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Silver Age Appearance List |
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CINNAMON When her sheriff father was murdered in Wyoming, this beauty became a wild west bounty hunter. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 [October 1985] Justice League of America #198 [January 1982] Justice League of America #199 [February 1982] CIRCE Ancient sorceress of Greek Mythology and matter-transforming foe to Odysseus and Wonder Woman. ===================================================================== Action Comics #311 (second story) [April 1964] Action Comics #331 (second story) [December 1965] Adventure Comics #390 (third story) [March/April 1970][reprint] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] CIRCE of EARTH-2 Essentially the same as her Earth-1 counterpart who was also a foe of the Earth-2 Wonder Woman. ===================================================================== DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest #11 (third story) [July 1981][reprint] Justice League of America #102 [October 1972] the CITADELIANS An alien race from the Vega star system with dark, hulking bodies and a war with the Gordanians. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #160 (first story) [January 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #3 [January 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #24 [October 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #25 [November 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) Annual #1 [1982] Omega Men #3 [June 1983] Omega Men #6 [September 1983] Tales of the New Teen Titans #4 [September 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #300 [February 1984] CITRINA Purple-clad elderly witch of Gemworld and nanny to young Amethyst Amy Winston. ===================================================================== Amethyst (first series) #1 [January 1985] Amethyst (first series) #2 [February 1985] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #1 [May 1983] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #2 [June 1983] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #3 [July 1983] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #4 [August 1983] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #6 [October 1983] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #7 [November 1983] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #8 [December 1983] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #9 [January 1984] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #10 [February 1984] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #12 [April 1984] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld Annual #1 [1984] DC Comics Presents #63 [November 1983] CLANCY, KAREN "K.C." Young girl with god-like abilities that was psychically linked with the second Swamp Thing. ===================================================================== Saga of the Swamp Thing #4 (first story) [August 1982] Saga of the Swamp Thing #6 (first story) [October 1982] Saga of the Swamp Thing #7 (first story) [November 1982] Saga of the Swamp Thing #8 (first story) [December 1982] Saga of the Swamp Thing #9 (first story) [January 1983] Saga of the Swamp Thing #11 (first story) [March 1983] Saga of the Swamp Thing #12 (first story) [April 1983] CLASS of 2064 Group of futuristic students that solve mysteries and have amazing adventures. ===================================================================== New Talent Showcase #1 (fourth story) [January 1984] New Talent Showcase #2 (second story) [February 1984] New Talent Showcase #3 (first story) [March 1984] New Talent Showcase #7 (sixth story) [July 1984] New Talent Showcase #8 (third story) [August 1984] CLAW A costumed criminal who used trained birds to commit crimes. ===================================================================== Doom Patrol (first series) #94 (second story) [March 1965] CLAW the UNCONQUERED (Valcan) Warrior of the other-dimensional world of Pytharia who was chosen by the Gods of Elder Light to defeat the Shadow Gods. ===================================================================== Claw the Unconquered #1 [May/June 1975] Claw the Unconquered #2 [July/August 1975] Claw the Unconquered #3 [September/October 1975] Claw the Unconquered #4 [November/December 1975] Claw the Unconquered #5 [January/February 1976] Claw the Unconquered #6 [March/April 1976] Claw the Unconquered #7 [May/June 1976] Claw the Unconquered #8 [July/August 1976] Claw the Unconquered #9 [September/October 1976] Claw the Unconquered #10 [April/May 1978] Claw the Unconquered #11 [June/July 1978] Claw the Unconquered #12 [August/September 1978] CLAY, LILITH Precognitive daughter to the Greek titan Thia and member of the Teen Titans at various points in their history. ===================================================================== Batman #241 (second story) [May 1972] Brave and the Bold (first series) #94 [February/March 1971] New Teen Titans (second series) #2 [October 1984] New Teen Titans (second series) #3 [November 1984] New Teen Titans (second series) #4 [January 1984] New Teen Titans (second series) #5 [February 1984] New Teen Titans (second series) #6 [March 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #7 [April 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #8 [May 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #9 [June 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #10 [July 1985] Super-Team Family #7 (first story) [October/November 1976] Tales of the Teen Titans #49 [December 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #50 [February 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #51 [March 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #52 [April 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #53 [May 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #54 [June 1985] Teen Titans (first series) #25 [January/February 1970] Teen Titans (first series) #26 [March/April 1970] Teen Titans (first series) #27 [May/June 1970] Teen Titans (first series) #28 [July/August 1970] Teen Titans (first series) #29 [September/October 1970] Teen Titans (first series) #30 (first story) [November/December 1970] Teen Titans (first series) #31 (first story) [January/February 1971] Teen Titans (first series) #32 [March/April 1971] Teen Titans (first series) #33 [May/June 1971] Teen Titans (first series) #34 [July/August 1971] Teen Titans (first series) #39 (first story) [May/June 1972] Teen Titans (first series) #41 (second story) [September/October 1972] Teen Titans (first series) #42 [November/December 1972] Teen Titans (first series) #43 (first story) [January/February 1973] Teen Titans (first series) #43 (second story) [January/February 1973] Teen Titans (first series) #50 [October 1977] Teen Titans (first series) #51 [November 1977] Teen Titans (first series) #52 [December 1977] CLAYBURNE, DUSTIN Dilettante playboy that wished to join the Challengers of the Unknown, but was always turned down. ===================================================================== Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #81 [June/July 1977] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #82 [August/September 1977] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #83 [October/November 1977] Challengers of the Unknown (first series) #84 [December/January 1978] CLAYFACE (Matt Hagen) Member of Batman's Rogues Gallery with the ability to reshape his living-clay body into any form. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986][death] World's Finest Comics (first series) #144 (first story) [September 1964] World's Finest Comics (first series) #264 (first story) [August/September 1980] CLEMENS, CLARISSA Ex-wife of Professor Martin Stein and head of the 2000 Committee. ===================================================================== Fury of Firestorm #10 [March 1983 Fury of Firestorm #11 [April 1983] Fury of Firestorm #12 [May 1983] Fury of Firestorm #13 [June 1983] Fury of Firestorm #14 [July 1983] Fury of Firestorm #15 [August 1983] Fury of Firestorm #20 [February 1984] Fury of Firestorm #23 [May 1984] Fury of Firestorm #24 [June 1984] Fury of Firestorm #27 [September 1984] Fury of Firestorm #28 [October 1984] Fury of Firestorm #31 [January 1985] Fury of Firestorm Annual #1 [1983] CLEOPATRA (Lilibet Winsor) New Carthage student deluded to think she's the Queen of Egypt. ===================================================================== Superman Family #171 (first story) [June/July 1975] CLIFFLAND, CHIEF of EARTH-2 Police chief of Cliffland and ally to the Spectre/commander to Jim Corrigan. ===================================================================== All-Star Comics #1 (fifth story) [Summer 1940] All-Star Comics #2 (third story) [Fall 1940] All-Star Comics #3 [Winter 1940] More Fun Comics #73 (seventh story) [November 1941] CLIFFORD, EARL High school basketball player whose death spurred Jefferson Pierce to become Black Lightning. ===================================================================== Black Lightning (first series) #1 [April 1977][death] CLIFFORD, WAYNE WWII frontline reporter and writer of the famous correspondence "Dateline: Frontline". ===================================================================== Men of War #4 (second story) [January 1978] Men of War #5 (second story) [March 1978] Men of War #6 (second story) [May 1978] Men of War #9 (first story) [September/October 1978] Men of War #9 (third story) [September/October 1978] Men of War #10 (third story) [November 1978] Men of War #11 (second story) [December 1978] Men of War #21 (second story) [October 1979] Men of War #22 (second story) [November 1979] Men of War #23 (second story) [December 1979] CLIMATE KING Villain to Superman armed with not only a gun capable of creating various weather effects, but also a time machine. ===================================================================== Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #120 (second story) [June 1969] CLOAK Invisible agent of Sude in the Meta-Zone of Shade the Changing Man. ===================================================================== Shade the Changing Man (first series) #3 [October/November 1977] CLOCK KING (William Tockman) A criminal obsessed with time and used time-based gadgets to challenge Green Arrow. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Justice League of America #5 [June/July 1961] Justice League of America #39 (third story) [November 1965][reprint] Wanted: The World's Most Dangerous Villains #1 (second story) [July/August 1972][reprint] World's Finest Comics (first series) #257 (third story) [June/July 1979] World's Finest Comics (first series) #284 (second story) [October 1982] CLOCKWORK MAN Robot who attempted to unravel the tapestry of time and clashed with the Man of Steel. ===================================================================== Action Comics #522 (first story) [August 1981] CLOUD, JOHNNY (Indian Name FLYING CLOUD) US Air Force Captain during World War II and member of the detached military unit code-named the Losers. ===================================================================== All-American Men of War (second series) #87 (first story) [September/October 1961] All-American Men of War (second series) #111 (third story) [September/October 1965] Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 [June 1985][death] G.I. Combat #105 (first story) [April/May 1964] G.I. Combat #107 (first story) [June/July 1967] G.I. Combat #107 (second story) [June/July 1967] G.I. Combat #246 [October 1982] Our Fighting Forces #130 (first story) [March/April 1971] Our Fighting Forces #167 (first story) [May/June 1976] Our Fighting Forces #173 (first story) [May/June 1977] Our Fighting Forces #177 (first story) [January/February 1978] Our Fighting Forces #181 (first story) [September/October 1978] CLOWN (Corley) Ex-circus clown who blamed the death of his family on Central City's Mayor, Governor, and resident super-hero. ===================================================================== Flash (first series) #271 [March 1979] Flash (first series) #272 [April 1979] CLRYSSA Empress of the alien Throneworld and sister to the cosmic Starman Gavyn. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #467 (second story) [January 1980] Adventure Comics #468 (first story) [February 1980] Adventure Comics #469 (first story) [March 1980] Adventure Comics #470 (first story) [April 1980] Adventure Comics #473 (second story) [July 1980] Adventure Comics #474 (first story) [August 1980] Adventure Comics #475 (second story) [September 1980] Adventure Comics #476 (first story) [October 1980] Adventure Comics #477 (second story) [November 1980] DC Comics Presents #36 [August 1981][death] CLUEMASTER Riddler-like foe of Batman that leaves specific clues at the scenes of his crimes. ===================================================================== Batman #336 [June 1981] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] COBALT One of a second set of Metal Men created by Doc Magnus and destroyed after being possessed by Darzz the Dictator. ===================================================================== Metal Men (first series) #31 [April/May 1968] CODE NAME: ASSASSIN See ASSASSIN. CODE NAME: FALCON WWII operative for the United States' O.S.S. ===================================================================== G.I. Combat #246 [October 1982] Our Fighting Forces #181 (third story) [September/October 1978] COEUS One of the titans of Greek mythology responsible for the moon. ===================================================================== New Teen Titans (first series) #11 [September 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #12 [October 1981] New Teen Titans (second series) #8 [May 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #9 [June 1985] COIL Spring-loaded villain of the "H"-Dialers Chris King and Vicki Grant. ===================================================================== New Adventures of Superboy #40 (second story) [April 1983] COLBY, LENA Married name to Lex Luthor's ESP-sensitive sister LENA THORUL. COLDSNAP Member of the Masters of Disaster capable of generating sub-zero temperatures. ===================================================================== Batman and the Outsiders #9 (first story) [April 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #10 [May 1984] Batman and the Outsiders Annual #2 [1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] COLLAPSAR (Jim Stevens) Astronaut scientist whose trip through a black hole endowed him with fantastic powers. ===================================================================== Talent Showcase #16 (fourth story) [April 1985] Talent Showcase #16 (fifth story) [April 1985] Talent Showcase #17 (third story) [June 1985] COLLECTOR Ego-driven collector of rare artifacts that fought the Blackhawks. ===================================================================== Blackhawk (first series) #244 [January/February 1976] COLLINS, PHIL High school student and the first boyfriend of Gabrielle Doe, aka Halo. ===================================================================== Batman and the Outsiders #11 [June 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #14 [October 1984] Batman and the Outsiders Annual #1 [1984] COLONEL COMPUTRON Mysterious Flash villain armed with a huge computerized battle suit that resembles a "Captain Computron" toy. ===================================================================== Flash (first series) #304 (first story) [December 1981] Flash (first series) #310 (first story) [June 1982] Flash (first series) #311 (first story) [July 1982] COLONEL SODOM Evil bio-terrorist and enemy to the mysterious Shadow and the Avenger's Justice, Inc. ===================================================================== Justice, Inc. #3 [September/October 1975] COLONEL SULPHUR Member of the Army of Crime that challenged the World's Finest duo of Superman and Batman. ===================================================================== Batman #241 (first story) [May 1972] Batman #248 (first story) [April 1973] World's Finest Comics (first series) #279 (first story) [May 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #280 (first story) [June 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #281 (first story) [July 1982] COLOR KID (Ulu Yakk) Member of the 30th century's Legion of Substitute Heroes with the ability to manipulate the spectrum. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #342 (first story) [March 1966] Adventure Comics #351 [December 1966] Adventure Comics #374 [November 1968] DC Comics Presents #59 [July 1983] Legion of Substitute Heroes Special #1 [1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #294 [December 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #300 [June 1983] Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes #3 [March 1981] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #254 [August 1979] COLOSSAL BOY (Gim Allon) 30th century Legion of Super-Heroes member with the ability to grow to gigantic size. ===================================================================== Action Comics #385 (second story) [February 1970] Adventure Comics #306 (second story) [March 1963] Adventure Comics #309 (first story) [February 1964] Adventure Comics #315 (second story) [December 1963] Adventure Comics #323 (first story) [August 1964] Adventure Comics #324 (first story) [September 1964] Adventure Comics #325 (first story) [October 1964] Adventure Comics #330 (first story) [March 1965] Adventure Comics #333 (first story) [June 1965] Adventure Comics #335 (first story) [August 1965] Adventure Comics #336 (first story) [September 1965] Adventure Comics #337 (first story) [October 1965] Adventure Comics #341 (first story) [February 1966] Adventure Comics #348 [September 1966] Adventure Comics #349 [October 1966] Adventure Comics #350 [November 1966] Adventure Comics #351 [December 1966] Adventure Comics #353 [February 1967] Adventure Comics #355 (second story) [April 1967] Adventure Comics #356 (first story) [May 1967] Adventure Comics #359 [August 1967] Adventure Comics #360 [September 1967] Adventure Comics #361 [October 1967] Adventure Comics #363 [December 1967] Adventure Comics #364 [January 1968] Adventure Comics #371 (first story) [August 1968] Adventure Comics #372 [September 1968] Adventure Comics #374 [November 1968] Adventure Comics #375 [December 1968] Adventure Comics #409 (third story) [August 1971][reprint] Adventure Comics #411 (second story) [October 1971][reprint] Adventure Comics #492 (third story) [October 1982][reprint] Adventure Comics #498 (second story) [April 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #499 (sixth story) [May 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #500 (first story) [June 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #500 (second story) [June 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #500 (third story) [June 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #500 (fifth story) [June 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #500 (sixth story) [June 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #500 (ninth story) [June 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #500 (tenth story) [June 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #502 (second story) [August 1983][reprint] All-Star Squadron #53 [January 1986] Brave and the Bold (first series) #179 [October 1981] Crisis on Infinite Earths #2 [May 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 [November 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] Karate Kid #12 [January/February 1978] Karate Kid #13 [March/April 1978] Legion of Super-Heroes (first series) #2 (first story) [March 1973][reprint] Legion of Super-Heroes (first series) #3 (first story) [April/May 1973][reprint] Legion of Super-Heroes (first series) #4 (first story) [July/August 1973][reprint] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #262 [April 1980] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #266 [August 1980] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #267 (first story) [September 1980] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #268 [October 1980] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #269 [November 1980] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #270 [December 1980] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #271 [January 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #272 [February 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #273 [March 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #275 [May 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #277 [July 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #278 [August 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #279 [September 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #280 [October 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #282 [December 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #284 [February 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #285 (first story) [March 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #286 (first story) [April 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #287 (first story) [May 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #288 [June 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #289 (first story) [July 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #292 [October 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #293 [November 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #294 [December 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #295 [January 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #296 [February 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #298 [April 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #300 [June 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #301 [July 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #302 [August 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #303 [September 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #304 [October 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #305 [November 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #308 (second story) [February 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #312 [June 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #313 [July 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) Annual #1 [1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) Annual #2 [1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) Annual #3 [1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #1 [August 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #2 [September 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #3 [October 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #4 [November 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #5 [December 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #7 [February 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #9 [April 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #10 [May 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #11 (first story) [June 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #14 [September 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #15 [October 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #16 [November 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) Annual #1 [1985] New Adventures of Superboy #50 [February 1984] Secret Origins (first series) #6 [January/February 1974][reprint] Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes #1 [January 1981] Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes #2 [February 1981] Superboy (first series) #195 (first story) [June 1973] Superboy (first series) #197 (first story) [September 1973] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #218 [July 1976] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #228 [June 1977] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #237 [March 1978] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #238 (first story) [April 1978][reprint] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #238 (second story) [April 1978][reprint] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #239 [May 1978] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #242 (first story) [August 1978] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #247 (first story) [January 1979] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #247 (second story) [January 1979] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #248 [February 1979] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #250 [April 1979] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #251 [May 1979] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #253 [July 1979] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #254 [August 1979] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #256 [October 1979] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #318 [December 1984] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #319 [January 1985] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #320 (first story) [February 1985] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #320 (second story) [February 1985] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #325 [July 1983] World's Finest Comics (first series) #284 (first story) [October 1982] COLOSSAL MAN (Gim Allon) Adult version of Colossal Boy from the alternate future of the Adult Legion stories. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #354 [March 1967] COMET the SUPER-HORSE Supergirl's Super-Horse that is actually a centaur of ancient Greece transformed by Circe into his super-horse form. ==================================================================== Action Comics #301 (third story) [June 1963] Action Comics #311 (second story) [April 1964] Action Comics #356 (second story) [November 1967] Adventure Comics #304 (second story) [September 1963] Adventure Comics #309 (first story) [February 1964] Adventure Comics #309 (second story) [February 1964] Adventure Comics #343 (first story) [April 1966] Adventure Comics #351 [December 1966] Adventure Comics #364 [January 1968] Adventure Comics #380 [May 1969] Adventure Comics #383 (first story) [August 1969] Adventure Comics #390 (second story) [March/April 1970][reprint] Adventure Comics #390 (third story) [March/April 1970][reprint] Adventure Comics #390 (fifth story) [March/April 1970][reprint] Adventure Comics #392 (first story) [April 1970] Adventure Comics #398 (first story) [October 1970] Adventure Comics #409 (third story) [August 1971][reprint] Adventure Comics #495 (fifth story) [January 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #500 (tenth story) [June 1983][reprint] Superboy (first series) #147 (third story) [May/June 1968][reprint] Superman Family #168 (third story) [December/January 1975][reprint] COMET QUEEN Airborne member of the second generation Legion of Substitute Heroes and Legion Academy applicant. ===================================================================== Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #304 [October 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #4 [November 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #8 [March 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #11 (second story) [June 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #12 (second story) [July 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #14 [September 1985] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #316 (first story) [October 1984] COMMAND KID "Hero" from 30th century Preztor with the ability to command convincing illusions. ===================================================================== Legion of Super-Heroes (first series) #1 [February 1973][reprint] COMMANDER Evil ruler of an extradimensional universe that challenged both the Justice League and the Justice Society. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #231 [October 1984] Justice League of America #232 [November 1984] COMMANDER STEEL (Hank Heywood) of EARTH-2/EARTH-1 WWII Earth-2 hero known as Steel who was later transported to Earth-1, where he became a wealthy industrialist. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #8 [April 1982] All-Star Squadron #9 [May 1982] All-Star Squadron #10 [June 1982] All-Star Squadron #11 [July 1982] All-Star Squadron #12 [August 1982] All-Star Squadron #13 [September 1982] All-Star Squadron #14 [October 1982] All-Star Squadron #15 [November 1982] All-Star Squadron #16 [December 1982] All-Star Squadron #17 [January 1983] All-Star Squadron #18 [February 1983] All-Star Squadron #19 [March 1983] All-Star Squadron #20 [April 1983] All-Star Squadron #21 [May 1983] All-Star Squadron #22 [June 1983] All-Star Squadron #23 [July 1983] All-Star Squadron #24 [August 1983] All-Star Squadron #25 [September 1983] All-Star Squadron #26 [October 1983] All-Star Squadron #27 [November 1983] All-Star Squadron #31 [March 1984] All-Star Squadron #32 [April 1984] All-Star Squadron #38 [September 1984] All-Star Squadron #50 [October 1985] All-Star Squadron Annual #1 [1982] All-Star Squadron Annual #2 [1983] Infinity, Inc. #19 [October 1985] Justice League of America #207 [October 1982] Justice League of America #208 [November 1982] Justice League of America #209 [December 1982] Justice League of America #235 [February 1985] Justice League of America #237 [April 1985] Justice League of America #243 [October 1985] Justice League of America #244 [November 1985] Justice League of America #245 [December 1985] Justice League of America Annual #2 [1984] Steel the Indestructible Man #1 [March 1978] Steel the Indestructible Man #2 [April 1978] Steel the Indestructible Man #3 (first story) [June 1978] Steel the Indestructible Man #3 (second story) [June 1978] Steel the Indestructible Man #4 (first story) [August/September 1978] Steel the Indestructible Man #4 (second story) [August/September 1978] Steel the Indestructible Man #5 [October/November 1978] COMPOSITE SUPERMAN I (Joe Meach) Former janitor at the Superman Museum accidentally given the powers of the entire membership of the Legion of Super-Heroes. ====================================================================== Super-Team Family #6 (first story) [August/September 1976][reprint] World's Finest Comics (first series) #283 (first story) [September 1982] COMPOSITE SUPERMAN II (Xan) An alien pirate who blamed his father's death on both Superman and Batman and duplicated the accident that gave Joe Meach his powers. ===================================================================== Super-Team Family #6 (first story) [August/September 1976][reprint] World's Finest Comics (first series) #283 (first story) [September 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #284 (first story) [October 1982] COMPUTO Evil robot created by Brainiac 5 who at first threatened the Legion of Super-Heroes, but later became their majordomo. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #341 (first story) [February 1966] Legion of Super-Heroes (first series) #3 (first story) [April/May 1973][reprint] Legion of Super-Heroes (first series) #4 (first story) [July/August 1973][reprint] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #290 [August 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #300 [June 1983][as vision] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #309 (first story) [March 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #311 (first story) [May 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) Annual #1 [1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #1 [August 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #7 [February 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #12 (first story) [July 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #13 [August 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #15 [October 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) Annual #1 [1985] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #318 [December 1984] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #320 (first story) [February 1985] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #322 [April 1985] CONCORD, GARY See ULTRA-MAN. CONGO BILL/CONGORILLA Expert hunter able to transform into a golden gorilla with a touch of a magic ring on his left hand. ===================================================================== Action Comics #252 (second story) [May 1959] Action Comics #552 [February 1984] Action Comics #553 [March 1984] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] DC Challenge #2 [December 1985] DC Challenge #3 [January 1986] DC Comics Presents #27 (second story) [November 1980] DC Comics Presents #77 [January 1985] DC Comics Presents #78 [February 1985] Justice League of America #144 [July 1977] Superman Family #168 (seventh story) [December/January 1975][reprint] Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #86 (first story) [July 1965] Tarzan #230 (fifth story) [April/May 1974][reprint] CONLIN, KAREN Blonde-haired secretary and girl Friday to Roy Raymond, TV Detective. ===================================================================== Detective Comics #255 (second story) [November 1955] Justice League of America #144 [July 1977] World's Finest Comics (first series) #158 (second story) [June 1966][reprint] CONRAD, MARY Young blonde who turned to Baron Winters for mystical help. ===================================================================== Night Force (first series) #8 (second story) [March 1983] Night Force (first series) #9 [April 1983] Night Force (first series) #10 [May 1983] CONRAD, WALTER TV newscaster for WGLS. ===================================================================== Action Comics #547 [September 1983] Superman: The Secret Years #3 [April 1985] CONSTANTINE, JOHN Mysterious trench-coated immortal and compatriot of the second Swamp Thing. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 [July 1985] Swamp Thing (second series) #40 [September 1985] Swamp Thing (second series) #44 [January 1986] Swamp Thing (second series) #46 [March 1986] CONSTRUCT Sentient alien computing system out to conquer the universe that became an arch-enemy to the second Red Tornado. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #142 [May 1977] Justice League of America #143 [June 1977] Justice League of America #146 [September 1977] Red Tornado #1 [July 1985] Red Tornado #2 [August 1985] Red Tornado #3 [September 1985] Red Tornado #4 [October 1985] CONTROL Mysterious bald-headed man that ran the O.S.S. during World War II. ===================================================================== G.I. Combat #193 (second story) [August 1976] G.I. Combat #195 (second story) [October 1976] G.I. Combat #201 (fifth story) [April/May 1977] G.I. Combat #202 (second story) [June/July 1977] G.I. Combat #223 (second story) [November 1980] G.I. Combat #241 (second story) [May 1982] G.I. Combat #245 (fourth story) [September 1982] G.I. Combat #246 [October 1982] G.I. Combat #250 (second story) [February 1983] G.I. Combat #257 (second story) [September 1983] Showcase #104 (first story) [September 1978] Showcase #104 (second story) [September 1978] Showcase #104 (third story) [September 1978] CONTROLLER Wheelchair-bound crime boss and nemesis to the second Vigilante. ===================================================================== Vigilante #4 [March 1984] Vigilante #6 [May 1984] Vigilante #7 [June 1984] Vigilante #9 [August 1984] Vigilante #10 [September 1984] Vigilante #11 [October 1984][death] the CONTROLLERS Alien offshoot race of the Guardians of the Universe that developed the Miracle Machine and the Sun-Eaters. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #357 [June 1967] Adventure Comics #367 [April 1968] Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 [October 1985] DC Comics Presents #50 [October 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #8 [March 1985] CONWELL, STACY Temporary teenage border of Barry and Iris Allen with a mysterious secret. ===================================================================== Flash (first series) #233 (first story) [May 1975] Flash (first series) #234 (first story) [June 1975] Flash (first series) #235 [August 1975] Flash (first series) #236 [September 1975] Flash (first series) #238 (first story) [December 1975] Flash (first series) #239 [February 1976] Flash (first series) #240 (first story) [March 1976] Flash (first series) #241 (first story) [May 1976] Flash (first series) #246 (first story) [January 1977] Flash (first series) #254 [October 1977] Flash (first series) #255 [November 1977] Flash (first series) #263 [July 1978] COPPERHEAD Slithering snake-like criminal armed with venom fangs that fought the Caped Crusader. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Secret Society of Super-Villains #1 [May/June 1976] Secret Society of Super-Villains #3 [September/October 1976] Secret Society of Super-Villains #6 [March/April 1977] Secret Society of Super-Villains #7 [May/June 1977] Secret Society of Super-Villains #8 [July/August 1977] Secret Society of Super-Villains #12 [January 1978] Secret Society of Super-Villains #15 [June/July 1978] CORMELL, LADY Ruling figure of Mikaal Tomas' (aka the first Earth-1 Starman's) homeworld. ===================================================================== DC First Issue Special #12 [March 1976] CORRIGAN, JAMES "JIM" African-American Earth-1 counterpart of Jim Corrigan who works as a police officer in Metropolis. ===================================================================== Black Lightning (first series) #4 [September 1977] Black Lightning (first series) #7 [March 1978] Black Lightning (first series) #9 [May 1978] Superman Family #167 (second story) [October/November 1974] World's Finest Comics (first series) #260 (third story) [December/January 1980] COSMIC BOY (Rokk Krinn) Magnetic powered 30th century teenager from the planet Braal who helped found the Legion of Super-Heroes. ===================================================================== Action Comics #285 [February 1962] Action Comics #373 (fifth story) [March/April 1969][reprint] Action Comics #377 (second story) [June 1969] Action Comics #392 (second story) [September 1970] Adventure Comics #247 (first story) [April 1958] Adventure Comics #306 (second story) [March 1963] Adventure Comics #315 (first story) [December 1963] Adventure Comics #323 (first story) [August 1964] Adventure Comics #325 (first story) [October 1964] Adventure Comics #330 (first story) [March 1965] Adventure Comics #331 (first story) [April 1965] Adventure Comics #334 (first story) [July 1965] Adventure Comics #335 (first story) [August 1965] Adventure Comics #336 (first story) [September 1965] Adventure Comics #337 (first story) [October 1965] Adventure Comics #341 (first story) [February 1966] Adventure Comics #343 (first story) [April 1966] Adventure Comics #344 (first story) [May 1966] Adventure Comics #345 (first story) [June 1966] Adventure Comics #346 [July 1966] Adventure Comics #347 [August 1966] Adventure Comics #348 [September 1966] Adventure Comics #349 [October 1966] Adventure Comics #350 [November 1966] Adventure Comics #351 [December 1966] Adventure Comics #352 [January 1967] Adventure Comics #353 [February 1967] Adventure Comics #356 (first story) [May 1967] Adventure Comics #356 (second story) [May 1967][reprint] Adventure Comics #357 [June 1967] Adventure Comics #359 [August 1967] Adventure Comics #360 [September 1967] Adventure Comics #362 [November 1967] Adventure Comics #363 [December 1967] Adventure Comics #365 [February 1968] Adventure Comics #366 [March 1968] Adventure Comics #367 [April 1968] Adventure Comics #369 [June 1968] Adventure Comics #372 [September 1968] Adventure Comics #374 [November 1968] Adventure Comics #375 [December 1968] Adventure Comics #376 [January 1969] Adventure Comics #380 [May 1969] Adventure Comics #409 (third story) [August 1971][reprint] Adventure Comics #411 (second story) [October 1971][reprint] Adventure Comics #491 (second story) [September 1982][reprint] Adventure Comics #491 (sixth story) [November 1982][reprint] Adventure Comics #492 (third story) [October 1982][reprint] Adventure Comics #492 (sixth story) [October 1982][reprint] Adventure Comics #493 (second story) [November 1982][reprint] Adventure Comics #493 (fifth story) [November 1982][reprint] Adventure Comics #495 (second story) [January 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #495 (fifth story) [January 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #496 (second story) [February 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #497 (fifth story) [March 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #498 (second story) [April 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #498 (sixth story) [April 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #499 (sixth story) [May 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #500 (first story) [June 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #500 (third story) [June 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #500 (fourth story) [June 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #500 (sixth story) [June 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #500 (seventh story) [June 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #500 (ninth story) [June 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #500 (tenth story) [June 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #501 (seventh story) [July 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #502 (second story) [August 1983][reprint] Adventure Comics #503 (second story) [September 1983][reprint] Brave and the Bold (first series) #179 [October 1981] Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 [June 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] DC Comics Presents #2 [September/October 1978] DC Comics Presents #43 [March 1982] DC Super-Stars #17 (second story) [November/December 1977] Karate Kid #6 [January/February 1977] Karate Kid #10 [September/October 1977] Karate Kid #12 [January/February 1978] Karate Kid #13 [March/April 1978] Legion of Super-Heroes (first series) #1 (first story) [February 1973][reprint] Legion of Super-Heroes (first series) #3 (first story) [April/May 1973][reprint] Legion of Super-Heroes (first series) #4 (first story) [July/August 1973][reprint] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #262 [April 1980] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #267 (second story) [September 1980] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #268 [October 1980] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #272 [February 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #274 [April 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #277 [July 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #278 [August 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #279 [September 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #280 [October 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #282 [December 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #284 [February 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #287 (first story) [May 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #290 [August 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #291 (first story) [September 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #291 (second story) [September 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #292 [October 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #293 [November 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #294 [December 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #295 [January 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #296 [February 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #297 [March 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #299 [May 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #300 [June 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #302 [August 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #307 [January 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #308 (first story) [February 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #309 (first story) [March 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #310 [April 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #312 [June 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #313 [July 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) Annual #1 [1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) Annual #2 [1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) Annual #3 [1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #2 [September 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #3 [October 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #4 [November 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #6 [January 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #7 [February 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #8 [March 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #9 [April 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #10 [May 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #11 (first story) [June 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #12 (first story) [July 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #12 (second story) [July 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #14 [September 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #15 [October 1985] Secret Origins (first series) #6 (first story) [January/February 1974][reprint] Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes #1 [January 1981] Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes #2 [February 1981] Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes #3 [March 1981] Superboy (first series) #147 (first story) [May/June 1968] Superboy (first series) #147 (third story) [May/June 1968][reprint] Superboy (first series) #147 (fourth story) [May/June 1968][reprint] Superboy (first series) #147 (fifth story) [May/June 1968][reprint] Superboy (first series) #191 (second story) [October 1972] Superboy (first series) #197 (first story) [September 1973] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #218 [July 1976] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #237 [March 1978] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #238 (first story) [April 1978][reprint] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #238 (second story) [April 1978][reprint] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #239 [May 1978] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #247 (second story) [January 1979] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #248 [February 1979] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #249 (first story) [March 1979] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #250 [April 1979] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #253 [July 1979] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #254 [August 1979] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #255 [September 1979] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #256 [October 1979] Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #257 (first story) [November 1979] Superman Family #167 (sixth story) [October/November 1974][reprint] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #316 (first story) [October 1984] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #317 (first story) [November 1984] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #318 [December 1984] World's Finest Comics (first series) #284 (first story) [October 1982] COSMIC CORSAIR (Anthony Gilmore) Really sucky costumed villain who fought the third Air Wave with his cosmic powers. ===================================================================== Action Comics #525 (second story) [November 1981] COSMIC KING I A futuristic version of the villainous Cosmic King from an alternate future. ===================================================================== Action Comics #332 (first story) [January 1966] Adventure Comics #331 (first story) [April 1965] Adventure Comics #354 [March 1967] Adventure Comics #355 (first story) [April 1967] Adventure Comics #494 (fifth story) [December 1982][reprint] Superboy (first series) #147 (sixth story) [May/June 1968][reprint] COSMIC KING II Native of 30th century Venus who uses his transmutation powers as a member of the Legion of Super-Villains. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #300 [June 1983][as vision] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #2 [September 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #3 [October 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #4 [November 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #5 [December 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #7 [February 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #8 [March 1985] Superman Family #169 (second story) [February/March 1975][reprint] COSMIC MAN (Rokk Krinn) Adult counterpart to Legion of Super-Heroes member Cosmic Boy from a possible future. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #354 [March 1967] Adventure Comics #355 (first story) [April 1967] Adventure Comics #390 (first story) [March/April 1970][reprint] Adventure Comics #494 (fifth story) [December 1982][reprint] Adventure Comics #495 (fifth story) [February 1983][reprint] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #300 [June 1983][as statue] Superboy (first series) #147 (sixth story) [May/June 1968][reprint] Super-Team Family #6 (first story) [August/September 1976][reprint] COSSACK Robotic Russian super-agent sent by the KGB to hunt down the defecting Negative Woman. ===================================================================== Showcase #96 [December/January 1978][destroyed] COUNT CRYSTAL An evil sorcerer that challenged the Justice League and was defeated with the aide of the Phantom Stranger. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #145 [August 1977][death] COUNT VERTIGO (Werner Vertigo) Vlatavan villain with the electronic ability to turn things topsy-turvy. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Green Arrow (first series) #2 [June 1983] Green Arrow (first series) #3 [July 1983] World's Finest Comics (first series) #270 (second story) [August 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #272 (second story) [October 1981] World's Finest Comics (first series) #273 (second story) [November 1981] COUNTESS VON BLUDD of EARTH-4 Red-haired vampyric weaver of scary tales. ===================================================================== Scary Tales #4 (first story) [February 1976] Scary Tales #4 (second story) [February 1976] Scary Tales #4 (fourth story) [February 1976] Scary Tales #10 (third story) [October 1977] Scary Tales #21 (first story) [August 1980] the COVEN Demonic cult challenged by the original Robin. ===================================================================== Batman #342 (second story) [December 1981] COYLE, JOSHUA "JOSH" Blonde-hared WGBS stage manager and co-worker of Clark Kent who developed an ulcer from Clark's last-minute arrivals. ===================================================================== Action Comics #414 (first story) [July 1972] Action Comics #435 (first story) [May 1974] Action Comics #447 (first story) [May 1975] Action Comics #452 (first story) [October 1975] Action Comics #454 (first story) [December 1975] Action Comics #475 (first story) [September 1977] Action Comics #472 (second story) [June 1977] Action Comics #476 [October 1977] Action Comics #477 (first story) [November 1977] Action Comics #479 [January 1978] Action Comics #483 [May 1978] Action Comics #488 (first story) [October 1978] Action Comics #489 (first story) [November 1978] Action Comics #490 [December 1978] Action Comics #498 [August 1979] Action Comics #500 [October 1979] Action Comics #503 [January 1980] Action Comics #504 [February 1980] Action Comics #507 [May 1980] Action Comics #509 [July 1980] Action Comics #511 (first story) [September 1980] Action Comics #519 (first story) [May 1981] Action Comics #522 (first story) [August 1981] Action Comics #532 (first story) [June 1982] Action Comics #547 [September 1983] Action Comics #550 [December 1983] Action Comics #555 [May 1984] Action Comics #557 (first story) [July 1984] Action Comics #560 (first story) [October 1984] Action Comics #561 (first story) [November 1984] Action Comics #561 (second story) [November 1984] Action Comics #562 [December 1984] Action Comics #563 (second story) [January 1985] Action Comics #571 [September 1985] Best of DC Digest #56 (sixth story) [January 1985][reprint] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] DC Comics Presents #6 [February 1979] DC Comics Presents #35 (first story) [July 1981] DC Comics Presents #47 (first story) [July 1982] DC Comics Presents #50 [October 1982] DC Comics Presents #54 [February 1983] DC Comics Presents #62 [October 1983] DC Comics Presents #71 [July 1984] DC Comics Presents #79 [March 1985] Superman (first series) #259 [December 1972] Superman (first series) #267 (second story) [August 1973] Superman (first series) #291 [September 1975] Superman (first series) #305 [November 1976] Superman (first series) #347 [May 1980] Superman (first series) #375 (first story) [September 1982] Superman (first series) #382 [April 1983] Superman (first series) #384 [June 1983] Superman (first series) #387 [September 1983] Superman (first series) #388 [October 1983] Superman (first series) #397 [July 1984] Superman (first series) #401 [November 1984] Superman (first series) #405 (first story) [March 1985] Superman (first series) #409 (second story) [July 1985] Superman (first series) Special #3 [1985] World's Finest Comics (first series) #255 (first story) [March 1979] World's Finest Comics (first series) #275 (first story) [January 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #308 [October 1984] CRACKERJACK Diminutive Hindu break-in expert and part of Thriller's Seven Seconds. ====================================================================== Thriller #1 [November 1983] Thriller #2 [December 1983] Thriller #3 [January 1984] Thriller #4 [February 1984] Thriller #5 [March 1984] Thriller #6 [April 1984] Thriller #7 [May 1984] Thriller #8 [June 1984] Thriller #10 [August 1984] Thriller #11 [September 1984] Thriller #12 [October 1984] CRACKLIN' ROSIE (Carolyn Anderson) Female member of the DESPERADOS. CRAIG, BILL WWI vet and WWII tank driver for the Haunted Tank that replaced Slim Stryker. ===================================================================== G.I. Combat #245 (first story) [September 1982] G.I. Combat #245 (fifth story) [September 1982] G.I. Combat #246 [October 1982] G.I. Combat #249 (first story) [January 1983] G.I. Combat #249 (fifth story) [January 1983] G.I. Combat #250 (first story) [February 1983] G.I. Combat #250 (fifth story) [February 1983] G.I. Combat #251 (first story) [March 1983] G.I. Combat #251 (fifth story) [March 1983] G.I. Combat #255 (first story) [July 1983] G.I. Combat #257 (first story) [September 1983] G.I. Combat #257 (fifth story) [September 1983] G.I. Combat #258 (first story) [October 1983] G.I. Combat #258 (fifth story) [October 1983] G.I. Combat #267 (first story) [July 1984] G.I. Combat #270 (first story) [October 1984] G.I. Combat #271 (first story) [November 1984] G.I. Combat #273 (first story) [January 1985] G.I. Combat #274 (first story) [February 1985] G.I. Combat #279 (first story) [September 1985] G.I. Combat #279 (fifth story) [September 1985] G.I. Combat #280 (first story) [November 1985] CRAIG, EDDIE Four-eyed tank driver for Jeb Stuart during World War II who joined his father's battalion. ===================================================================== G.I. Combat #251 (first story) [March 1983] G.I. Combat #267 (first story) [July 1984] G.I. Combat #270 (first story) [October 1984] G.I. Combat #271 (first story) [November 1984] G.I. Combat #273 (first story) [January 1985] G.I. Combat #274 (first story) [February 1985] G.I. Combat #279 (first story) [September 1985] G.I. Combat #279 (fifth story) [September 1985] G.I. Combat #280 (first story) [November 1985] CRAMER, WILLIAM "SHADOW" Clark Kent's best friend in college who held the knowledge of his secret identity of Superboy. ===================================================================== Superman: The Secret Years #1 [February 1985] Superman: The Secret Years #2 [March 1985] Superman: The Secret Years #3 [April 1985][death] CREATURE of 1,000 DISGUISES (Gollo) Green dinosaur-like alien with the ability to assume other shapes. ===================================================================== Action Comics #572 (first story) [October 1985] CREEPER (Jack Ryder) Television personality that transforms into an insane, agile vigilante at the touch of his wrists. ===================================================================== Action Comics #563 (first story) [January 1985] Adventure Comics #445 (second story) [May/June 1976] Adventure Comics #446 (second