22 [September 1963] Justice League of America #23 [October 1963] Justice League of America #24 [December 1963] Justice League of America #26 [March 1964] Justice League of America #27 [May 1964] Justice League of America #28 [June 1964] Justice League of America #31 [November 1964] Justice League of America #33 [February 1965] Justice League of America #36 [June 1965] Justice League of America #38 [September 1965] Justice League of America #39 (third story) [November 1965][reprint] Justice League of America #40 [November 1965] Justice League of America #41 [December 1965] Justice League of America #44 [May 1966] Justice League of America #45 [June 1966] Justice League of America #50 [December 1966] Justice League of America #52 [March 1967] Justice League of America #53 [May 1967] Justice League of America #55 [August 1967] Justice League of America #56 [September 1967] Justice League of America #57 [November 1967] Justice League of America #58 (second story) [November/December 1967][reprint] Justice League of America #58 (third story) [November/December 1967][reprint] Justice League of America #59 [December 1967] Justice League of America #60 [February 1968] Justice League of America #61 [March 1968] Justice League of America #63 [June 1968] Justice League of America #65 [September 1968] Justice League of America #66 [November 1968] Justice League of America #67 (first story) [November/December 1968][reprint] Justice League of America #67 (second story) [November/December 1968][reprint] Justice League of America #67 (third story) [November/December 1968][reprint] Justice League of America #68 [December 1968] Justice League of America #69 [February 1969] Justice League of America #71 [May 1969] Justice League of America #72 [June 1969] Justice League of America #74 [September 1969] Justice League of America #75 [November 1969] Justice League of America #76 (first story) [November/December 1969][reprint] Justice League of America #76 (second story) [November/December 1969][reprint] Justice League of America #77 [December 1969] Justice League of America #78 (first story) [February 1970] Justice League of America #79 [March 1970] Justice League of America #80 [May 1970] Justice League of America #81 [June 1970] Justice League of America #82 [August 1970] Justice League of America #83 [September 1970] Justice League of America #85 (first story) [Bovember/December 1970][reprint] Justice League of America #85 (second story) [Bovember/December 1970][reprint] Justice League of America #86 [December 1970] Justice League of America #88 [March 1971] Justice League of America #89 [May 1971] Justice League of America #90 [June 1971] Justice League of America #91 (first story) [August 1971] Justice League of America #92 (first story) [September 1971] Justice League of America #93 (first story) [October/November 1971][reprint] Justice League of America #93 (second story) [October/November 1971][reprint] Justice League of America #94 (first story) [November 1971] Justice League of America #95 (first story) [December 1971] Justice League of America #97 [March 1972] Justice League of America #98 (first story) [May 1972] Justice League of America #100 [August 1972] Justice League of America #101 [September 1972] Justice League of America #102 [October 1972] Justice League of America #103 [December 1972] Justice League of America #104 [February 1973] Justice League of America #105 [May 1973] Justice League of America #106 [July/August 1973] Justice League of America #107 [September/October 1973] Justice League of America #108 [November/December 1973] Justice League of America #109 [January/February 1974] Justice League of America #110 (first story) [March/April 1974] Justice League of America #112 (first story) [July/August 1974] Justice League of America #112 (fourth story) [July/August 1974][reprint] Justice League of America #113 (third story) [September/October 1974][reprint] Justice League of America #114 (first story) [November/December 1974] Justice League of America #115 (third story) [January/February 1975][reprint] Justice League of America #116 (first story) [March/April 1975] Justice League of America #116 (third story) [March/April 1975][reprint] Justice League of America #117 [April 1975] Justice League of America #119 [June 1975] Justice League of America #120 [July 1975] Justice League of America #121 [August 1975] Justice League of America #122 [September 1975] Justice League of America #123 [October 1975] Justice League of America #124 [November 1975] Justice League of America #127 [February 1976] Justice League of America #128 [March 1976] Justice League of America #129 [April 1976] Justice League of America #130 [May 1976] Justice League of America #132 [July 1976] Justice League of America #133 [August 1976] Justice League of America #135 [October 1976] Justice League of America #137 [December 1976] Justice League of America #139 [February 1977] Justice League of America #140 [March 1977] Justice League of America #141 [April 1977] Justice League of America #142 [May 1977] Justice League of America #143 [June 1977] Justice League of America #144 [July 1977] Justice League of America #145 [August 1977] Justice League of America #146 [September 1977] Justice League of America #147 [October 1977] Justice League of America #148 [November 1977] Justice League of America #150 [January 1978] Justice League of America #151 [February 1978] Justice League of America #153 [April 1978] Justice League of America #154 [May 1978] Justice League of America #155 [June 1978] Justice League of America #157 [August 1978] Justice League of America #159 [October 1978] Justice League of America #160 [November 1978] Justice League of America #161 [December 1978] Justice League of America #162 [January 1979] Justice League of America #163 [February 1979] Justice League of America #164 [March 1979] Justice League of America #165 [April 1979] Justice League of America #166 [May 1979] Justice League of America #167 [June 1979] Justice League of America #168 [July 1979] Justice League of America #170 [September 1979] Justice League of America #173 [December 1979] Justice League of America #174 [January 1980] Justice League of America #177 [April 1980] Justice League of America #178 [May 1980] Justice League of America #179 [June 1980] Justice League of America #180 [July 1980] Justice League of America #181 [August 1980] Justice League of America #182 (first story) [September 1980] Justice League of America #186 [January 1981] Justice League of America #194 [September 1981] Justice League of America #195 [October 1981] Justice League of America #200 [March 1982] Justice League of America #202 [May 1982] Justice League of America #204 [July 1982] Justice League of America #205 [August 1982] Justice League of America #209 [December 1982] Justice League of America #210 [January 1983] Justice League of America #211 [February 1983] Justice League of America #212 [March 1983] Justice League of America #213 [April 1983] Justice League of America #214 [May 1983] Justice League of America #215 [June 1983] Justice League of America #216 [July 1983] Justice League of America #218 [September 1983] Justice League of America #224 [March 1984] Justice League of America #225 [April 1984] Justice League of America #226 [May 1984] Justice League of America #227 [June 1984] Justice League of America #228 [July 1984] Justice League of America #229 [August 1984] Justice League of America #230 [September 1984] Justice League of America #240 [July 1985] Justice League of America Annual #1 [1983] Justice League of America Annual #2 [1984] Justice League of America Annual #3 [1985] Limited Collector's Edition #C-41 (first story) [December/January 1976] Limited Collector's Edition #C-41 (second story) [December/January 1976][reprint] Limited Collector's Edition #C-41 (third story) [December/January 1976][reprint] Limited Collector's Edition #C-46 (first story) [August/September 1976][reprint] Red Tornado #3 [September 1985] Saga of the Swamp Thing #24 [May 1984] Secret Society of Super-Villains #5 [January/February 1977] Secret Society of Super-Villains #6 [March/April 1977] Super Friends #3 [February 1977] Super Powers (second series) #1 [September 1985] Super Powers (second series) #2 [October 1985] Super Powers (second series) #6 [February 1986] Supergirl (second series) #20 [June 1984] Superman Family #169 (third story) [February/March 1975][reprint] Superman Family #171 (second story) [June/July 1975][reprint] Super-Team Family #3 (third story) [February/March 1976][reprint] Super-Team Family #9 (third story) [February/March 1977][reprint] Teen Titans (first series) #25 [January/February 1970] Teen Titans (first series) #53 [February 1978] Wanted: The World's Most Dangerous Villains #1 (second story) [July/August 1972][reprint] Wonder Woman (first series) #215 [December 1974/January 1975] Wonder Woman (first series) #219 [August/September 1975] Wonder Woman (first series) #300 [February 1983] World's Finest Comics (first series) #71 (second story) [July/August 1954] World's Finest Comics (first series) #105 (fourth story) [November 1959] World's Finest Comics (first series) #134 (second story) [June 1963] World's Finest Comics (first series) #154 (second story) [December 1965][reprint] World's Finest Comics (first series) #178 (first story) [September 1968] World's Finest Comics (first series) #244 (second story) [April/May 1977] World's Finest Comics (first series) #244 (third story) [April/May 1977] World's Finest Comics (first series) #247 (first story) [October/November 1977] World's Finest Comics (first series) #247 (third story) [October/November 1977] World's Finest Comics (first series) #249 (second story) [February/March 1978] World's Finest Comics (first series) #254 (second story) [December/January 1979] World's Finest Comics (first series) #254 (third story) [December/January 1979] World's Finest Comics (first series) #255 (second story) [February/March 1979] World's Finest Comics (first series) #256 (second story) [April/May 1979] World's Finest Comics (first series) #256 (third story) [April/May 1979] World's Finest Comics (first series) #257 (third story) [June/July 1979] World's Finest Comics (first series) #258 (third story) [August/September 1979] World's Finest Comics (first series) #259 (second story) [October/November 1979] World's Finest Comics (first series) #261 (second story) [February/March 1980] World's Finest Comics (first series) #262 (second story) [April/May 1980] World's Finest Comics (first series) #263 (second story) [June/July 1980] World's Finest Comics (first series) #264 (second story) [August/September 1980] World's Finest Comics (first series) #265 (second story) [October/November 1980] World's Finest Comics (first series) #266 (second story) [December 1980/January 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #267 (second story) [February/March 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #268 (second story) [April/May 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #269 (second story) [June/July 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #270 (second story) [August 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #272 (second story) [October 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #273 (second story) [November 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #274 (second story) [December 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #275 (second story) [January 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #276 (second story) [February 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #277 (second story) [March 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #278 (second story) [April 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #279 (second story) [May 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #280 (second story) [June 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #281 (second story) [July 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #282 (second story) [August 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #283 (third story) [September 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #284 (second story) [October 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #286 [December 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #300 [February 1984] World's Finest Comics (first series) #302 (second story) [April 1984] GREEN ARROW (Oliver "Ollie" Queen) of EARTH-2 Earth-2's greatest archer, a partner with Speedy, and a member of the Seven Soldiers of Victory. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #438 (second story) [March/April 1975] Adventure Comics #439 (second story) [May/June 1975] Adventure Comics #442 (second story) [December 1975] Adventure Comics #445 (second story) [February 1976] All-Star Squadron #29 [January 1984] All-Star Squadron #31 [March 1984] All-Star Squadron #54 [February 1986] All-Star Squadron #56 (first story) [April 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 [October 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986][death] DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest #11 (first story) [July 1981][reprint] DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest #11 (second story) [July 1981][reprint] DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest #11 (third story) [July 1981][reprint] Infinity, Inc. #11 [February 1985] Infinity, Inc. #23 [February 1986] Justice League of America #100 [August 1972] Justice League of America #101 [September 1972] Justice League of America #102 [October 1972] Justice League of America #111 (second story) [May/June 1974][reprint] Justice League of America #112 (second story) [July/August 1974][reprint] More Fun Comics #73 (second story) [November 1941] More Fun Comics #101 (first story) [January/February 1945] World's Finest Comics (first series) #204 (third story) [August 1971][reprint] GREEN FURY (Beatriz DaCosta) Green-haired Brazilian member of the Global Guardians capable of breathing mystical fire. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] DC Challenge #10 [August 1986] DC Comics Presents #46 [June 1982] Super Friends #42 (first story) [March 1981] Super Friends #43 (first story) [April 1981] Super Friends #44 (first story) [May 1981] Super Friends #47 [August 1981] GREEN LANTERN ABIN SUR of UNGARA Red-skinned Green Lantern that nominated Hal Jordan as his successor of space sector 2814 on his deathbed. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #1 (first story) [July/August 1960] Green Lantern (second series) #16 (second story) [October 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #111 [December 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #149 (second story) [February 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #165 (first story) [June 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #184 [January 1985] Secret Origins (first series) #2 (second story) [April/May 1973][reprint] Secret Origins (first series) Special #1 (third story) [1961][reprint] Showcase #22 (first story) [September/October 1959][death] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 [May 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981][as spirit] GREEN LANTERN ALAN WELLINGTON SCOTT of EARTH-2 Discoverer of the mystic Starheart, engineer Alan Scott became Earth-2's emerald crusader armed with a ring of power. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #461 (third story) [January/February 1979] Adventure Comics #462 (first story) [March/April 1979] Adventure Comics #463 (third story) [June 1979] Adventure Comics #466 (third story) [December 1979] All-Star Comics #2 (second story) [Fall 1940] All-Star Comics #3 [Winter 1940] All-Star Comics #4 [March/April 1941] All-Star Comics #8 (first story) [December/January 1942] All-Star Comics #58 [January/February 1976] All-Star Comics #59 [March/April 1976] All-Star Comics #60 [May/June 1976] All-Star Comics #62 [September/October 1976] All-Star Comics #66 [May/June 1977] All-Star Comics #69 [November/December 1977] All-Star Comics #71 [March/April 1978] All-Star Comics #72 [May/June 1978] All-Star Comics #73 [July/August 1978] All-Star Comics #74 [September/October 1978] All-Star Squadron insert [August 1981] All-Star Squadron #1 [September 1981] All-Star Squadron #2 [October 1981] All-Star Squadron #3 [November 1981] All-Star Squadron #4 [December 1981] All-Star Squadron #5 [January 1982] All-Star Squadron #15 [November 1982] All-Star Squadron #20 [April 1983] All-Star Squadron #21 [May 1983] All-Star Squadron #22 [June 1983] All-Star Squadron #23 [July 1983] All-Star Squadron #24 [August 1983] All-Star Squadron #25 [September 1983] All-Star Squadron #26 [October 1983] All-Star Squadron #27 [November 1983] All-Star Squadron #31 [March 1984] All-Star Squadron #32 [April 1984] All-Star Squadron #36 [August 1984] All-Star Squadron #37 [September 1984] All-Star Squadron #38 [September 1984] All-Star Squadron #39 [November 1984] All-Star Squadron #40 [December 1984] All-Star Squadron #41 [January 1985] All-Star Squadron #42 [February 1985] All-Star Squadron #45 [May 1985] All-Star Squadron #46 [June 1985] All-Star Squadron #50 [October 1985] All-Star Squadron #51 [November 1985] All-Star Squadron #52 (first story) [December 1985] All-Star Squadron #53 [January 1986] All-Star Squadron #54 [February 1986] All-Star Squadron Annual #1 [1982] All-Star Squadron Annual #2 [1983] All-Star Squadron Annual #3 [1984] America vs. the Justice Society #1 [January 1985] America vs. the Justice Society #2 [February 1985] America vs. the Justice Society #3 [March 1985] America vs. the Justice Society #4 [April 1985] Brave and the Bold (first series) #200 (first story) [July 1983] Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 [July 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #6 [September 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 [October 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #11 [February 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] DC Comics Presents #25 (second story) [September 1980] DC Special #29 [August/September 1977] DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest #11 (second story) [July 1981][reprint] DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest #11 (third story) [July 1981][reprint] DC Special Series #10 (third story) [1978] Flash (first series) #300 [August 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #108 (second story) [September 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #111 [December 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #112 [January 1979] Infinity, Inc. #1 [March 1984] Infinity, Inc. #2 [April 1984] Infinity, Inc. #3 [May 1984] Infinity, Inc. #4 [June 1984] Infinity, Inc. #5 [July 1984] Infinity, Inc. #7 [October 1984] Infinity, Inc. #8 [November 1984] Infinity, Inc. #9 [December 1984] Infinity, Inc. #10 [January 1985] Infinity, Inc. #11 [February 1985] Infinity, Inc. #12 [March 1985] Infinity, Inc. #20 [November 1985] Infinity, Inc. #21 [December 1985] Infinity, Inc. #22 [January 1986] Infinity, Inc. Annual #1 [1985] Justice League of America #21 [August 1963] Justice League of America #22 [September 1963] Justice League of America #37 [August 1965] Justice League of America #38 [September 1965] Justice League of America #64 [August 1968] Justice League of America #65 [September 1968] Justice League of America #73 [August 1969] Justice League of America #74 [September 1969] Justice League of America #82 [August 1970] Justice League of America #83 [September 1970] Justice League of America #91 (first story) [August 1971] Justice League of America #92 (first story) [September 1971] Justice League of America #101 [September 1972] Justice League of America #102 [October 1972] Justice League of America #110 (second story) [March/April 1974][reprint] Justice League of America #113 (second story) [September/October 1974][reprint] Justice League of America #114 (third story) [November/December 1974][reprint] Justice League of America #115 (second story) [January/February 1975][reprint] Justice League of America #135 [October 1976] Justice League of America #137 [December 1976] Justice League of America #147 [October 1977] Justice League of America #148 [November 1977] Justice League of America #159 [October 1978] Justice League of America #160 [November 1978] Justice League of America #166 [May 1979] Justice League of America #171 [October 1979] Justice League of America #172 [November 1979] Justice League of America #195 [October 1981] Justice League of America #207 [October 1982] Justice League of America #208 [November 1982] Justice League of America #209 [December 1982] Justice League of America #231 [October 1984] Justice League of America #232 [November 1984] Showcase #98 [March 1978] Showcase #99 [April 1978] Super-Team Family #4 (first story) [April/May 1976] Wonder Woman (first series) #291 [May 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #211 (second story) [May 1972][reprint] GREEN LANTERN APROS of MINUS PI SEVEN III Two-foot-tall barely-moveable Green Lantern honor guard member stationed on Oa. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #172 (first story) [January 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #196 [January 1986] Green Lantern (second series) #198 [March 1986] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 [May 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2 [June 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981] GREEN LANTERN ARISHA of GRAXOS IV Yellow-skinned teenage Green Lantern of space sector 2815 who has a crush on the heroic Hal Jordan. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 [November 1985] DC Challenge #10 [August 1986] DC Challenge #11 [September 1986] Green Lantern (second series) #149 (first story) [February 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #150 [March 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #163 (first story) [April 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #172 (first story) [January 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #181 (first story) [October 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #185 (first story) [February 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #188 (second story) [May 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #198 [March 1986] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 [May 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2 [June 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #1 [1985] GREEN LANTERN ARKKIS CHUMMUCK of XANSHI Carnivorous animalistic Green Lantern who killed another Green Lantern to gain his ring. ===================================================================== DC Comics Presents #60 [August 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #130 (second story) [July 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #131 (second story) [August 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #132 (second story) [September 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #149 (first story) [February 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #150 [March 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #172 (first story) [January 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #181 (first story) [October 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #185 [February 1985] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 [May 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2 [June 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #1 [1985][death] GREEN LANTERN BRIN A noble, sentient white horse and Green Lantern of his space sector. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #167 (second story) [August 1983] GREEN LANTERN BROKK of CYGNUS Green Lantern that resembles a floating octopus that fought and survived both the battle with Krona and the Crisis. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #198 [March 1986] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 [May 1981] GREEN LANTERN CHARLIE VICKER A young man of the planet Earth who was rewarded with his very own power ring and a far-flung space sector. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #157 (second story) [October 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #158 (second story) [November 1982] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 [May 1981] GREEN LANTERN CHASELON of BARRIO III Sentient round crystalline Green Lantern gifted with 13 senses. ===================================================================== Brave and the Bold (first series) #174 (first story) [May 1981] DC Challenge #10 [August 1986] DC Special Series #1 (second story) [1977] Green Lantern (second series) #9 (first story) [November/December 1960] Green Lantern (second series) #11 (first story) [March 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #96 [August/September 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #127 [April 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #130 (second story) [July 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #132 (second story) [September 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #165 (first story) [June 1983] Metal Men (first series) #54 [October/November 1977] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981] GREEN LANTERN CH'P of H'LVEN Diminutive brown-furred Green Lantern that resembles a small raccoon with a power ring. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 [November 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #148 (second story) [January 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #150 [March 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #165 (first story) [June 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #181 (second story) [October 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #198 [March 1986] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #1 [1985] GREEN LANTERN DALOR of TIMRON Pink-skinned, yellow-eyed Green Lantern who replaced Tomar Re as Green Lantern of space sector 2813. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #154 (first story) [July 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #155 (first story) [August 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #191 [August 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #192 [September 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #193 [October 1985] GREEN LANTERN DANIEL YOUNG Sheriff of Earth's wild west who temporarily wore Abin Sur's Power Ring to become a Green Lantern. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #149 (second story) [February 1982] GREEN LANTERN EDDORE of TRONT White gelatinous and amorphic Green Lantern of Tront who fought valiantly in the Corps before perishing during the Crisis on Infinite Earths. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #150 [March 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #159 (first story) [December 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #160 (first story) [January 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #163 (first story) [April 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #165 (first story) [June 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #166 (first story) [July 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #167 (first story) [August 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #169 (first story) [October 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #172 (first story) [January 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #197 [February 1986][death] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 [May 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2 [June 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981] GREEN LANTERN GALIUS ZED Basically a Green Lantern that's a walking, talking head with arms and legs. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #149 (first story) [February 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #150 [March 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #165 (first story) [June 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #166 (first story) [July 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #167 (first story) [August 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #169 (first story) [October 1983] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2 [June 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981] GREEN LANTERN GALTE-RE of XUDAR 30th century descendant of Green Lantern Tomar-Re and protector of that year's space sector 2813. ===================================================================== Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #295 [January 1983] GREEN LANTERN GHR'LL Red-skinned humanoid Green Lantern with fin-like ears and a sloped head. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #151 (second story) [April 1982] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2 [June 1981] GREEN LANTERN GK'D of FP'Y Pink large-headed humanoid Green Lantern and friend of Hal Jordan who fought with the Corps against Krona. ===================================================================== Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 [May 1981] GREEN LANTERN GREEN MAN Left the Green Lantern Corps to be known simply as GREEN MAN. GREEN LANTERN GUY GARDNER of EARTH Former gym teacher picked as Hal Jordan's original successor before entering a coma for years. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #123 [December 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #184 [January 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #189 (first story) [June 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #190 [July 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #193 [October 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #194 [November 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #195 [December 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #196 [January 1986] Green Lantern (second series) #197 [February 1986] Green Lantern (second series) #198 [March 1986] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981] GREEN LANTERN HAROLD "HAL" JORDAN of EARTH The ring-slinging emerald gladiator who can create whatever his willpower wishes. ===================================================================== Action Comics #366 (first story) [August 1968] Action Comics #444 (first story) [February 1975] Action Comics #470 [April 1977] Action Comics #473 [July 1977] Action Comics #480 [February 1978] Action Comics #481 [March 1978] Action Comics #483 [May 1978] Action Comics #489 (first story) [November 1978] Action Comics #514 (first story) [December 1980] Action Comics #527 (second story) [January 1982] Action Comics #528 (second story) [February 1982] Adventure Comics #423 [September 1972] Adventure Comics #451 (first story) [May/June 1977] Adventure Comics #459 (third story) [September/October 1978] Adventure Comics #460 (fifth story) [November/December 1978] Adventure Comics #485 [September 1981] Aquaman (first series) #61 [April/May 1978] Best of DC Digest #31 (second story) [December 1982][reprint] Best of DC Digest #31 (third story) [December 1982][reprint] Best of DC Digest #31 (fourth story) [December 1982][reprint] Blackhawk (first series) #229 [February 1967] Brave and the Bold (first series) #28 [February/March 1960] Brave and the Bold (first series) #29 [April/May 1960] Brave and the Bold (first series) #30 [June/July 1960] Brave and the Bold (first series) #173 (first story) [April 1981] Brave and the Bold (first series) #174 (first story) [May 1981] Brave and the Bold (first series) #181 (first story) [December 1981] Brave and the Bold (first series) #200 (first story) [July 1983] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #87 [June/July 1978] DC Challenge #12 [October 1986] DC Comics Presents #6 [February 1979] DC Comics Presents #26 (first story) [October 1980] DC Comics Presents #43 [March 1982] DC Comics Presents #55 [March 1983] DC 80-Page Giant #8 (first story) [1965][reprint] DC Four-Star Spectacular #3 (third story) [July/August 1976][reprint] DC Special #19 (second story) [December/January 1976][reprint] DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest #11 (first story) [July 1981][reprint] DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest #11 (second story) [July 1981][reprint] DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest #11 (third story) [July 1981][reprint] DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest #11 (fourth story) [July 1981][reprint] DC Special Series #1 (second story) [1977] DC Special Series #10 (third story) [1978] DC Super-Stars #14 (first story) [May/June 1977] DC Super-Stars #14 (fourth story) [May/June 1977] Detective Comics #350 (second story) [April 1966] Flash (first series) #191 [September 1969] Flash (first series) #223 (second story) [September/October 1973] Flash (first series) #224 (second story) [November/December 1973] Flash (first series) #226 (second story) [March/April 1976] Flash (first series) #230 (second story) [November 1974] Flash (first series) #233 (second story) [May 1975] Flash (first series) #234 (second story) [June 1975] Flash (first series) #235 [August 1975] Flash (first series) #238 (second story) [December 1975] Flash (first series) #240 (second story) [March 1976] Flash (first series) #241 (second story) [May 1976] Flash (first series) #242 (second story) [June 1976] Flash (first series) #243 (second story) [August 1976] Flash (first series) #245 (second story) [November 1976] Flash (first series) #246 (second story) [January 1977] Flash (first series) #258 [February 1978] Flash (first series) #275 [July 1979] Flash (first series) #276 [August 1979] Flash (first series) #277 [September 1979] Flash (first series) #282 [February 1980] Flash (first series) #283 [March 1980] Flash (first series) #300 [August 1981] Flash (first series) #332 [April 1984] Green Arrow (first series) #1 [May 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #1 (first story) [July/August 1960] Green Lantern (second series) #1 (second story) [July/August 1960] Green Lantern (second series) #2 (first story) [September/October 1960] Green Lantern (second series) #2 (second story) [September/October 1960] Green Lantern (second series) #3 (first story) [November/December 1960] Green Lantern (second series) #3 (second story) [November/December 1960] Green Lantern (second series) #4 (first story) [January/February 1961] Green Lantern (second series) #4 (second story) [January/February 1961] Green Lantern (second series) #5 [March/April 1961] Green Lantern (second series) #6 [May/June 1961] Green Lantern (second series) #7 (first story) [July/August 1961] Green Lantern (second series) #7 (second story) [July/August 1961] Green Lantern (second series) #8 [September/October 1961] Green Lantern (second series) #9 (first story) [November/December 1961] Green Lantern (second series) #9 (second story) [November/December 1961] Green Lantern (second series) #10 (first story) [January/February 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #10 (second story) [January/February 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #11 (first story) [March 