story) [July/August 1976] Adventure Comics #447 (second story) [September/October 1976] All-Star Squadron #54 [February 1986] Beware the Creeper #1 [May/June 1968] Beware the Creeper #2 [July/August 1968] Beware the Creeper #3 [September/October 1968] Beware the Creeper #4 [November/December 1968] Beware the Creeper #5 [January/February 1969] Beware the Creeper #6 [March/April 1969] Blue Devil Annual #1 [1985] Brave and the Bold (first series) #80 [October/November 1968] Brave and the Bold (first series) #143 (first story) [September/October 1978] Brave and the Bold (first series) #178 (first story) [September 1981] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] DC Comics Presents #88 [December 1985] DC First Issue Special #7 [October 1975] Detective Comics #418 (first story) [December 1971] Detective Comics #448 [June 1975] Flash (first series) #318 (second story) [February 1983] Flash (first series) #319 (second story) [March 1983] Flash (first series) #320 (second story) [April 1983] Flash (first series) #321 (second story) [May 1983] Flash (first series) #322 (second story) [June 1983] Flash (first series) #323 (second story) [July 1983] Infinity, Inc. #22 [January 1986] Joker #3 [September/October 1975] Justice League of America #70 [March 1969] Red Tornado #3 [September 1985] Secret Society of Super-Villains #10 [October 1977] Secret Society of Super-Villains #11 [December 1977] Showcase #100 [May 1978] Swamp Thing (second series) #46 [March 1986] Teen Titans (first series) #46 [February 1977] World's Finest Comics (first series) #249 (third story) [February/March 1978] World's Finest Comics (first series) #254 (fourth story) [December/January 1979] World's Finest Comics (first series) #255 (third story) [March 1979] CRIER Member of Professor Amos Fortune's Luck League with a sonic cry stolen from Black Canary. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #151 [February 1978] the CRIME CARNIVAL of EARTH-2 Criminal carnival that challenged the golden age Sandman. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #495 (sixth story) [January 1983][reprint] CRIME DOCTOR (Bradford Thorne) Medical brother of Gotham City crime boss Rupert Thorne who medically aided the City's underworld. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] CRIMEKING Villain mastermind behind the death of Ekko's brother. ===================================================================== New Talent Showcase #5 (fourth story) [May 1984] New Talent Showcase #6 (second story) [June 1984] CRIMSON AVENGER (Lee Travis) of EARTH-2 Socialite hero and member of the All-Star Squadron and the Seven Soldiers of Victory along with his sidekick Wing. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #438 (second story) [March/April 1975] Adventure Comics #440 (second story) [July/August 1975] Adventure Comics #442 (second story) [December 1975] Adventure Comics #443 (second story) [February 1976] All-Star Squadron #29 [January 1984] All-Star Squadron #31 [March 1984] All-Star Squadron #53 [January 1986] All-Star Squadron #56 (first story) [April 1986] DC Comics Presents #38 (second story) [October 1981][death] DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest #11 (first story) [July 1981][reprint] DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest #11 (third story) [July 1981][reprint] Detective Comics #27 (sixth story) [May 1939] Infinity, Inc. #11 [February 1985] Justice League of America #100 [August 1972] Justice League of America #102 [October 1972] Justice League of America #111 (second story) [May/June 1974][reprint] Justice League of America #112 (second story) [July/August 1974][reprint] CRIMSON STAR Radiation-generating villain that opposed the Dial "H" for Hero kids. ===================================================================== Adventure Comics #487 (first story) [November 1981] CRIUS One of the titans of Greek mythology responsible for memory that perished in the Titans War. ===================================================================== New Teen Titans (first series) #11 [September 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #12 [October 1981] New Teen Titans (second series) #8 [May 1985][death] New Teen Titans (second series) #9 [June 1985][dead body] CRONOS One of the titans of Greek mythology responsible for the Earth and the father of Zeus. ===================================================================== New Teen Titans (first series) #11 [September 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #12 [October 1981] New Teen Titans (second series) #8 [May 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #9 [June 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #10 [July 1985] CROSS, SIMON Agent for the S.I.D. and love to Lois Lane before his death (and after). ===================================================================== Superman Family #166 (first story) [August/September 1974][death] Superman Family #169 (first story) [February/March 1975][as ghost] CROWBAR Member of the Overmaster's Cadre that wields a powerful energy crowbar. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #234 [January 1985] Justice League of America #235 [February 1985] Justice League of America #236 [March 1985] CROWN, CAROLINE Red-haired secretary of the Wayne Foundation that works for Lucius Fox and Bruce Wayne. ===================================================================== Batman #326 [August 1980] Batman #331 (first story) [January 1981] Untold Legend of the Batman #3 [September 1980] CRUMBLER (Alex Tuttle) Disintegrating foe of the emerald gladiator known as Green Lantern. ===================================================================== Green Lantern (second series) #114 [March 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #115 [April 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #117 [June 1979] Green Lantern (second series) #118 [July 1979] CRYLL Pink-furred alien buddy of Space Ranger that could assume various shapes. ===================================================================== Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] DC Super-Stars #4 (second story) [June 1976][reprint] Green Lantern (second series) #136 (first story) [January 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #137 (first story) [February 1981] Showcase #100 [May 1978] Tales of the Unexpected #77 (first story) [June/July 1963] CRYONIC MAN (Philip) Cryogenics scientist turned thief to save his family from their frozen sleep. ===================================================================== Batman and the Outsiders #6 [January 1984] Batman and the Outsiders #7 [February 1984] CRYSTAL KID (Bobb Kohan) Crystalline applicant to the 30th century's Legion of Super- Heroes who later joined the Legion Academy. ===================================================================== Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #272 [February 1981] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #283 [January 1982] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #304 [October 1983] CURATOR Obsessive Superboy villain from Smallville with his own Superboy Museum. ===================================================================== New Adventures of Superboy #24 (first story) [December 1981] CURRY, TOM Lighthouse keeper and the father of Aquaman, King of the Seven Seas. ===================================================================== Action Comics #519 (second story) [May 1981] DC 80-Page Giant #8 (third story) [1965][reprint] CURTIS, FRANK Detective on the Central City police force and colleague to Barry Allen. ===================================================================== Flash (first series) #272 [April 1979] Flash (first series) #274 [June 1979] Flash (first series) #275 [July 1979] Flash (first series) #276 (first story) [August 1979] Flash (first series) #277 [September 1979] Flash (first series) #278 [October 1979] Flash (first series) #279 [November 1979] Flash (first series) #280 [December 1979] Flash (first series) #281 [January 1980] Flash (first series) #285 [May 1980] Flash (first series) #301 (first story) [September 1981] Flash (first series) #302 (first story) [October 1981] Flash (first series) #303 (first story) [November 1981] Flash (first series) #310 (first story) [June 1982] Flash (first series) #323 (first story) [July 1983] Flash (first series) #324 (first story) [August 1983] Flash (first series) #325 (first story) [September 1983] Flash (first series) #326 [October 1983] Flash (first series) #327 [November 1983] Flash (first series) #330 [February 1984] CURTIS, M.C. Member of the villainous Council and enemy of Nemesis before being defeated. ===================================================================== Brave and the Bold (first series) #169 (second story) [December 1980] Brave and the Bold (first series) #171 (second story) [February 1981] Brave and the Bold (first series) #172 (second story) [March 1981] CUSIMANO, GIGI Science Police member who is the best friend of Colossal Boy and the romantic interest of Sun Boy. ===================================================================== Legion of Substitute Heroes Special #1 [1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #301 [July 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #302 [August 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #303 [September 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #304 [October 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #305 [November 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #306 [December 1983] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #307 [January 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #312 [June 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) #313 [July 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (second series) Annual #3 [1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #2 [September 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #5 [December 1984] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #8 [March 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #9 [April 1985] Legion of Super-Heroes (third series) #12 (second story) [July 1985] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #318 [December 1984] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #320 (second story) [February 1985] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #323 [May 1985] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #324 (first story) [June 1985] Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #325 [July 1985] CUTLASS CHARLIE Another one-shot villain for Aquaman. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #61 [March 1968] Limited Collector's Edition #C-41 (second story) [December/January 1977][reprint] CYBORG (Victor Stone) A cybernetic hero from New York City and a founding member of the New Teen Titans. ===================================================================== Action Comics #532 (first story) [June 1982] Action Comics #536 (first story) [October 1982] Action Comics #546 [August 1983] All-Star Squadron #53 [January 1986] Batman and the Outsiders #5 [December 1983] Best of DC Digest #18 (first story) [November 1981] Crisis on Infinite Earths #1 [April 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #2 [May 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 [June 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 [July 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 [August 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 [October 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 [November 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 [December 1985] Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 [January 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #11 [February 1986] Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 [March 1986] DC Challenge #9 [July 1986] DC Challenge #10 [August 1986] Flash (first series) #300 [August 1981] Green Lantern (second series) #194 [November 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #195 [December 1985] Green Lantern (second series) #196 [January 1986] New Teen Titans (first series) insert [October 1980] New Teen Titans (first series) #1 [November 1980] New Teen Titans (first series) #2 [December 1980] New Teen Titans (first series) #3 [January 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #4 [February 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #5 [March 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #6 [April 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #7 [May 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #8 [June 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #9 [July 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #10 [August 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #11 [September 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #13 [November 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #14 [December 1981] New Teen Titans (first series) #15 [January 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #16 [February 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #17 [March 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #18 [April 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #19 [May 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #20 (first story) [June 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #20 (second story) [June 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #21 [July 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #22 [August 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #23 [September 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #24 [October 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #25 [November 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #26 [December 1982] New Teen Titans (first series) #27 [January 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #28 [February 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #29 [March 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #30 [April 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #31 [May 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #32 [June 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #33 [July 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #34 [August 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #35 [October 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #36 [November 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #37 [December 1983] New Teen Titans (first series) #39 [February 1984] New Teen Titans (first series) #40 [March 1984] New Teen Titans (first series) Annual #1 [1982] New Teen Titans (first series) Annual #2 [1983] New Teen Titans (second series) #1 [August 1984] New Teen Titans (second series) #2 [October 1984] New Teen Titans (second series) #3 [November 1984] New Teen Titans (second series) #4 [January 1984] New Teen Titans (second series) #5 [February 1984] New Teen Titans (second series) #6 [March 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #7 [April 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #8 [May 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #9 [June 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #10 [July 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #11 [August 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #12 [September 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #13 [October 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) #14 [November 1985] New Teen Titans (second series) Annual #1 [1985] New Teen Titans Drug Awareness giveaway #1 [1983] New Teen Titans Drug Awareness giveaway #2 [1983] New Teen Titans Drug Awareness giveaway #3 [1983] Supergirl (second series) #20 [June 1984] Swamp Thing (second series) #46 [March 1986] Tales of the New Teen Titans #1 [June 1982] Tales of the New Teen Titans #2 [July 1982] Tales of the New Teen Titans #3 [August 1982] Tales of the New Teen Titans #4 [September 1982] Tales of the Teen Titans #41 [April 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #42 [May 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #43 [June 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #45 [August 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #46 [September 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #47 [October 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #48 [November 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #49 [December 1984] Tales of the Teen Titans #50 [February 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #51 [March 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #52 [April 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #53 [May 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #54 [June 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #55 [July 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #56 [August 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #57 [September 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans #58 [October 1985] Tales of the Teen Titans Annual #3 [1984] Vigilante #3 [February 1984] Wonder Woman (first series) #287 (first story) [January 1982] World's Finest Comics (first series) #300 [February 1984] CYCLONE Member of Professor Amos Fortune's Luck League capable of generating winds a la Red Tornado. ===================================================================== Justice League of America #151 [February 1978] CYCLOTRON (Terrence "Terry" Curtis) of EARTH-2 Atomic physicist who split the first atom on Earth-2 and became a misguided supervillain. ===================================================================== All-Star Squadron #21 [May 1983] All-Star Squadron #22 [June 1983] All-Star Squadron #24 [August 1983] All-Star Squadron #25 [September 1983] All-Star Squadron #26 [October 1983] All-Star Squadron #55 (first story) [March 1986] All-Star Squadron Annual #2 [1983][death] CYCLOTRONIC MAN (Ned Creegan) Once known as Bag O' Bones, a gangster turned super-villain who later reformed. ===================================================================== Batman and the Outsiders #4 [November 1983] Black Lightning (first series) #4 [September 1977] Black Lightning (first series) #5 [November 1977] CYNTHIA The beautiful, blonde-haired witch who, along with her two sisters, narrated many of DC's horror stories. ===================================================================== Unexpected #191 (eighth story) Unexpected #191 (tenth story) Unexpected #206 (first story) [January 1981] Unexpected #207 (first story) [February 1981] Unexpected #217 (first story) [December 1981] Unexpected #218 (first story) [January 1982] Witching Hour #32 (first story) [July 1973] Witching Hour #32 (third story) [July 1973] Witching Hour #43 (first story) [June 1974] Witching Hour #50 (first story) [January 1975] Witching Hour #50 (third story) [January 1975] Witching Hour #51 (first story) [February 1975] Witching Hour #51 (third story) [February 1975] Witching Hour #51 (fourth story) [February 1975]On to D
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