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #11 (second story) [March 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #12 (first story) [April 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #12 (second story) [April 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #13 [June 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #14 (first story) [July 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #14 (second story) [July 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #15 (first story) [September 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #16 (first story) [October 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #16 (second story) [October 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #17 [December 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #18 (first story) [January 1963] Green Lantern (second series) #18 (second story) [January 1963] Green Lantern (second series) #19 (first story) [March 1963] Green Lantern (second series) #19 (second story) [March 1963] Green Lantern (second series) #20 [April 1963] Green Lantern (second series) #21 (first story) [June 1963] Green Lantern (second series) #21 (second story) [June 1963] Green Lantern (second series) #31 (first story) [September 1964] Green Lantern (second series) #31 (second story) [September 1964] Green Lantern (second series) #46 (first story) [July 1966] Green Lantern (second series) #46 (second story) [July 1966] Green Lantern (second series) #51 [March 1967] Green Lantern (second series) #53 (first story) [June 1967] Green Lantern (second series) #53 (second story) [June 1967] Green Lantern (second series) #57 [December 1967] Green Lantern (second series) #58 [January 1968] Green Lantern (second series) #60 (first story) [April 1968] Green Lantern (second series) #62 [July 1968] Green Lantern (second series) #68 [April 1969] Green Lantern (second series) #69 [June 1969] Green Lantern (second series) #76 [April 1970] Green Lantern (second series) #91 [October/November 1976] Green Lantern (second series) #93 [February/March 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #94 [April/May 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #95 [June/July 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #96 [August/September 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #97 [October 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #100 (first story) [January 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #101 [February 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #102 [March 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #103 [April 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #104 [May 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #105 [June 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #106 [July 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #107 (first story) [August 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #108 (first story) [September 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #111 [December 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #112 [January 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #113 [February 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #114 [March 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #115 [April 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #117 [June 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #118 [July 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #119 [August 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #120 [September 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #121 [October 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #123 [December 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #125 [February 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #126 [March 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #127 [April 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #128 [May 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #129 [June 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #130 (first story) [July 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #131 (first story) [August 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #132 (first story) [September 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #133 (first story) [October 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #134 (first story) [November 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #135 (first story) [December 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #136 (first story) [January 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #137 (first story) [February 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #138 (first story) [March 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #139 (first story) [April 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #140 (first story) [May 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #141 (first story) [June 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #142 (first story) [July 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #143 (first story) [August 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #144 (first story) [September 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #145 (first story) [October 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #146 (first story) [November 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #147 (first story) [December 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #148 (first story) [January 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #149 (first story) [February 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #150 [March 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #151 (first story) [April 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #152 (first story) [May 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #153 (first story) [June 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #154 (first story) [July 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #155 (first story) [August 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #156 (first story) [September 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #157 (first story) [October 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #158 (first story) [November 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #159 (first story) [December 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #160 (first story) [January 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #161 (first story) [February 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #162 (first story) [March 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #163 (first story) [April 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #163 (fourth story) [April 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #164 (first story) [May 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #166 (first story) [June 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #167 (first story) [August 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #168 (first story) [September 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #169 (first story) Green Lantern (second series) #170 [November 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #171 (first story) [December 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #172 (first story) [January 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #173 (first story) [February 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #174 [March 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #175 [April 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #176 [May 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #177 (first story) [June 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #178 [July 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #179 (first story) [August 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #180 (first story) [September 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #181 (first story) [October 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #182 (first story) [November 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #183 (first story) [December 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #184 [January 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #185 (first story) [February 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #186 [March 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #187 (first story) [April 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #188 (first story) [May 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #189 (first story) [June 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #190 (second story) [July 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #191 [August 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #192 [September 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #193 [October 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #194 [November 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #195 [December 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #196 [January 1986] Green Lantern (second series) #197 [February 1986] Green Lantern (second series) #198 [March 1986] Justice League of America #1 [October/November 1960] Justice League of America #2 [December/January 1961] Justice League of America #3 [February/March 1961] Justice League of America #4 [April/May 1961] Justice League of America #5 [June/July 1961] Justice League of America #6 [August/Spetember 1961] Justice League of America #7 [October/November 1961] Justice League of America #8 [December/January 1962] Justice League of America #9 [February 1962] Justice League of America #10 [March 1962] Justice League of America #11 [May 1962] Justice League of America #12 [June 1962] Justice League of America #13 [August 1962] Justice League of America #14 [September 1962] Justice League of America #15 [November 1962] Justice League of America #16 [December 1962] Justice League of America #17 [February 1963] Justice League of America #18 [March 1963] Justice League of America #19 [May 1963] Justice League of America #20 [June 1963] Justice League of America #21 [August 1963] Justice League of America #22 [September 1963] Justice League of America #23 [October 1963] Justice League of America #24 [December 1963] Justice League of America #25 [February 1964] Justice League of America #26 [March 1964] Justice League of America #27 [May 1964] Justice League of America #28 [June 1964] Justice League of America #29 [August 1964] Justice League of America #30 [September 1964] Justice League of America #31 [November 1964] Justice League of America #32 [December 1964] Justice League of America #33 [February 1965] Justice League of America #35 [May 1965] Justice League of America #36 [June 1965] Justice League of America #37 [August 1965] Justice League of America #38 [September 1965] Justice League of America #39 (first story) [November 1965][reprint] Justice League of America #39 (second story) [November 1965][reprint] Justice League of America #39 (third story) [November 1965][reprint] Justice League of America #40 [November 1965] Justice League of America #41 [December 1965] Justice League of America #42 [February 1966] Justice League of America #44 [May 1966] Justice League of America #45 [June 1966] Justice League of America #46 [August 1966] Justice League of America #47 [September 1966] Justice League of America #48 (first story) [November/December 1966][reprint] Justice League of America #48 (second story) [November/December 1966][reprint] Justice League of America #48 (third story) [November/December 1966][reprint] Justice League of America #49 [November 1966] Justice League of America #50 [December 1966] Justice League of America #51 [February 1967] Justice League of America #52 [March 1967] Justice League of America #54 [June 1967] Justice League of America #55 [August 1967] Justice League of America #56 [September 1967] Justice League of America #58 (first story) [November/December 1967][reprint] Justice League of America #58 (second story) [November/December 1967][reprint] Justice League of America #58 (third story) [November/December 1967][reprint] Justice League of America #59 [December 1967] Justice League of America #60 (first story) [February 1968] Justice League of America #61 [March 1968] Justice League of America #62 [May 1968] Justice League of America #63 [June 1968] Justice League of America #65 [September 1968] Justice League of America #66 [November 1968] Justice League of America #67 (first story) [November/December 1968][reprint] Justice League of America #67 (second story) [November/December 1968][reprint] Justice League of America #67 (third story) [November/December 1968][reprint] Justice League of America #68 [December 1968] Justice League of America #70 [March 1969] Justice League of America #71 [May 1969] Justice League of America #72 [June 1969] Justice League of America #73 [August 1969] Justice League of America #74 [September 1969] Justice League of America #76 (first story) [November/December 1969][reprint] Justice League of America #76 (second story) [November/December 1969][reprint] Justice League of America #77 [December 1969] Justice League of America #78 (first story) [February 1970] Justice League of America #79 [March 1970] Justice League of America #80 [May 1970] Justice League of America #81 [June 1970] Justice League of America #82 [August 1970] Justice League of America #83 [September 1970] Justice League of America #85 (first story) [Bovember/December 1970][reprint] Justice League of America #85 (second story) [Bovember/December 1970][reprint] Justice League of America #86 [December 1970] Justice League of America #87 [February 1971] Justice League of America #88 [March 1971] Justice League of America #89 [May 1971] Justice League of America #90 [June 1971] Justice League of America #91 (first story) [August 1971] Justice League of America #92 (first story) [September 1971] Justice League of America #92 (second story) [September 1971][reprint] Justice League of America #93 (first story) [October/November 1971][reprint] Justice League of America #93 (second story) [October/November 1971][reprint] Justice League of America #95 (first story) [December 1971] Justice League of America #96 (first story) [February 1972] Justice League of America #97 [March 1972] Justice League of America #98 (first story) [May 1972] Justice League of America #99 (first story) [June 1972] Justice League of America #100 [August 1972] Justice League of America #101 [September 1972] Justice League of America #102 [October 1972] Justice League of America #103 [December 1972] Justice League of America #104 [February 1973] Justice League of America #105 [May 1973] Justice League of America #106 [July/August 1973] Justice League of America #107 [September/October 1973] Justice League of America #108 [November/December 1973] Justice League of America #109 [January/February 1974] Justice League of America #110 (first story) [March/April 1974] Justice League of America #110 (third story) [March/April 1974][reprint] Justice League of America #111 (first story) [May/June 1974] Justice League of America #111 (third story) [May/June 1974][reprint] Justice League of America #112 (first story) [July/August 1974] Justice League of America #112 (fourth story) [July/August 1974][reprint] Justice League of America #113 (first story) [September/October 1974] Justice League of America #113 (third story) [September/October 1974][reprint] Justice League of America #114 (first story) [November/December 1974] Justice League of America #114 (third story) [November/December 1974][reprint] Justice League of America #114 (fourth story) [November/December 1974][reprint] Justice League of America #115 (first story) [January/February 1975] Justice League of America #115 (third story) [January/February 1975][reprint] Justice League of America #116 (third story) [March/April 1975][reprint] Justice League of America #117 [April 1975] Justice League of America #119 [June 1975] Justice League of America #120 [July 1975] Justice League of America #121 [August 1975] Justice League of America #122 [September 1975] Justice League of America #125 [December 1975] Justice League of America #126 [January 1976] Justice League of America #127 [February 1976] Justice League of America #128 [March 1976] Justice League of America #129 [April 1976] Justice League of America #130 [May 1976] Justice League of America #132 [July 1976] Justice League of America #133 [August 1976] Justice League of America #135 [October 1976] Justice League of America #137 [December 1976] Justice League of America #139 [February 1977] Justice League of America #140 [March 1977] Justice League of America #141 [April 1977] Justice League of America #142 [May 1977] Justice League of America #143 [June 1977] Justice League of America #144 [July 1977] Justice League of America #147 [October 1977] Justice League of America #148 [November 1977] Justice League of America #149 [December 1977] Justice League of America #150 [January 1978] Justice League of America #151 [February 1978] Justice League of America #153 [April 1978] Justice League of America #155 [June 1978] Justice League of America #156 [July 1978] Justice League of America #157 [August 1978] Justice League of America #158 [September 1978] Justice League of America #159 [October 1978] Justice League of America #160 [November 1978] Justice League of America #161 [December 1978] Justice League of America #162 [January 1979] Justice League of America #163 [February 1979] Justice League of America #164 [March 1979] Justice League of America #165 [April 1979] Justice League of America #166 [May 1979] Justice League of America #167 [June 1979] Justice League of America #168 [July 1979] Justice League of America #169 [August 1979] Justice League of America #170 [September 1979] Justice League of America #171 [October 1979] Justice League of America #172 [November 1979] Justice League of America #173 [December 1979] Justice League of America #174 [January 1980] Justice League of America #175 [February 1980] Justice League of America #176 [March 1980] Justice League of America #179 [June 1980] Justice League of America #182 (first story) [September 1980] Justice League of America #183 [October 1980] Justice League of America #184 [November 1980] Justice League of America #185 [December 1980] Justice League of America #186 [January 1981] Justice League of America #187 [February 1981] Justice League of America #189 [April 1981] Justice League of America #190 [May 1981] Justice League of America #192 [July 1981] Justice League of America #193 [August 1981] Justice League of America #194 [September 1981] Justice League of America #195 [October 1981] Justice League of America #197 [December 1981] Justice League of America #198 [January 1982] Justice League of America #199 [February 1982] Justice League of America #200 [March 1982] Justice League of America #209 [December 1982] Justice League of America #210 [January 1983] Justice League of America #211 [February 1983] Justice League of America #212 [March 1983] Justice League of America #219 [October 1983] Justice League of America #220 [November 1983] Justice League of America #224 [March 1984] Justice League of America #231 [October 1984] Justice League of America #240 [July 1985] Limited Collector's Edition #C-41 (first story) [December/January 1976] Limited Collector's Edition #C-41 (second story) [December/January 1976][reprint] Limited Collector's Edition #C-41 (third story) [December/January 1976][reprint] Limited Collector's Edition #C-46 (first story) [August/September 1976][reprint] Metal Men (first series) #54 [October/November 1977] Metal Men (first series) #55 [December/January 1978] New Adventures of Superboy #13 [January 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #4 [February 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #5 [March 1981] Phantom Zone #2 [February 1982] Phantom Zone #4 [April 1982] Saga of the Swamp Thing #24 [May 1984] Secret Origins (first series) #2 (second story) [April/May 1973][reprint] Secret Origins (first series) Special #1 (third story) [1961][reprint] Secret Society of Super-Villains #2 [July/August 1976] Secret Society of Super-Villains #3 [September/October 1976] Secret Society of Super-Villains #4 [November/December 1976] Secret Society of Super-Villains #5 [January/February 1977] Secret Society of Super-Villains #11 [December 1977] Showcase #22 (first story) [September/October 1959] Showcase #22 (second story) [September/October 1959] Showcase #22 (third story) [September/October 1959] Showcase #23 (first story) [November/December 1959] Showcase #23 (second story) [November/December 1959] Showcase #24 (first story) [January/February 1960] Showcase #24 (second story) [January/February 1960] Showcase #100 [May 1978] Super Friends #3 [February 1977] Super Powers (first series) #1 [July 1984] Super Powers (first series) #2 [August 1984] Super Powers (first series) #3 [September 1984] Super Powers (first series) #4 [October 1984] Super Powers (first series) #5 [November 1984] Super Powers (second series) #1 [September 1985] Super Powers (second series) #2 [October 1985] Super Powers (second series) #3 [November 1985] Super Powers (second series) #5 [January 1986] Super Powers (second series) #6 [February 1986] Supergirl (first series) #8 [November 1973] Supergirl (second series) #20 [June 1984] Superman (first series) #312 [June 1977] Superman (first series) #314 [August 1977] Superman (first series) #327 (first story) [September 1978] Superman Family #169 (third story) [February/March 1975][reprint] Superman Family #171 (first story) [June/July 1975] Superman Family #172 (first story) [August/September 1975] Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #151 [July 1972] Super-Team Family #12 [August/September 1977] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 [May 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2 [June 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981] Teen Titans (first series) #25 [January/February 1970] Wanted: The World's Most Dangerous Villains #1 (third story) [July/August 1972][reprint] Wonder Woman (first series) #291 [May 1982] Wonder Woman (first series) #300 [February 1983] World's Finest Comics (first series) #247 (first story) [October/November 1977] World's Finest Comics (first series) #255 (second story) [March 1979] World's Finest Comics (first series) #274 (fourth story) [December 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #300 [February 1984] World's Finest Comics (first series) #302 (second story) [April 1984] GREEN LANTERN HARVID Red-skinned and white-haired Green Lantern who, with his arch- nemesis Ghanrik, retired to become gardeners. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #161 (second story) [February 1983] GREEN LANTERN HOLLIKA RAHN of RHOON Female Green Lantern from the magical world of Rhoon that wears a mohawk-like haircut. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #163 (second story) [April 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #163 (third story) [April 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #166 (second story) [July 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #168 (second story) [September 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #179 (second story) [August 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #180 (second story) [September 1984] GREEN LANTERN JERYLL of GLIRELL Pink-skinned, white-haired female Green Lantern from a totally pacifist planet. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #152 (second story) [May 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #153 (second story) [June 1982] GREEN LANTERN JOHN STEWART of EARTH Architect chosen as Hal Jordan's successor as Green Lantern of space sector 2814. ===================================================================== Blue Devil #12 [May 1985] Blue Devil #13 [June 1985] Blue Devil #17 [October 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #1 [April 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #2 [May 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 [June 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 [July 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 [October 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 [November 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #94 [April/May 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #95 [June/July 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #164 (first story) [May 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #165 (first story) [June 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #181 (first story) [October 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #182 (first story) [November 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #183 (first story) [December 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #185 (first story) [February 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #186 [March 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #187 (first story) [April 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #188 (first story) [May 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #189 (first story) [June 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #190 (first story) [July 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #191 [August 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #192 [September 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #193 [October 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #194 [November 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #195 [December 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #196 [January 1986] Green Lantern (second series) #197 [February 1986] Green Lantern (second series) #198 [March 1986] Infinity, Inc. #22 [January 1986] Justice League of America #110 (first story) [March/April 1974] Justice League of America Annual #1 [1983] Red Tornado #1 [July 1985] Red Tornado #3 [September 1985] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #1 [1985] GREEN LANTERN KATMA TUI of KORUGAR Red-skinned female successor of space sector 1417 and lover of Green Lantern John Stewart. ===================================================================== DC Comics Presents #60 [August 1983] DC Special Series #1 (second story) [1977] Green Lantern (second series) #46 (second story) [July 1966] Green Lantern (second series) #96 [August/September 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #97 [October 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #107 (second story) [August 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #127 [April 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #149 (first story) [February 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #150 [March 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #172 (first story) [January 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #181 (first story) [October 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #185 (first story) [February 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #187 (first story) [April 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #188 (first story) [May 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #189 (first story) [June 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #190 (first story) [July 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #191 [August 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #192 [September 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #193 [October 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #194 [November 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #195 [December 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #196 [January 1986] Green Lantern (second series) #197 [February 1986] Green Lantern (second series) #198 [March 1986] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 [May 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2 [June 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #1 [1985] GREEN LANTERN KAYLARK of D'XE Black-haired humanoid GL who, along with Galius Zed, rebelled against the Guardians, but unlike Galius Zed became an evil empress of her planet. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #166 (first story) [July 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #167 (first story) [August 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #168 (first story) [September 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #169 (first story) [October 1983] GREEN LANTERN KRISTA Brunette humanoid heroine of the Green Lantern Corps killed on the planet Sikarra by an alien sand creature. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #166 (first story) [July 1983][death] GREEN LANTERN K'RYSSMA of ETREA White-haired female Green Lantern honor guard member stationed on Oa to protect the Guardians. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #196 [January 1986] Green Lantern (second series) #198 [March 1986] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 [May 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2 [June 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981] GREEN LANTERN KWO VARRICK Orange-skinned Green Lantern who, after wearing the ring of power for centuries, retired peacefully. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #177 (second story) [June 1984] GREEN LANTERN LIANA of M'ELU Red-haired female humanoid Green Lantern who voluntarily gave up her power ring when she changed a culture's beliefs. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #162 (second story) [March 1983] GREEN LANTERN LYSANDRA of ZINTHA Beautiful red-haired Green Lantern of space sector 47 who used her powers while remaining within her strict religion. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #168 (second story) [September 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #169 (second story) [October 1983] GREEN LANTERN MALET DASIM Red-hued Green Lantern with no feet who wears his ring on a small tentacle emerging from his forehead. ===================================================================== Brave and the Bold (first series) #174 (first story) [May 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #130 (second story) [July 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #131 (second story) [August 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #132 (second story) [September 1980] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 [May 1981] GREEN LANTERN MARK LOOMIS of EARTH-A Criminal given the powers of Green Lantern Hal Jordan by the evil Johnny Thunder of Earth-1. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #37 [August 1965] Justice League of America #38 [September 1965] GREEN LANTERN M'DAHNA Brown Green Lantern that resembles a Horta who fought alongside his comrades against the mad Guardian Krona. ===================================================================== Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2 [June 1981] GREEN LANTERN MEDPHYL of J586 One-eyed Green Lantern that is a sentient plant and a longtime ally to Earth's GL Hal Jordan. ===================================================================== DC Challenge #10 [August 1986] DC Special Series #1 (second story) [1977] Flash (first series) #322 (first story) [June 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #11 (first story) [March 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #96 [August/September 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #97 [October 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #127 [April 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #132 (second story) [September 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #150 [March 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #154 (second story) [July 1982] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 [May 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2 [June 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981] GREEN LANTERN MOGO Sentient planet that doubles as a Green Lantern. By the way, Mogo doesn't socialize. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #188 (second story) [May 1985] GREEN LANTERN QUARZZ TERANH of TRLAK Green Lantern who served the Corps for 137 years before giving his life to save a planet from a black hole. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #151 (second story) [April 1982][death] GREEN LANTERN SALAAK Orange insect-like four-armed Green Lantern whose brusk attitude often brought him into conflict with his comrades. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #149 (first story) [February 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #172 (first story) [January 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #197 [February 1986] GREEN LANTERN SINESTRO of KORUGAR The first renegade Green Lantern later simply known as SINESTRO. GREEN LANTERN SKYRD of MULTU Green Lantern that resembles a giant ant who almost perished in Krona's assault on Oa. ===================================================================== Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 [May 1981] GREEN LANTERN SPAK-DROM of XERSES Four-armed pink-skinned Green Lantern killed in an attack on Oa by the mad Guardian Krona. ===================================================================== Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 [May 1981][death] GREEN LANTERN STEL of GRENDA Robotic Green Lantern who was destroyed in battle but was later rebuilt by his people. ===================================================================== Brave and the Bold (first series) #174 (first story) [May 1981] DC Special Series #1 (second story) [1977] Green Lantern (second series) #11 (first story) [March 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #46 (second story) [July 1966] Green Lantern (second series) #127 [April 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #130 (second story) [July 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #131 (second story) [August 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #150 [March 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #183 (second story) [December 1984][rebuilt] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 [May 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2 [June 1981][death] GREEN LANTERN TAHR of PORTWORLD Young hotheaded Green Lantern of sector 6 and successor to his master Wylya when he retired. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #156 (second story) [September 1982] GREEN LANTERN TEACHER Yellow robot that originally served as the right-hand and teacher to Green Lantern Brin before succeeding him. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #167 (second story) [August 1983] GREEN LANTERN TOMAR-RE of XUDAR Bird-like Green Lantern of space sector 2813 and Hal Jordan's first friend in the Green Lantern Corps. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 [November 1985] DC Challenge #10 [August 1986] DC Challenge #11 [September 1986] DC Comics Presents #60 [August 1983] DC Special Series #1 (second story) [1977] Flash (first series) #319 (first story) [March 1983] Flash (first series) #320 (first story) [April 1983] Flash (first series) #321 (first story) [May 1983] Flash (first series) #322 (first story) [June 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #6 [May/June 1961] Green Lantern (second series) #9 (first story) [November/December 1960] Green Lantern (second series) #11 (first story) [March 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #15 (first story) [September 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #19 (first story) [March 1963] Green Lantern (second series) #46 (second story) [July 1966] Green Lantern (second series) #127 [April 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #132 (second story) [September 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #149 (first story) [February 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #172 (first story) [January 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #181 (first story) [October 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #185 (first story) [February 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #188 (second story) [May 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #198 [March 1986][death] Justice League of America #80 [May 1970] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 [May 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2 [June 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #1 [1985] GREEN LANTERN TYLOT Originally a henchman of Krona who earned his place as a member of the Green Lantern Corps. ===================================================================== Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 [May 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2 [June 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981] GREEN LANTERN VIDAR Later became the 30th century villain UNIVERSO. GREEN LANTERN WYLXA of PORTWORLD One of the oldest and most legendary Green Lanterns and white-haired guardian of space sector 6. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #156 (second story) [September 1982] GREEN LANTERN XAX of XAOS Insectoid Green Lantern about six inches tall and heroic member of the Corps before perishing in the Crisis. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 [November 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #9 (first story) [November/December 1960] Green Lantern (second series) #127 [April 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #150 [March 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #181 (first story) [October 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #185 (first story) [February 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #189 (second story) [June 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #190 (third story) [July 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #198 [March 1986][death] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 [May 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2 [June 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #1 [1985] GREEN LANTERN XYLPTH Blue-skinned member of the Green Lantern Corps with two antennae on his forehead. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #150 [March 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #151 (second story) [April 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #172 (first story) [January 1984] GREEN LANTERN YRON of GRENDA Robotic successor to Stel who, like his predecessor Stel, also gave his life in the line of duty. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #182 (second story) [November 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #183 (second story) [December 1984][death] GREEN LANTERN ZBORRA of PYTHON IV Green-scaled lizard-like Green Lantern that patrolled a far away sector of space and perished during the Crisis. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #96 [August/September 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #97 [October 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #197 [February 1986][death] GREEN LANTERN ZGHITHII Snake-like Green Lantern whose body resembles a cobra and who wears its ring on its tail. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #190 (third story) [July 1985] GREEN LANTERN Z'GMORA of CYGNUS White-skinned Green Lantern of Cygnus that was killed by the energy chameleon N'Gon. ===================================================================== DC Comics Presents #26 (first story) [October 1980][death] GREEN LANTERN of AEROS Aquatic longtime member of the Green Lantern Corps encased in a helmet of water. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #9 (first story) [November/December 1960] Green Lantern (second series) #11 (first story) [March 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #127 [April 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #132 (second story) [September 1980] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 [May 1981] GREEN LANTERN of DURLA 30th century shape-shifting Green Lantern assigned to space sector 2814 by the Guardians of the Universe. ===================================================================== Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #295 [January 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) Annual #1 [1982] GREEN LANTERN of FERON 500-year-old purple-skin antennaed Green Lantern who shepherded his race to peace. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #185 (second story) [February 1985] GREEN LANTERN of PENELO Aquatic Green Lantern whose body has one large eye and many tentacles. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #159 (second story) [December 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #160 (second story) [January 1983] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981] GREEN LANTERN of ROLVAC Orange-skinned feral-looking Green Lantern who was killed by the Weapon-Master and had his ring and battery stolen. ===================================================================== DC Comics Presents #60 [August 1983][death] GREEN LANTERN of ROJIRA Orange-skinned Green Lantern from one of the most advanced worlds in the universe. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #9 (first story) [November/December 1960] Green Lantern (second series) #11 (first story) [March 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #96 [August/September 1977] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 [May 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981] GREEN LANTERN of the 73RD CENTURY Blue-skinned, three-eyed protector of space sector 2814 in the far future. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #138 [January 1977] GREEN LANTERN of T41A Longitme Green Lantern Corps member with one eye, two tentacles and six legs. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #11 (first story) [March 1962] Green Lantern (second series) #9 (first story) [November/December 1960] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 [May 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981] GREEN MAN A former Green Lantern who abandoned the Guardians after his home star system Vega became a multi-war battleground. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #164 (second story) [May 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #172 (first story) [January 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #172 (second story) [January 1984] Omega Men #26 (first story) [May 1985] Omega Men #27 [June 1985] Omega Men #28 [July 1985] Omega Men #29 [August 1985] Omega Men #30 (first story) [September 1985] Omega Men #31 [October 1985] The GREEN TEAM Four kid millionaires out for adventure: Cecil Sunbeam, J.P. Houston, Commodore Murphy, and Abdul Smith. ===================================================================== DC First Issue Special #2 [May 1975] GREEN THUMB Plant-controlling foe of Brazilian hero Green Flame and the Super Friends. ===================================================================== Super Friends #42 (first story) [March 1981] GREENBACK Villain of the Super Friends who dressed like a dollar bill and sported a projectile-launching Dollar Sign Gun. ===================================================================== Super Friends #5 [June 1977] GREERAMADA Lover of the wizard Malagigi turned into an evil demoness and his arch-nemesis. ===================================================================== Arak, Son of Thunder #17 (second story) [January 1983] Arak, Son of Thunder #18 (second story) [February 1983] GREGOR Brother of Brion (the hero known as Geo-Force) and ruler of Markovia. ===================================================================== Batman and the Outsiders #1 [August 1983] Batman and the Outsiders #2 [September 1983] Batman and the Outsiders #3 [October 1983] GRENADIER Assassin that works for the Crimeking armed with various types of grenades. ===================================================================== New Talent Showcase #4 (first story) [April 1984] New Talent Showcase #5 (fourth story) [May 1984] New Talent Showcase #6 (second story) [June 1984] GRENDEL Age-old yellow-skinned blood-beast of Satan and enemy of the legendary hero known as Beowulf. ===================================================================== Beowulf #1 [April/May 1975] Beowulf #2 [June/July 1975] Beowulf #3 [August/September 1975] Beowulf #4 [October/November 1975] Beowulf #6 [February/March 1976] GRIGGS, KEITH Black-haired and moustached Major in the US Air Force who tried to hook up with Diana Prince, not knowing she was actually Wonder Woman. ===================================================================== Wonder Woman (first series) #327 [eptember 1985] Wonder Woman (first series) #328 [December 1985] GRIM GHOST (Keith Everett/Charles Collins) Sword-wielding ghost of Earl of Strathmere Keith Everett who inhabits the body of WWII fighter Charles Collins. ===================================================================== Sensation Comics #1 (fourth story) [January 1942] World's Finest Comics (first series) #212 (second story) [June 1972][reprint] GRIMBOR the CHAINSMAN Master of imprisonment and villain of the Legion of Super- Heroes. ===================================================================== Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #277 [July 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #278 [August 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #279 [September 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #280 [October 1981] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #239 [May 1978] GROCKK, the DEVIL'S SON Demon from the pits of Hell whose plans were thwarted by the Dial "H" for Hero kids. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #486 (first story) [October 1981] GRODD Listed under GORILLA GRODD. GRONDAR Chief of the Sub-Men: a subterranean race beneath Arion's Atlantis. ===================================================================== Arion, Lord of Atlants #6 [April 1983] Arion, Lord of Atlants #7 [May 1983] Arion, Lord of Atlants #8 [June 1983] GROVE, DANIEL "DAN" Blonde-haired television reporter and the last recruited for Angeline Thriller's Seven Seconds. ===================================================================== Thriller #1 [November 1983] Thriller #2 [December 1983] Thriller #3 [January 1984] Thriller #4 [February 1984] Thriller #5 [March 1984] Thriller #6 [April 1984] Thriller #7 [June 1984] Thriller #8 [July 1984] Thriller #9 [August 1984] Thriller #10 [September 1984] Thriller #12 [November 1984] GROVE, KENNETH "KEN" Brother of Dan Grove killed by the terrorist Scabbard and motivation for Dan joining the Seven Seconds. ===================================================================== Thriller #1 [November 1983][death] GUARDIAN I (Jim Harper) of EARTH-2/EARTH-1 Police officer turned superhero and "guardian angel" of the original Newsboy Legion. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #503 (seventh story) [September 1983][reprint] All-Star Squadron #25 [September 1983] All-Star Squadron #26 [October 1983] All-Star Squadron #27 [November 1983] All-Star Squadron #31 [March 1984] All-Star Squadron #43 [March 1985] All-Star Squadron #44 [April 1985] All-Star Squadron #50 [October 1985] All-Star Squadron #54 [February 1986] All-Star Squadron Annual #1 [1982] All-Star Squadron Annual #2 [1983] DC Special #5 (fourth story) [October/November 1969] Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #143 (third story) [November 1971][reprint] Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #144 (third story) [December 1971][reprint] Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #146 (third story) [February 1972][reprint] GUARDIAN II (Jim Harper) Clone of the original Guardian Jim Harper created by the original Newsboy Legion turned geneticists at the Cadmus Project outside Metropolis. ===================================================================== Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #135 [January 1971] Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #144 (first story) [December 1971] Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #146 (first story) [February 1972] GUARDIAN III Temporary alias for MAL DUNCAN. the GUARDIANS of the UNIVERSE Nigh-omnipotent blue-skinned beings that control a peace- keeping force known as the Green Lantern Corps from their base on the planet Oa. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron Annual #1 [1982] Brave and the Bold (first series) #173 (first story) [April 1981] Brave and the Bold (first series) #174 (first story) [May 1981] Crisis on Infinite Earths #2 [May 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 [October 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 [November 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] DC Challenge #9 [July 1986] DC Challenge #10 [August 1986] DC Challenge #11 [September 1986] DC Challenge #12 [October 1986] DC Comics Presents #60 [August 1983] DC Special Series #1 (second story) [1977] DC Super-Stars #14 (first story) [May/June 1977] Flash (first series) #238 (second story) [December 1975] Flash (first series) #241 (second story) [May 1976] Flash (first series) #319 (first story) [March 1983] Flash (first series) #323 (first story) [July 1983] Flash (first series) #324 [August 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #1 (first story) [July/August 1960] Green Lantern (second series) #7 (first story) [July/August 1961] Green Lantern (second series) #9 (first story) [November/December 1960] Green Lantern (second series) #36 (first story) [September 1964] Green Lantern (second series) #46 (second story) [July 1966] Green Lantern (second series) #51 [March 1967] Green Lantern (second series) #58 [January 1968] Green Lantern (second series) #68 [April 1969] Green Lantern (second series) #76 [April 1970] Green Lantern (second series) #91 [October/November 1976] Green Lantern (second series) #93 [February/March 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #96 [August/September 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #97 [October 1977] Green Lantern (second series) #102 [March 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #107 (second story) [August 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #111 [December 1978] Green Lantern (second series) #112 [January 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #126 [March 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #127 [April 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #130 (second story) [July 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #131 (second story) [August 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #132 (second story) [September 1980] Green Lantern (second series) #148 (first story) [January 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #148 (second story) [January 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #149 (first story) [February 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #150 [March 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #152 (second story) [May 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #153 (first story) [June 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #154 (first story) [July 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #155 (first story) [August 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #157 (second story) [October 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #159 (first story) [December 1982] Green Lantern (second series) #160 (first story) [January 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #161 (second story) [February 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #162 (first story) [March 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #162 (second story) [March 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #163 (fourth story) [April 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #164 (first story) [May 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #164 (second story) [May 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #165 (first story) [June 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #165 (second story) [June 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #166 (first story) [July 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #167 (first story) [August 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #167 (second story) [August 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #168 (second story) [September 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #169 (first story) [October 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #170 [November 1983] Green Lantern (second series) #172 (first story) [January 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #177 (first story) [June 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #177 (second story) [June 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #178 (first story) [July 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #179 (first story) [August 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #182 (first story) [November 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #181 (first story) [October 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #182 (second story) [November 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #183 (second story) [December 1984] Green Lantern (second series) #184 [January 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #185 (first story) [February 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #187 (first story) [April 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #192 [September 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #193 [October 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #194 [November 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #196 [January 1986] Green Lantern (second series) #197 [February 1986] Green Lantern (second series) #198 [March 1986] Justice League of America #80 [May 1970] Justice League of America #81 [June 1970] Justice League of America #128 [March 1976] Justice League of America #129 [April 1976] Justice League of America #140 [March 1977] Justice League of America #141 [April 1977] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #267 (first story) [September 1980] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #295 [January 1983] Metal Men (first series) #54 [October/November 1977] Omega Men #30 (first story) [September 1985] Secret Origins (first series) Special #1 (third story) [1961][reprint] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 [May 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2 [June 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3 [July 1981] Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #1 [1985] World's Finest Comics (first series) #204 (second story) [August 1971][reprint] GUNN, DALE Army buddy of Hank Heywood Jr., who was the son of the first Steel and father of the second Steel. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] Justice League of America #233 [December 1984] Justice League of America #235 [February 1985] Justice League of America #236 [March 1985] Justice League of America #237 [April 1985] Justice League of America #238 [May 1985] Justice League of America #239 [June 1985] Justice League of America #241 [August 1985] Justice League of America #242 [September 1985] Justice League of America #243 [October 1985] Justice League of America #244 [November 1985] Justice League of America #245 [December 1985] Justice League of America Annual #2 [1984] Justice League of America Annual #3 [1985] "GUNNER" Partner of "Sarge," trainer of the amazing canine "Pooch," and member of the WWII unit known as the Losers. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 [June 1985][death] G.I. Combat #246 [October 1982] G.I. Combat #274 (third story) [February 1984] Our Fighting Forces #130 (first story) [March/April 1971] Our Fighting Forces #167 (first story) [May/June 1976] Our Fighting Forces #167 (second story) [May/June 1976] Our Fighting Forces #173 (first story) [May/June 1977] Our Fighting Forces #177 (first story) [January/February 1978] Our Fighting Forces #177 (second story) [January/February 1978] Our Fighting Forces #181 (first story) [September/October 1978] GYM'LL, DOCTOR Purple-skinned, three-armed Jaquaan resident doctor of the 30th century's Legion of Super-Heroes. ===================================================================== Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #284 [February 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #296 [February 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #297 [March 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #300 [June 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #302 [August 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #308 (first story) [August 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #312 [June 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) Annual #3 [1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #2 [September 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #18 [January 1986] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #315 (first story) [September 1984] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #316 (first story) [October 1984] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #321 [March 1985] GYPSY Mysterious member of the new Justice League of America with the ability to turn invisible. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] DC Challenge #9 [July 1986] DC Challenge #10 [August 1986] Infinity, Inc. #19 [October 1985] Justice League of America #233 [December 1984] Justice League of America #234 [January 1985] Justice League of America #235 [February 1985] Justice League of America #236 [March 1985] Justice League of America #237 [April 1985] Justice League of America #238 [May 1985] Justice League of America #239 [June 1985] Justice League of America #241 [August 1985] Justice League of America #242 [September 1985] Justice League of America #243 [October 1985] Justice League of America #244 [November 1985] Justice League of America #245 [December 1985] Justice League of America Annual #2 [1984] Justice League of America Annual #3 [1985] GYRO-MASTER (Elroy Soames) For-hire hitman who uses dealy spinning gyroscopes to commit his crimes. ===================================================================== Karate Kid #7 [March/April 1977]On to H
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